Table of contents
What is sum of digit number in c?
Program Using While Statement
Program Using Char Input
Program Using Recursion
Program Using Loop
Sum of Numbers in C
Program with Declared Values
Program with Input at Run time 
Frequently Asked Questions
How to add two numbers in C?
What does %d mean in C?
How to add 5 digit number in C?
How to find sum of digits in C language?
How to replace digits of a number in C?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Sum of Digits of a Number in C

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Getting started with C Language is the first ladder to becoming a good programmer. This is said because the C language is an elementary language with many theoretical concepts that develop your base for future coding or programming.

sum of digits in c

What is sum of digit number in c?

To solve any problem in any programming language, the first step is always to understand the problem thoroughly, as discussed in the previous section. So our problem here is that we have to find the sum of digits in C. Let's suppose a number 257, and we have to perform the sum of digits of a number in C. This means that 2+5+7 is to be done. Keep in mind the difference between sum of numbers and sum of digits in C.

um of digit number  in C

We can perform the sum of digits of a number in C in several ways. We will discuss all the programs that can be used to execute the sum of digits of a number in C.

Program Using While Statement

We can use looping to find the sum of digits of a number in C. For this example, we will use while statements. While the statement has a condition that determines when the loop is to be terminated. It contains a body that runs till the condition is satisfied. We use the modulus operator (%), which returns the remainder in this program.

The picture below shows a flowchart of how the program is executed.


The algorithm for the program is:

  • Start.
  • Declare variables.
  • Print value on screen.
  • Set and check the condition under a while.
  • Evaluate the sum by adding the initial sum and digit.
  • Divide the number by 10.
  • Execute the code block inside the statement till the condition passes.
  • Print the sum of digits in C on the screen.
  • End.

Let’s look at the code below to find the sum of digits in C using the while statement.


#include <stdio.h>

// Main body of the program
int main()
	// Declare the variables 
	int number, sum = 0;

	printf("Enter the number ");
	scanf("%d", &number);

	printf("The number is = %d\n", number);

	// Loop using a while statement 
	// The loop will run till the number is not equal to 0
	while (number != 0)
		// Sum plus the number divided by 10 to skip a place
		sum += number % 10;

		// Number is divided by 10
		number = number / 10;

	// Print the sum of the number
	printf("Sum: %d\n", sum);

	return 0;





Enter the number 6789
The number is = 6789
Sum: 30

Program Using Char Input

Program using character as an input and While Statement Without Modulus Operator to find the sum of digits of a number in C. It is similar to the example above, but we don’t use the modulus operator (%) here. We can use looping to find the sum of digits of a number in C. 

For this example, we will use while statements. While the statement has a condition that determines when the loop is to be terminated. It contains a body that runs till the condition is satisfied. We take the input as a character and convert the data type of the input number into an integer while programming execution.

The picture below shows how the program is executed.


The algorithm for the program is:

  • Start.
  • Declare number as char input.
  • Accept number input from the user.
  • Set and check the condition for a while.
  • Perform data type conversion from char to int.
  • Evaluate the sum by adding the initial sum and digit.
  • Increment char number input. 
  • Execute the code block inside the statement till the condition passes.
  • The print sum of digits in C on the screen.
  • End.

Let’s look at the code below to find the sum of digits in C using the while statement with character input.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   // Declaring variable names    
   int ch, sum, x;
   char num[1000];
   // Take number input from the user
   printf("Enter a number\n");
   scanf("%s", num);
   sum = ch = 0;
   // Loop using a while statement
   while (num[ch] != '\0') {
      // Convert character input into an integer 
      x  = num[ch] - '0'; 
      sum = sum + x;
      // Increment of character input
   printf("Sum of digits of %s = %d\n", num, sum);
   return 0;





Enter a number
Sum of digits of 6789 = 30

Program Using Recursion

Using recursion functions, we can also perform the sum of a number's digits in C. To understand recursion functions, you need to understand how functions work. We develop a few lines of code to perform a particular action or task. We then group this code block together and give it a name. We can call this name throughout the main body to perform the action listed in the code block. 

When we call out the function inside the function itself, it is called a recursive function
The picture below shows how the program finds the sum of a number's digits in C.


The algorithm for the program is:

  • Start.
  • Declare function and variables.
  • Accept number input from the user.
  • Call out the function.
  • The print sum of digits in C on the screen.
  • Define function.
  • Create a base class under the if statement.
  • Create a recursion function under the else statement.
  • End.

 Let’s look at the code below to find the sum of digits in C using the recursion function.


#include <stdio.h>

// Declaring a function
int digits_sum(int);

int main()
  // Declaring variables  
  int number, result;
  // Input from the user
  printf("Enter a number\n");
  scanf("%d", &number);

  // Calling out the function
  result = digits_sum(number);

  printf("The sum is %d\n", result);

  return 0;

// Defining the function
int digits_sum(int number) {
  // Base case    
  if (number == 0)  
    return 0;
  // Recursive function
  return (number%10 + digits_sum(number/10));





Enter a number
The sum is 30

Program Using Loop

We can use looping to find the sum of digits of a number in C. For this example, we will use “for” statements. For statement has three condition that determines the following:

  • Starting condition of the loop.
  • Termination condition of the loop.
  • Increment condition of the loop.

It also contains a body that runs till the condition is satisfied. We use the modulus operator (%), which returns the remainder in this program.
NOTE: when we divide two integers in C language, the result is always an integer.
The picture below shows how the program is executed.


The algorithm for the program is:

  • Start.
  • Declare variables.
  • Accept number input from the user.
  • Use the “for” loop.
  • Skip places in the number using the modulus operator.
  • Evaluate the sum by adding the initial sum and digit.
  • Print the sum of digits in C on the screen.
  • End.

 Let’s look at the code below to find the sum of digits in C using the For loop statement.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   // Declare the variables
   int n, sum = 0, x;
   printf("Enter a number\n");
   // Loop using for
   for (scanf("%d", &n); n != 0; n = n/10) {
      // Skip the place by tens using modulus
      x = n % 10;
      // Sum of the digits 
      sum = sum + x;

   // Print the output on the screen
   printf("Sum of digits of a number = %d\n", sum);
   return 0;





Enter a number
Sum of digits of a number = 30


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Sum of Numbers in C

As discussed earlier in this article, there is a difference between the sum of digits of a number in C and the sum of numbers in C. 
We will now discuss how to get the sum of numbers in C by two simple methods.

Program with Declared Values

We will derive the sum of two numbers given as a value by the programmer. 


#include <stdio.h>

// Main function for the body of the program
int main() 
    // Declaring variables as integer
    // Give values during the declaration
    int n1=5, n2=7, sum;
    // Expression for calculating the sum
    sum = n1 + n2;      
	// Expression for printing output on the screen    
	printf("The sum of the two numbers is %d”, sum);
    return 0;


The sum of the two numbers is 12


Let’s understand the steps of the above code step by step-

In this program, the programmer enters two integers. These two integers are stored in variables n1 and n2, respectively.

We created a variable called sum, which will be used to store the data after adding two numbers. 

Then, these two numbers are added using the + operator, and the result is stored in the sum variable.

Finally, the printf() function displays the sum of numbers.

Program with Input at Run time 

We will derive the sum of two numbers taken as input from the user. We will use scanf() for this purpose.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	// Declare the variables
	int n,m, sum;

	// Print a statement for a user to enter the two numbers
	printf("Enter two numbers A and B : \n");

	// Read and store input numbers from the user as n and m
	scanf("%d %d", &n,&m);

	// Calculate the addition of n and m
	// Using '+' operator
	sum = n+m;

	// Print the sum
	printf("Sum of n and m is: %d", sum);

	return 0;


Enter two numbers A and B :
2 2


Enter two numbers A and B : 
2 2
Sum of n and m is: 4


Let’s understand the steps of the above code-

In this program, the user is asked to enter two integers. 

We created a variable called sum, which will be used to store the data after adding two numbers. We also created a variable called n and m as integers for storing number input from the user.

Then, the expression is set to add two numbers using the + operator, and the result is stored in the sum variable.

The inputs are scanned with the scanf() function and stored in variables n and m. 

It then adds the variables A and B using arithmetic operators and stores the result in the variable sum.

Finally, the printf() function displays the sum of numbers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to add two numbers in C?

Additional problems in C can be done by simple mathematical reasoning, just keeping in mind gathering basic syntaxes.

What does %d mean in C?

 It means we are printing integer values. 

How to add 5 digit number in C?

To add a 5-digit number in C, we can use the basic arithmetic addition operation. The addition of the two numbers is performed using the + operator.

How to find sum of digits in C language?

To find the sum of digits in C:

  1. Initialize a variable to store the sum.
  2. Use a loop to extract digits from the number one by one.
  3. Add each digit to the sum.
  4. Repeat until no more digits remain.
  5. The sum is your answer.

How to replace digits of a number in C?

To replace digits of a number in C, we can use basic arithmetic operations to extract and modify individual digits. We can use the % operator to extract the digits from the rightmost side of the number and replace them with the desired values.


We have studied how to perform the sum of digits in C using various methods. We have also learned how to derive the sum of two numbers. We have observed basic syntaxes here, along with codes. This article deals with elementary programs, so they help us build our logical skills. So ninjas practice more and more such programs here, C language.
Refer to the Below topics for more understanding.

Please refer to our guided paths on Coding Ninjas Studio to learn more about DSA, Competitive Programming, JavaScript, System Design, etc. And also, refer to the mock test and problems available. Have a look at the interview experiences and interview bundle for placement preparations.

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