Table of contents
Stages of Learning
Unconscious Incompetence
Conscious Incompetence
Conscious Competence
Unconscious Competence
Accounting for the Stages of Learning
Example of Stages of Learning
Unconscious Incompetence
Conscious Incompetence
Conscious Competence
Unconscious Competence
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the challenges faced in the conscious incompetence stage?
Why is the beginning of the learning process often difficult?
What stage can cause the feeling to get worse during the learning process?
What role do leaders play in the stages of learning?
How can individuals progress from conscious incompetence to conscious competence?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Stages of Learning

Author Rishabh
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“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”   

By: Anthony J. D’Angelo

As we learn a skill or behavior, we go through different important stages for our learning curve. Each stage helps to foster the development of an individual. There are mainly four stages of learning that an individual goes through. 

stages of learning

We will learn about these four stages in detail.

Stages of Learning

Learning involves 4 stages:

  1. Unconscious Incompetence
  2. Conscious Incompetence
  3. Conscious Competence
  4. Unconscious Competence
4 stages

Let's learn about each stage in detail.

Unconscious Incompetence

Unconscious incompetence is the first stage of learning. It is when an individual does not understand or know how to do a particular task and does not recognize the shortcomings. In simpler words, the individual lacks skill and is unaware of his/her deficiency. They lack the skills required for innovation.

  • Individuals may not recognize the importance of understanding a skill.
  • Unconscious incompetence is a starting point for self-awareness and motivation to learn and improve.
  • Self-Reflection, feedback, and a willingness to learn are crucial in overcoming unconscious incompetence.

Acquiring the required knowledge and skills can lead to progress in the stages of competence and finally reach to conscious incompetence stage.

Conscious Incompetence

The second stage is Conscious Incompetence. This is when individuals recognize their lack of knowledge and skill in a specific area. This realization is important for their growth and learning as they know the importance of acquiring those skills. During this stage, individuals seek out opportunities for improvement, such as seeking expert guidance.

  • It motivates individuals to seek out growth opportunities.
  • Feeling frustrated at this stage is normal, but it is an opportunity for growth.
  • Conscious incompetence shows that you have the awareness to identify the areas where you don't know much, which is a positive step forward. 

Therefore, Conscious incompetence is a vital step in the learning process, and individuals reach to conscious competence stage after this.

Conscious Competence

The Conscious Competence stage the third stage where an individual acquires knowledge, learns tools, and develops skills in a specific area. However, challenges may arise in this stage. Individuals in this stage must consciously apply their new skills to be effective, which can be difficult. With practice and experience, individuals can reach a higher level of skill and proficiency.

  • Conscious competence involves being aware of the steps involved in performing the skill.
  • Individuals in this stage can perform a skill, but it requires conscious effort and focus.
  • It is a valuable step towards mastery, demonstrating the ability to apply learned knowledge and skills.

With continued practice, conscious competence can evolve into unconscious competence, where skills become automatic and effortless.

Unconscious Competence

The fourth stage is Unconscious Competence when an individual becomes so skilled at something that they can do that task effortlessly without even thinking about it. People at this stage are so skilled at their task that it becomes automatic and natural. 

Unconscious competence is the highest level of mastery, achieved through extensive practice and experience.

  • Unconscious competence allows individuals to focus on other things while effortlessly performing the skill.
  • Those in this stage may not even know how skilled they are because the skill has become second nature to them.
  • Unconscious competence comes from great practice and experience in a particular area.

Accounting for the Stages of Learning

It is really important to understand the concept of the stage of learning because it gives us a better understanding of how the learning process works while acquiring a new skill. Now we will learn about a few areas where we can apply our learning.

Understanding why the Beginning is so Hard

  • The beginning is often hard because it is the stage of unconscious incompetence, where we lack awareness of our shortcomings.
  • We must acknowledge that we lack skills that can be uncomfortable and frustrating.
  • Overcoming these challenges in the beginning requires persistence, open-mindedness, and a willingness to embrace the learning process.

Understand why You Sometimes Feel Like You are Getting Worse

  • Feeling like you're getting worse can occur when the transition happens from conscious competence to conscious incompetence.
  • As you go into the subject's depth, you will make more mistakes as you try to apply new knowledge and skills.
  • However, this dip is a temporary phase, indicating that you are pushing yourself to higher levels of growth.

Example of Stages of Learning

Let’s illustrate the four stages of learning with an example of learning to swim:

Unconscious Incompetence

At this stage, we are unaware of our lack of skill in swimming. We may need to realize the complexity of swimming or the techniques required to swim effectively. We might see others swim and feel intrigued, but we must understand the skills necessary to swim safely.

Conscious Incompetence

During this stage, we are aware of our lack of skill in swimming. We started taking swimming lessons and practicing in a pool and realized the physical demands of swimming. We make mistakes during this stage. We struggle to coordinate the arms and legs and maintain proper breathing. This is a stage full of uncertainty and frustration.

Conscious Competence

At this stage, we can swim with conscious effort and concentration. We know things like coordinating the arms and legs and maintaining proper breathing. Though we can swim, we still need to improve at it. For example, we can swim laps with conscious thinking about our arms and legs movement.

Unconscious Competence

At this stage, swimming becomes natural and automatic to us. We have got all the knowledge required to swim. We do not have to think about our arms and legs movement. We can move through water with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the challenges faced in the conscious incompetence stage?

The challenge is recognizing the need for improvement and acquiring new skills to progress.

Why is the beginning of the learning process often difficult?

The beginning is challenging, requiring stepping out of comfort zones and facing new challenges.

What stage can cause the feeling to get worse during the learning process?

Transitioning from conscious competence to conscious incompetence can make one feel like they are getting worse.

What role do leaders play in the stages of learning?

Leaders play a vital role in creating a supportive learning environment.

How can individuals progress from conscious incompetence to conscious competence?

This can be achieved through dedicated practice and continuous learning.


In this article, we discussed the stages of learning. You can also read the article 10 Ways to improve communication skills to improve your knowledge about stages of learning.

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