Last updated: Jul 4, 2022

Statements and Control Structures in Ruby

Here, we will move to a higher level of expression. We will be looking at the conditionals, loops, iterators, and blocks. It is simpler just because we use a sequential execution in Ruby.
BEGIN and END in Ruby EASY
This blog will cover the BEGIN and END in ruby that comes under Statement and control Structures.

Iterators and Enumerable Objects in Ruby

Special methods or constructors are supported by Ruby, these are referred to as iterators. We will look into numeric iterators. Also, we will be seeing what enumerable objects are and how they are used with iterators.
What are Iterators and Iterators that don’t Iterate in Ruby? MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss iterators in Ruby in detail and briefly explore some of the iterators in ruby along with the code.
Types of Iterators in Ruby MEDIUM
This blog helps you to clarify the understanding of different types of iterators in Ruby with examples.
Enumerable Objects in Ruby MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss enumerable objects in ruby with some examples. We will also discuss different operations performed on enumerable objects.
Writing Custom Iterators in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will look at the concepts of custom iterators in ruby. We will also see various examples of custom iterators in ruby.
Enumerators in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will discuss an enumerator in Ruby in detail and briefly explore some of the enumerators or enumerable methods in ruby along with the code.
External Iterators in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the external iterators in ruby and the difference between external and internal iterators in ruby.
Iterators and Concurrent Modification in Ruby
This article will discuss Iterators and concurrent modification in ruby in detail and will discuss some of the same in ruby.
Author Alisha
Changing the Way an Object Iterates in Ruby EASY
This blog will cover the process of changing the way an object iterates in ruby, method terminations, and how to invoke a method of an object.
Stopping an Iteration in Ruby EASY
This blog will cover the process of stopping an Iteration in Ruby, method terminations, and how to invoke a method of an object.
Looping through Multiple Iterables in Parallel in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will discuss Looping through multiple iterables in parallel in Ruby in detail and briefly explore iterators running parallelly in ruby along with the code.

Blocks in Ruby

If you want to use or work with iterators, you will have to use the blocks. This dependency calls for the understanding of blocks before you use iterators. In this, we will give you good topics that are related to blocks.
Value of Block in Ruby
In this blog, we will be discussing the Value of Block in Ruby and various other ways to implement it in Ruby, and later we conclude it with the FAQs.
Block and Variable Scope in Ruby
In this blog, we will be discussing the Scope of Variable and Block in Ruby and how they are different from variables used in Classes.
Creating and Invoking a Block in Ruby
In this blog, we will learn about Block in ruby and how to create and invoke blocks with the help of code examples.
Writing a Method that Accepts a Block in Ruby
In this blog, we will learn how to write a method that accepts a block in Ruby.
Binding a Block Argument to a Variable in ruby
This blog offers detailed information about Binding a Block Argument to a variable in ruby. To know more about it, read on!
Blocks as Closures: Using Outside Variables Within a Code Block in ruby
his blog offers a detailed guide on understanding of Blcoks as Closures using outside variables within a code block on Ruby. To know more about it, read on!
Writing Block Methods That Classify or Collect in ruby
This blog offers a detailed guide on understanding of writing block methods that classify or collect in Ruby. To know more about it, read on!
Hiding Setup and Cleanup in a Block Method in ruby EASY
This article will discuss Hiding Setup and cleanup in a Block Method in ruby with the help of some examples.

Exceptions and Exception Handling in Ruby

We receive exceptions every now and then, irrespective of the programming language we will be using. These exceptions are sometimes user-defined and sometimes errors. How to handle such exceptions which are errors and how to add exceptions in our program. All these questions will be discussed here.
Exception Classes and Exception Objects in Ruby MEDIUM
The article discusses the Exception Classes and Exception Objects in Ruby followed by its implementation and examples.
Raising Exceptions with "raise" in Ruby
Every Exception in Ruby is built from the built-in Exception class, which has many built-in methods. In this article, we will learn to raise Exceptions with "raise" in Ruby.
Handling exceptions with "rescue" in ruby
In this article, we will be learning about handling exceptions with the help of the rescue keyword in ruby.
The "else" clause helpful in exception handling in ruby
In this article, we will be discussing the “else” clause and how it is useful in exception handling in ruby.
The "ensure" clause helpful in exception handling in ruby
In this article, we will be discussing the “ensure” clause and how it is useful in exception handling in ruby.
Rescue with Methods, Class, and Module Definitions
In this article, we will learn about exception handling and how rescue works with methods, class, and module definitions.