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Table of contents
Swift Classes
Advantages of Classes
Syntax of Swift Classes
Swift Objects
Access Class Property using Objects
Example: Swift Class and Objects
Create Multiple Objects of Class
Swift Define a Class without Initializer
Function Inside Swift Class
Swift Initializer
Common Class and Structure Characteristics
Frequently Asked Questions
Is swift a procedural language or an object-oriented language?
In Swift, what does the question mark "?" mean?
In Swift, how do you make a property optional?
What is Dictionary in Swift?
In Swift, what are the various control transfer statements?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Swift Classes and Objects

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Swift is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented, functional, imperative, and block-structured general-purpose programming language. It also supports the concept of objects and classes, just as other oop languages. Swift is the outcome of the most recent programming language research and is designed utilizing Apple Inc.'s current approach to safety and software design standards for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications.

Swift is simple to learn, simple to use, safe, fast, and expressive. Swift development in the open has significant benefits since it can now be ported to a vast number of platforms, devices, and use cases.

Swift Classes

A class in an object-oriented programming language is a concept with properties and methods. A class's fields are its methods and properties. A class, like other programming languages, is a user-defined data type or blueprint for creating real-world type objects with both methods and properties. The class keyword is used to declare a class in Swift.

A class can be thought of as a blueprint for objects. The class can be compared to a house sketch (prototype). It covers all of the information regarding the floors, doors, and windows, among other things. We constructed the house based on these descriptions. The item is a house.

We can make multiple objects from a class because many houses can be built from the same description.

Advantages of Classes

  • The properties of one class are passed down to another class through inheritance.
  • Typecasting allows the user to check the type of a class at runtime.
  • Deinitializers are responsible for freeing up memory resources.
  • Reference counting allows the class instance to have more than one reference.

Syntax of Swift Classes

Classes are often defined in Swift by utilizing the class keyword. The syntax for defining classes in a quick programming language is as follows.

class ClassName {
// Variables
// Methods
// Properties

If you look at the above syntax, you'll notice that we used the class keyword and the class name to construct a class, and we used the structure keyword to define required properties, variables, and functions in Swift.

Swift Define a Class
In a quick programming language, here's an example of declaring or defining a class.

Class Scooty {
  var name = ""
  var gear = 0


  •   Scooty- the name of the class
  •   name/gear - variables inside the class with default values “” and 0.

Swift Objects

An object is called an instance of a class. For example, suppose Scooty is a class, then we can create objects like scooty1, scooty2, etc., from the class. The syntax for creating an object is as follows.

var objectName = ClassName()

We can access class properties, variables, and methods in Swift by establishing a class object, as illustrated below.

// create class
class Scooty {
  var name = ""
  var gears = 0
// create object of class
var scooty1 = Scooty()

As you can see in the example above, we generated an object for Scooty and used it to access the class's properties based on our needs.

Access Class Property using Objects

The . notation is used to access a class's properties. For example,

// modify the name property = "Mastero Scooty"

// access the gear property

Here, we have used and scooty.gears to change and access the value of name and gears property, respectively.

Example: Swift Class and Objects

// define a class
class Student {
// define two properties
var name = ""
var rollno = 0

// create instance of Person
var student1 = Student()

// access properties and assign new values
student1.rollno = 10 = "Khushi Singh"

print("Name: \(, Rollno: \( student1.rollno) ")


Name: Khushi Singh, Rollno: 10

In the above example, we have defined the class named Student with two properties: name and rollno. We have also created an object student1 of the class Student. Finally, we have accessed and modified the properties of an object using . notation.

Create Multiple Objects of Class

Let us see how we can create multiple objects from a single class.

// define a class
class Student {

// define two properties
var name = ""
var rollno = 0

// create instance of Person
var student1 = Student()
var student2 = Student()

//access property using student1
student1.rollno = 10 = "Khushi Singh"
print("Name: \(, Rollno: \( student1.rollno) ")

//access property using student2
student2.rollno = 11 = "Madhu Singh"
print("Name: \(, Rollno: \( student2.rollno) ")


Name: Khushi Singh, Rollno: 10
Name: Madhu Singh, Rollno: 11

In the above example, we have created two objects, student1 and student2 of the Student class.

Swift Define a Class without Initializer

We must use Initializers in Swift classes to initialize the properties defined within the class, else, the compiler will throw an initializer error. Now we'll see what happens if we don't use an initializer for the properties defined in the class.
In Swift programming language, below is a basic example of creating and accessing a new class "studentName" and its properties without using an initializer.

class studentName
var studName : String
var stuInfo = studentName(studName: "Aditya Sahi")

When we run the preceding example in Swift playground, we get the following compile-time error.

Function Inside Swift Class

A function can also be defined within a Swift class. A method is a Swift function that is declared within a class.

// create a class
class Rectangle {

  var length = 0.0
  var breadth = 0.0

  // method to calculate area
  func calculateArea() {
    print("Area of Rectangle =", length * breadth)

  // create object of Rectangle class
  var rectangle1 = Rectangle()

  // assign values to all the properties 
  rectangle1.length = 42.5
  rectangle1.breadth = 30.8

  // access method inside class


Area of Rectangle = 1309.0

Swift Initializer

A default value was previously assigned to a class property. The initializer, on the other hand, can be used to set values. For example,

class SampleSwift {
    var num1:Int
    var num2:Int
    init(n1:Int, n2:Int) {
        num1 = n1
        num2 = n2

let obj = SampleSwift(n1:20,n2:30)

print("Num1: ",obj.num1)
print("Num2: ",obj.num2)


Num1:  20
Num2:  30

...Program finished with exit code 0
Press ENTER to exit console.

In the preceding example, we constructed the SampleSwfit class, which has two properties: num1 and num2 

The custom initializer was used to assign values to the class’s properties.

Finally, we gave the values 20 and 30 as arguments while creating a SampleSwift class object.

Common Class and Structure Characteristics

  • Properties are used to save data.
  • Subscripts are used to give people access to values.
  • To increase functionality, methods are initialized.
  • Initializers define the initial state.
  • The functionality is extended beyond the default values.
  • Confirming protocol functionality standards


Know What is Object in OOPs here in detail.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is swift a procedural language or an object-oriented language?

Swift is an inherited language from C and Objective-C that may be used as a procedural or object-oriented language. Class is an object-oriented programming language notion.


In Swift, what does the question mark "?" mean?

Property declarations in Swift utilize the question mark "?" It specifies that this property is optional to the compiler. The property may or may not be valuable. By using? it eliminates runtime errors while accessing that property. This is useful in optional chaining, and conditional clauses are a form of this example.


In Swift, how do you make a property optional?

To make a property optional, we must use the question mark??' in the code. If a property has no value, the symbol? can be used to avoid a runtime error.


What is Dictionary in Swift?

The key-value pairs are stored in Swift Dictionary, and the value is accessed by using the key. In other programming languages, hash tables are similar.


In Swift, what are the various control transfer statements?

The control transfer statements in Swift are as follows:

  • Continue
  • Break
  • Fallthrough
  • Return


In this article, we have extensively discussed Swift classes and objects.

We hope that this blog has provided you with new information. and if you're interested in learning more, see our posts on Object Oriented ProgrammingClasses and Objects, and Byte Class in JavaCharacter Class in JavaBest DevOps Tools To Get Acquainted With. Please vote for our blog to help other ninjas succeed.

Recommended Readings: 

Multiple Inheritance in Java

Difference Between Procedural and Object Oriented Programming

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