Why do we use data wrangling?
This procedure is crucial for organizations since it is the only way to make raw data useable. Effective data manipulation will assist organizational executives in gaining a birds-eye picture of their whole firm. It also reduces data duplication, which would have influenced decision-making.
Furthermore, because it centralizes various data sources, different divisions within a company may interact and develop creative ideas. To make a sustainable model, it is reasonably necessary to have the optimized dataset to analyze and create high-accuracy models. Let’s learn the essential steps of data wrangling.
Steps of Data Wrangling
There are several essential steps involved that helps data wrangling work the best. We have categorized them under the given labels.
Understand the Dataset
Raw data comprises various formats and layouts, making it necessary to understand our dataset and classify it according to it. It is the first step towards building an efficient and accurate model.
Understanding the data set helps us have prior insights into how we should proceed with the data and wrangle it accordingly.
Datasets from various sources and systems will arrive in multiple formats, sizes, and kinds. As a result, the data must be reorganized to a standard format at this point. The data should also be classified and divided based on its intended use.
This includes setting the headers finding the number of rows and columns and describing the data type under observation.
Data Cleaning
As the name describes, data cleaning is used for dealing with errors, null values, duplications, and outliers. The data is bought into a similar type that makes the data more optimized.
Most of our data frame modification tools are intended to function with clean data. As a result, cleaning is most simply accomplished once the data set structure has been neatly organized. As a result, I propose executing the reshaping tidying phase first, followed by the cleaning.
Data Augmentation
Augmenting data takes current data and supplement it with additional info to get new insights. For example, if a shop wants to understand how effective their social media advertising is, they might increase their sales data with marketing data.
Validating Data
Validating data signifies the authentication of the data under observation. We authenticate the reliability factor, credibility, and readiness of the data to be processed. This process helps us determine that the data is accurate and not altered by raw data or null values.
Exporting the Dataset
Now that we have covered most of the crucial steps, the last is to publish, share or export the dataset to train our model. The dataset is stored on a sharing platform where all the uses in an organization can make use of it.
Now that we are well versed with the steps involved in data wrangling, let’s look into the implementation of each step.
Implementation of data wrangling
Let’s implement the data wrangling steps on raw data taken from Kaggle about old cars’ price data.
Understanding the Data
Step 1: Import the required libraries such as numPy, Pandas, and matplotlib.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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Step 2: Specify the headers and print the table.
cols = ['symboling', 'normalized-losses', 'make', 'fuel-type', 'aspiration', 'num-of-doors', 'body-style', 'drive-wheels', 'engine-location', 'wheel-base', 'length', 'width', 'height', 'curb-weight', 'engine-type', 'num-of-cylinders', 'engine-size', 'fuel-system', 'bore', 'stroke', 'compression-ratio', 'horsepower', 'peak-rpm', 'city-mpg', 'highway-mpg', 'price']
data = pd.read_csv('imports-85.data.txt', names=cols)
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Step 3: Identify and handle missing values
data = data.replace("?", np.NaN)
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Step 4: Search for null data in the given dataset.
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symboling 0
normalized-losses 41
make 0
fuel-type 0
aspiration 0
num-of-doors 2
body-style 0
drive-wheels 0
engine-location 0
wheel-base 0
length 0
width 0
height 0
curb-weight 0
engine-type 0
num-of-cylinders 0
engine-size 0
fuel-system 0
bore 4
stroke 4
compression-ratio 0
horsepower 2
peak-rpm 2
city-mpg 0
highway-mpg 0
price 4
dtype: int64
Step 5: Since we know we can replace the null value in a given row or column by taking out the mean and assigning it to the majority of the values, we apply the same here, starting with the row containing the most number of null values.
avg_norm_loss = data['normalized-losses'].astype("float").mean()
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data["normalized-losses"].replace(np.NaN, avg_norm_loss, inplace = True)
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0 122
1 122
2 122
3 164
4 164
200 95
201 95
202 95
203 95
204 95
Name: normalized-losses, Length: 205, dtype: object
avg_bore = data["bore"].astype("float").mean()
data["bore"].replace(np.NaN, avg_bore, inplace = True)
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0 3.47
1 3.47
2 2.68
3 3.19
4 3.19
200 3.78
201 3.78
202 3.58
203 3.01
204 3.78
Name: bore, Length: 205, dtype: object
avg_stroke = data["stroke"].astype("float").mean(axis = 0)
print("Average of stroke:", avg_stroke)
data["stroke"].replace(np.nan, avg_stroke, inplace = True)
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avg_horsepower = data['horsepower'].astype('float').mean(axis=0)
print("Average horsepower:", avg_horsepower)
data['horsepower'].replace(np.nan, avg_horsepower, inplace=True)
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avg_peakrpm= data['peak-rpm'].astype('float').mean(axis=0)
print("Average peak rpm:", avg_peakrpm)
data['peak-rpm'].replace(np.nan, avg_peakrpm, inplace=True)
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four 114
two 89
Name: num-of-doors, dtype: int64
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data["num-of-doors"].replace(np.nan, "four", inplace=True)
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Step 6: Drop the rows with NAN values and find the shape.formulatingunderstanding
before_rows = data.shape[0]
data.dropna(subset=["price"], axis=0, inplace=True)
after_rows = data.shape[0]
print("Number of dropped rows {}".format(before_rows - after_rows))
# reset index, because we droped two rows
data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
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Number of dropped rows 4
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(201, 26)
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symboling int64
normalized-losses object
make object
fuel-type object
aspiration object
num-of-doors object
body-style object
drive-wheels object
engine-location object
wheel-base float64
length float64
width float64
height float64
curb-weight int64
engine-type object
num-of-cylinders object
engine-size int64
fuel-system object
bore object
stroke object
compression-ratio float64
horsepower object
peak-rpm object
city-mpg int64
highway-mpg int64
price object
dtype: object
Step 7: Convert the given data into proper format.
data[["bore", "stroke"]] = data[["bore", "stroke"]].astype("float")
data[["normalized-losses"]] = data[["normalized-losses"]].astype("int")
data[["price"]] = data[["price"]].astype("float")
data[["peak-rpm"]] = data[["peak-rpm"]].astype("float")
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Step 8: Standardize the data
# transform mpg to L/100km by mathematical operation (235 divided by mpg)
data["highway-mpg"] = 235/data["highway-mpg"]
# rename column name from "highway-mpg" to "highway-L/100km"
data.rename(columns = {'highway-mpg':'highway-L/100km'}, inplace=True)
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# replace (original value) by (original value)/(maximum value)
data['length'] = data['length']/data['length'].max()
data['width'] = data['width']/data['width'].max()
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data["height"] = data["height"]/data["height"].max()
data["horsepower"] = data["horsepower"].astype(int, copy = True)
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Step 9: Let’s visualize the horsepower column as an example data.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# set x/y labels and plot title
plt.title("horsepower bins")
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Step 10: Now, describe and export the data.
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Is it necessary to always proceed with data wrangling first?
Raw data (real-world data) is always imperfect and thus cannot be processed by a model. Inevitable mistakes would occur as a result of this. That is why data must be preprocessed before being sent via a model.
How does data-wrangling improve data usability?
Data Wrangling enhances data usability by transforming data into a suitable format for the end system. It facilitates the rapid and easy construction of data flows through an Intuitive User Interface, where the data flow process may be simply planned and automated.
How should we handle noise in our raw data?
The most straightforward strategy to deal with noisy data is to acquire additional data. The more data you gather, the better you will determine the underlying phenomena that are causing the data to be collected. This will eventually aid in the reduction of noise's impact.
Key Takeaways
The technique of cleaning, reorganizing, and enhancing raw, complicated data into a readable format is known as data wrangling. Effective data-wrangling enables firms to access correct data, allowing them to understand their operations better and formulate informed plans. Discovering, organizing, cleaning, enriching, verifying, and distributing data are the six main tasks in data wrangling. Many business operations, such as fraud detection and consumer behavior analysis, might benefit from data wrangling.
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