Accepting a Parameter in Swift Closure
Like functions, swift closure can also accept parameters.
let runTo = { (place: String) in
print(“ We ran to \(place).”)
// Calling closure
We ran to London.
Returning Value from a Swift Closure
A swift closure doesn't need to return a value; it may or may not return a value. If we want Closure to return a value, we must specify its return type and use the return statement.
let weRanTo = { (place: String) -> String in
return “We ran to \(place).”
print(We ran to (“America”))
We ran to America.
Passing swift Closure as a parameter
We can create a function that can accept closure as its parameter in swift.
let iRanTo ={
print(“I ran to the country.”)
func runningTracker(newRun: () -> void) {
print(“ I ran to Mars.”)
print(“ I ran to the bottom of the ocean.”)
runningTracker(newRun : iRanTo)
I ran to Mars.
I ran to the bottom of the ocean.
I ran to the country.
- newRun - function parameter
- () -> () - represent the type of the closure
- newRun() - call closure from the inside of the function.
Trailing Closure
Trailing closure is used to declare passing the function’s final argument to a closure expression. Trailing closure in swift is used after function call's parentheses.
func getData ( place: String, completion:() ->() ) {
getData( place:”I ran to India”) {
print(“Domino’s Pizza: 2 miles away”)
I ran to India
Domino’s Pizza: 2 miles away
Here, getData() function accepts a closure , completion: () -> () . Hence, function is called by passing the closure argument as function definition.
@autoclosure keyword in a function definition is used to pass the closure argument without using braces.
func display(greet: @autoclosure () -> ()) {
display(greet: print(“Hello Ninja!”))
Hello Ninja!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the types of swift Closure?
There are two types of swift Closure: escaping Closure and non-escaping Closure
1. An escaping closure is called after the function it was passed to returns; we can also say it outlives the function it was passed to.
2. A non-escaping closure is called within the function it was passed into before it returns.
Why closures are used in Swift?
Closures are used in swift because they can store and capture a reference to any constants and variables from the context in which they are defined.
Why swift closures are reference types?
Whenever you assign a Closure or a function to a constant or variable, you are setting that constant or variable to be a reference to the Closure or function.
What are the advantages of Swift?
The advantages of using swift are as follows:-
1. Swift programming language is easier to maintain
2. Swift programming language is fast
3. Swit supports dynamic libraries.
4. Swift consists of a concise code structure.
What is the capture list in Swift?
A capture list is the list of values that you want to remain unchanged at the time the Closure is created.
In this article, we have extensively discussed swift closures. We started with what swift closures are, then how to declare swift closures, and then saw some examples.
After reading about swift closures, are you not feeling excited to read/explore more articles on the topic of Swift? Don't worry; Coding Ninjas has you covered. To learn, see the Definitive Swift Tutorial for Beginners, why iOS & OS X Developers are choosing Swift?, and which is better to learn? iOS or Android?.
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