Last updated: Jun 9, 2022


Swift is 2.6x faster than objective-C and 8.4x faster than python, it's performance-oriented and easy to use and comes with simple syntax, it enables a level of interactivity in-app. With the help of Swift, developing iOS apps boost productivity and make iOS apps faster too. We will be learning Swift from scratch and will be seeing its implementation in iOS apps.

Swift Fundamentals

In order to learn any programming language, we need to learn about basics like syntax, input, and output, Variables, operators, basic loops, and decision statements, Here we will be learning all this foundation of learning Swift programming language.
Swift Introduction and features
In this blog, We will talk about the Swift programming language, its features, benefits, drawbacks and other features.
Swift vs Objective-C EASY
The article talks about the major differences between Swift and Objective-C.
Swift Environment setup EASY
This blog covers the concepts of Swift Environment setup.
Swift Online Resources
In this article, we'll discuss swift as a language, its functionality, and its online resources.
Swift Syntax and Program EASY
This blog covers the concepts of Swift syntax and program.
Swift Input and Output
We will learn how to use Swift Input and Output statements to manage the flow of your program's execution in this blog.
Swift Expression, Statements and Comments
In this blog, we will master some of the fundamentals of programming while using the Swift programming language in a modern, user-friendly environment like expression, statements and comments.
Swift - Data Types
In this article, we’ll discuss the various data types in Swift, along with their use and examples.
Swift Variables
Here, we will learn swift variables, variable declaration, type annotation, printing the variables, and concatenating variables.
Swift Constants
Here, we will learn swift constants, constant declaration, and type annotation.
Swift Tuples
Here, we will discuss the swift tuples, use-cases, and examples.
Optionals in Swift EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the concept of optionals in swift.
Literals in Swift EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the Literals in swift.
Operators in Swift EASY
In this blog, you will learn about the Literals in swift.
Strings in Swift EASY
In this post, we will learn how to create and declare a string in Swift programming language. We will also look at different methods related to strings.
Characters in Swift EASY
In this post, we will learn how to create and declare a character in Swift programming language. We will look at different methods related to characters.
Functions in Swift MEDIUM
This article will discuss the basics of swift and functions and nested functions in the swift programming language.
Recursion in Swift
This blog mainly focuses on the Recursion on Swift. We will discuss what Swift is, what is Swift recursion, and the terminating conditions in Swift with proper examples.
Function Overloading in Swift
This blog mainly focuses on the Function Overloading in Swift. We will discuss what Swift is, what is Swift Function and Function overloading with proper examples.
Ranges in Swift
This blog mainly focuses on the Ranges in Swift. We will discuss what the swift is, what is the range in swift, and the different types of ranges with proper implementation.

Swift Loops and Decision Statements

In simple terms, conditional loops also known as repeating control structures are which repeat one or more tasks based on conditions defined by the programmer or in real-time by the actual program. Decision Statements determine which block of code to execute at runtime, using if or switch conditional statements. Loop Control Statements repeatedly execute a block of code, using for or while loops. These conditions are specified by a set of expressions like boolean expressions which are evaluated to a boolean value of true or false. This category contains all of the information you need to know about conditionals and loops in Swift.
Swift Switch Statements MEDIUM
We will learn how to use switch control statements to manage the flow of your program's execution in this blog.
Swift If Else Statements
In this blog, we'll look at the Swift If-else function, its syntax, how it works, and what it returns.
Swift Loops for-in, while, repeat-while EASY
In this series, you'll learn some programming principles while working in a modern, user-friendly environment with the Swift programming language.
Swift Guard and Break Statement EASY
In this series, you will grasp some of the essentials of programming, such as guard and break statements using the Swift programming language in a modern, user-friendly environment.
Swift continue and fallthrough statements EASY
This blog covers the concepts of Swift continue and fallthrough statements.

Swift OOPs Concepts

We know Swift provides support to both Object-Oriented Programming and Functional programming as well. Here we will learn how object-oriented programming works in Swift, features of OOP in Swift, Different types of classes in Swift, static methods, Inheritance, Abstractions, and interfaces. All of these features are important in writing app logic in iOS App development.
Swift Classes and Objects
The reader will learn about Swift classes and Objects in this article.
Properties of Swift
The article discusses regarding properties of swift.
Swift Methods
The reader will learn about Swift classes and Objects in this article.
Swift Inheritance
The reader will learn about Swift inheritance in this article.
Swift enum
In this article, we'll be seeing the use of enumerations in swift and group values in a piece of code.
Swift Structures
In this series, you will grasp some of the essentials of programming, such as guard and break statements using the Swift programming language in a modern, user-friendly environment.
Swift Subscripts
In this article, we will discuss swift subscripts. Also, will see some of the implementations of subscripts in swift.
Swift Initialization
This article will learn about initializers, the role of initializers, and different types of initializers.
Swift Deintialization
In this article, we will learn about deinitialization and its working with the help of an example.
Swift Method Overriding
This article will learn about the swift method overriding with some of its properties.
Swift Higher Order Function
In this article, we will learn some higher-order functions (map, reduce, filter, etc.) in swift, along with its code implementation.
Swift Type Casting EASY
In this article, we will learn about the basics of Type Casting in Swift.

Swift Advanced Concepts

Let's learn advanced features of Swift Programming language, how concurrency works in swift, handling Errors, JSON, and optional chaining. These features add exceptional capabilities to our Swift and make it more reliable and practical. We will also learn implementing concepts like ARC, generics in swift, nested types, timers, singleton class, and extensions.
Swift extensions EASY
This blog covers the concepts of the Swift extensions.
Swift Access Control EASY
This blog covers the concepts of Swift access control.
Timers in Swift
In this article, we will learn about timers in swift and also will see the implementation of timers in swift.
Swifty JSON
In this blog, we will learn about Swifty JSON, the problem with JSON in Swift, and how to download it, followed by how to use and parse swiftyJSON.
Singleton Class in Swift
In this blog, we will learn about singleton class in swift, followed by the method to create a class and learn about patterns and their various types.
Swift inout Parameters
In this article, we will discuss inout parameters in swift. Also will see the implementation of inout parameters in swift.
Swift Error Handling MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn how Error handling is done in Swift programming language.
Swift Concurrency
In this article, we will discuss the concept of concurrency in Swift programming language. We will also learn structured concurrency, async, and actor.
Swift Nested Types EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Nested types in the Swift programing language with the help of code examples.
Swift Generics MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss Swift Generics and how they are useful for creating reusable functions and can be generalized for any data type.
Swift Protocols EASY
In this blog, we have discussed the Swift Protocols, and how we use them in performing various tasks and also understood their syntax as well.
Advanced Operators
This blog explains the details of Advanced Operators in swift programming language.