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String Manipulation is a common and important operation performed on Strings. Appending, splitting and replacing characters are some types of String manipulation operations. The StringTokenizer class is explicitly used to split strings into two or more tokens, with a delimiter as its reference. Delimiters are characters that divide a string into two or more parts. For example, a string that contains a comma can be separated into two parts with the comma as the delimiter.
Some common delimiters are comma ( , ), semi-colons ( ; ), slashes ( / \ ) and pipes ( | ). The whitespaces act as the delimiter unless specified. The StringTokenizer keeps track of the index of the last token internally and computes the next token based on this index.
What is Java StringTokenizer?
The behavior of an instance of the StringTokenizer class depends on a parameter known as the returnDelim flag of boolean data type.
When the flag is set to true, a maximal sequence of consecutive characters (token) split with respect to the given delimiter is returned.
When the flag is set to false, the delimiter itself is considered a token. Thus, a sequence of characters or a delimiter would be returned as a token.
Class signature:
public class StringTokenizer
extends Object
implements Enumeration<Object>
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It constructs a string tokenizer of the specified string with the characters present in the delim variable as the delimiters.
If delim is set as null, no exceptions are thrown during the creation of the string tokenizer. However, implementing other methods on the resulting string tokenizer will throw a NullPointerException.
public StringTokenizer(String str, String delim)
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Examples of Constructors of String Tokenizer in Java
In Java, StringTokenizer is a utility class used to split strings into tokens. The class provides multiple constructors to customize how strings are tokenized. Here are examples of constructors of StringTokenizer with code implementations and their output:
Constructor with Only String Input
This constructor tokenizes a string using default delimiters (space, tab, newline, etc.).
StringTokenizer(String str)
Code Implementation:
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class TokenizerExample1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "Java String Tokenizer Example";
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
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It checks if any more tokens are available from the tokenizer’s string.
It returns the same value as the hasMoreTokens() method.
It returns the next token as part of the tokenizer in an object.
It returns the next token as part of the tokenizer in a string.
nextToken(String delim)
It returns the next token as part of the tokenizer in a string after switching to a new delimiter set.
It returns the number of tokens remaining in the string. In other words, it counts the number of times the nextToken() method will be called before an exception is generated.
Examples of Java String Tokenizer Methods
The StringTokenizer class in Java provides methods to break a string into tokens. Here’s an overview of some commonly used StringTokenizer methods with code examples and outputs.
1. hasMoreTokens()
This method checks if there are more tokens available in the string.
Code Implementation:
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class HasMoreTokensExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "Java String Tokenizer Example";
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
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import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String args[])
String str = "The StringBuilder class in Java";
System.out.println("String => " + str);
System.out.println("\nConstructor1: ");
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(str);
System.out.println("Total number of tokens with space as the delimiter: " + st1.countTokens())
while (st1.hasMoreTokens())
System.out.println("\nConstructor2: ");
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(str, " in ");
while (st2.hasMoreTokens())
System.out.println("\nConstructor3: ");
StringTokenizer st3 = new StringTokenizer(str, " in ", true);
while (st3.hasMoreElements())
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String => The StringBuilder class in Java
Total number of tokens with space as the delimiter: 5
The Str
lder class
The Str
lder class
Difference between the StringTokenizer and the split method
StringTokenizer is a legacy class that breaks strings into two or more tokens, while the split method splits a string according to the matches of regular expressions.
The StringTokenizer returns one substring at a time, while the split method returns an array of separated character sequences.
StringTokenizer, as a class, uses constructors to specify the delimiting character for a string.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I use StringTokenizer?
StringTokenizer is useful for quickly breaking down a string into tokens based on delimiters without needing to implement complex parsing logic. It's simple and efficient for processing basic string splitting in Java.
Is StringTokenizer thread-safe?
Yes, StringTokenizer is thread-safe because its methods are synchronized. However, it's generally recommended to use newer classes from java.util.regex or String.split() for thread safety, flexibility, and performance.
Can StringTokenizer handle multiple delimiters at once?
StringTokenizer can handle multiple delimiters but treats each delimiter character independently. It cannot interpret multiple-character delimiters or distinguish between delimiter sequences without additional logic.
What happens to empty tokens in StringTokenizer?
StringTokenizer ignores empty tokens between delimiters, so sequences like "a,,b" will tokenize as ["a", "b"]. If empty tokens are needed, consider using String.split() or java.util.Scanner.
The use of StringTokenizer class in recent times is not encouraged as they are not very flexible and robust as the split method of the java.util.regex class. However, it is still in use due to a few compatibility reasons and its execution speed. This blog explains the StringTokenizer class in Java. It also briefly discusses its constructors and methods along with their implementation. Check out this problem - Longest String Chain