Computed Properties
Extensions can also be used to extend computed 'instance' and 'type' properties.
extension Int {
var addn: Int { return self + 10 }
var subn: Int { return self - 100 }
var muln: Int { return self * 150 }
var divn: Int { return self / 55 }
let add = 3.addn
print("Addition is \(add)")
let sub = 120.subn
print("Subtraction is \(sub)")
let mul = 39.muln
print("Multiplication is \(mul)")
let div = 55.divn
print("Division is \(div)")
let mix_them = 30.addn + 34.subn
print("Mixed Type is \(mix_them)")
Addition is 13
Subtraction is 20
Multiplication is 5850
Division is 1
Mixed Type is -26
Extensions in Swift 4 make it possible to add new initializers to an existing type. The user can add their own custom types to extend the types already provided, and other initialization options are also available. Only init is supported by extensions (). The extensions do not support deinit()
// class declearation
class stick {
var length: Double
// initialize property
init() {
length = 5.5
print("Creating a stick.")
print("Length = ", length)
// create an object
var stick1 = stick()
Creating a stick.
Length = 5.5
With the use of extensions, new instance methods and type methods can be introduced to the subclass.
extension Int {
func topic(summation: () -> ()) {
for _ in 0..<self {
4.topic(summation: {
print("Inside Extn Block")
3.topic(summation: {
print("Inside TypeCast Block")
Inside Extn Block
Inside Extn Block
Inside Extn Block
Inside Extn Block
Inside TypeCast Block
Inside TypeCast Block
Inside TypeCast Block
The topic() function takes an argument of type '(summation: () -> ()' to indicate that it takes no arguments and returns no values. To call that procedure several times, the block is initialised, as well as the call to the method with topic().
Mutating Instance Methods
When defined as extensions, instance methods can also be altered. Structure and enumeration methods that affect self or its properties must indicate the instance method as mutating, much like original implementation modifying methods.
extension Double {
mutating func sq() {
let pi = 3.1415;
self = pi * self * self
var Try1 = 3.3
print("Area of circle is: \(Try1)")
var Try2 = 5.8
print("Area of circle is: \(Try2)")
var Try3 = 120.3
print("Area of circle is: \(Try3)")
Area of circle is: 34.21093499999999
Area of circle is: 105.68006
Area of circle is: 45464.070735
Extensions can also be used to add new subscripts to already declared instances.
extension Int {
subscript(digit: Int) -> Int {
var deciBase = 1
for _ in 0..<digit {
deciBase *= 10
return (self / deciBase) % 10
Nested Types
Extensions can be used to expand nested types for class, structure, and enumeration instances
extension Int {
enum calculate {
case addn
case subn
case multn
case divn
case any
var print: calculate {
switch self {
case 0:
return .addn
case 1:
return .subn
case 2:
return .multn
case 3:
return .divn
return .any
func result(number: [Int]) {
for i in number {
switch i.print {
case .addn:
print(" 10 ")
case .subn:
print(" 20 ")
case .multn:
print(" 30 ")
case .divn:
print(" 40 ")
print(" 50 ")
result(number: [0,1,2,3,4,7])
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I use deinit() in swift?
That method isn't needed, however, you can use it if you need to do some action or cleaning before disposing of the object.
When are protocol extensions useful in Swift?
Swift is sometimes referred to be a "protocol-oriented programming language" because protocol extensions are utilized everywhere. We utilize them to add functionality to protocols directly, eliminating the need to duplicate functionality across several structs and classes.
What is init() in Swift?
The process of preparing an instance of an enumeration, structure, or class for use is known as initialization.
Why does Swift need protocols?
Protocols allow us to describe how structs, classes, and enums should work, including what methods and properties they should have. Swift will enforce these rules for us, ensuring that when we claim a type conforms to a protocol, it contains all of the methods and characteristics that the protocol requires.
In this article, we have extensively discussed the concept of Swift extensions. We started with the introduction of Swift extensions, the syntax of swift extensions, computed properties of Swift extensions, initializers, and methods, and finally concluded with nested type Swift extensions.
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