Table of contents
Convert JSON String to JSON Object
Using Gson Library
1. Add the Gson dependency to your project. If you're using Maven, include this in your pom.xml file:
2. Import the required Gson classes in your Java file
3. Create a Gson object
4. Use the fromJson() method of the Gson object to parse the JSON string into a JsonObject
5. Now you can access the values from the JsonObject using the get() method
Using JSON-Simple Library
1. Add the JSON-Simple dependency to your project. For Maven, include this in your pom.xml file:
2. Import the required classes from the JSON-Simple library
3. Create a JSONParser object
4. Use the parse() method of the JSONParser to parse the JSON string into a JSONObject
5. You can now access the values from the JSONObject using the get() method
Jackson Library
1. Add the Jackson dependency to your project. For Maven, include this in your pom.xml file
2. Import the required Jackson classes
3. Create an ObjectMapper object
4. Use the readTree() method of the ObjectMapper to parse the JSON string into a JsonNode object
5. You can now access the values from the JsonNode using the get() method
JSON String to JSON Object Conversion Example
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use any of these libraries to convert a JSON object back to a JSON string?
Do I need to add any specific exception handling while parsing JSON strings?
Is there any performance difference between these JSON parsing libraries?
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2024

How to Convert String to Json Object in Java

Author Riya Singh
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JSON is a popular data format used for storing & exchanging data between different systems. In Java, we often need to convert JSON strings into JSON objects so we can easily access & manipulate the data. 

String to Json Java

In this article, we will learn how to convert a JSON string to a JSON object in Java using various libraries like Gson, JSON-Simple & Jackson. We will also see a complete code example of this conversion process.

Convert JSON String to JSON Object

To convert a JSON string to a JSON object in Java, we can use several popular libraries that make the process simple & easy to learn. Here are some of the most commonly used libraries for this task:

  1. Gson Library
  2. JSON-Simple Library
  3. Jackson Library

Using Gson Library

Gson is a Java library developed by Google that can be used to convert Java objects into their JSON representation & vice versa. It provides simple methods to parse JSON strings into Java objects.

To use Gson for converting a JSON string to a JSON object, we need to follow these steps:

1. Add the Gson dependency to your project. If you're using Maven, include this in your pom.xml file:


2. Import the required Gson classes in your Java file


3. Create a Gson object

Gson gson = new Gson();

4. Use the fromJson() method of the Gson object to parse the JSON string into a JsonObject

String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"Rahul\", \"age\":25, \"city\":\"Delhi\"}";
JsonObject jsonObject = gson.fromJson(jsonString, JsonObject.class);

5. Now you can access the values from the JsonObject using the get() method

String name = jsonObject.get("name").getAsString();
int age = jsonObject.get("age").getAsInt();

That’s it, it's done. It’s very easy to execute and learn.

Using JSON-Simple Library

JSON-Simple is another popular Java library that provides a simple way to parse JSON data. It allows you to convert a JSON string into a JSONObject, which is a collection of key/value pairs.

Here's how you can use the JSON-Simple library to convert a JSON string to a JSON object:

1. Add the JSON-Simple dependency to your project. For Maven, include this in your pom.xml file:


2. Import the required classes from the JSON-Simple library

import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;

3. Create a JSONParser object

JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();

4. Use the parse() method of the JSONParser to parse the JSON string into a JSONObject

String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"Rinki\", \"age\":22, \"city\":\"Mumbai\"}";
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) parser.parse(jsonString);

5. You can now access the values from the JSONObject using the get() method

String name = (String) jsonObject.get("name");
long age = (long) jsonObject.get("age");

As you can see, using the JSON-Simple library is also very easy to execute. It provides a simple & efficient way to convert JSON strings into JSON objects.

Jackson Library

Jackson is a high-performance JSON processor for Java. It provides a simple way to convert JSON strings into Java objects & vice versa. Jackson is widely used due to its efficiency & advanced features.

To use Jackson for converting a JSON string to a JSON object, we have to follow below mentioned steps:

1. Add the Jackson dependency to your project. For Maven, include this in your pom.xml file


2. Import the required Jackson classes

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

3. Create an ObjectMapper object

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

4. Use the readTree() method of the ObjectMapper to parse the JSON string into a JsonNode object

String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"Harsh\", \"age\":30, \"city\":\"Bangalore\"}";
JsonNode jsonNode = mapper.readTree(jsonString);

5. You can now access the values from the JsonNode using the get() method

String name = jsonNode.get("name").asText();
int age = jsonNode.get("age").asInt();

Jackson provides a convenient way to work with JSON data in Java. It offers advanced features like data binding, streaming API & tree model for handling JSON.

JSON String to JSON Object Conversion Example

Now that we have learned about different libraries for converting JSON strings to JSON objects, let's see a complete code example that demonstrates this process.

Here's a Java program that converts a JSON string to a JSON object using the Gson library:

  • Java




public class JsonStringToObjectExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // JSON string

       String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"Sanjana\", \"age\":27, \"city\":\"Hyderabad\", \"hobbies\":[\"reading\", \"traveling\"]}";       

       // Create Gson object

       Gson gson = new Gson();       

       // Parse JSON string to JSON object

       JsonObject jsonObject = gson.fromJson(jsonString, JsonObject.class);  

       // Access values from JSON object

       String name = jsonObject.get("name").getAsString();

       int age = jsonObject.get("age").getAsInt();

       String city = jsonObject.get("city").getAsString();      

       // Print the values

       System.out.println("Name: " + name);

       System.out.println("Age: " + age);

       System.out.println("City: " + city);     

       // Access array values from JSON object

       JsonArray hobbies = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("hobbies");


       for (JsonElement hobby : hobbies) {




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Name: Sanjana
Age: 27
City: Hyderabad

In this example, we have a JSON string that contains information about a person, including their name, age, city & hobbies. We create a Gson object & use its fromJson() method to parse the JSON string into a JsonObject.

We can then access the values from the JsonObject using the get() method & appropriate getAsXXX() methods based on the data type. We print the retrieved values to the console.

The example also shows how to access array values from the JSON object using the getAsJsonArray() method & iterating over the elements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any of these libraries to convert a JSON object back to a JSON string?

Yes, all the libraries mentioned (Gson, JSON-Simple & Jackson) provide methods to convert JSON objects back to JSON strings.

Do I need to add any specific exception handling while parsing JSON strings?

Yes, it's recommended to handle exceptions like JsonParseException or IOException that may occur during the parsing process.

Is there any performance difference between these JSON parsing libraries?

Jackson is known for its high performance compared to Gson & JSON-Simple. However, the choice of library depends on your specific requirements & project constraints.


In this article, we learned how to convert a JSON string to a JSON object in Java using three popular libraries: Gson, JSON-Simple & Jackson. We explained the steps involved in using each library & saw a complete code example showing the conversion process. 

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