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Web2py is a Python-based, accessible, and open-source web framework enabling Agile development of database-driven online applications. It is a full-stack framework that includes all the elements a developer needs to create a fully functional web application.
In this blog, we will discuss how to schedule Tasks in Web2py.
Tasks may be scheduled programmatically or via appadmin. In fact, a task is simply scheduled by adding an item to the table "scheduler task," which can be accessed via appadmin:-
The fields in this table have clear meanings. The values to be supplied to the task in JSON format are stored in the "args" and "vars" columns. In the context of the preceding "task_add", an example of "args" and "vars" may be:
args = []
vars = {'a': 10, 'b': 15, 'c': 20}
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A task is by default in the QUEUED status when it is sent to the scheduler. Use the start_time parameter (default = now) if you require it to run at a later time.
You can provide a stop_time (default = None) for a job if you need to ensure that it is not carried out after a specific time. Your job will be marked as EXPIRED if no worker picks it up before stop_time. Tasks that are picked up before stop_time or without a stop_time defined are ASSIGNED to a worker. The status of a task is changed to RUNNING when a worker picks it up.
RUNNING tasks may end up:
The value of start_time and stop_time should be set as a Datetime object. As an example, if you wanted to set up mytask to run 45 seconds from now, you would do as follows:-
from datetime import timedelta as timed
scheduler.queue_task('mytask', + timed(seconds=45))
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integer: The lookup will be done by
string: The lookup will be done by scheduler_task.uuid.
query: The lookup as you wish (as in db.scheduler_task.task_name == 'test').
output = True fetches the scheduler_run record.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is pylon framework?
Python-based Pylons Framework is an open-source Web application framework. The Web Server Gateway Interface standard is heavily utilized to encourage reusability and divide functionality into independent modules.
Which is better, web2py or Django?
Due to its smaller size, simpler learning curve, and lack of project-level configuration files, web2py differs from Django. Compared to PHP-based frameworks and Java-based frameworks, web2py has a significantly more straightforward syntax.
What are Django and Flask?
While Django is a high-level web framework for Python, Flask is a micro-framework. As a result, the flask is considerably simpler to comprehend and learn. Both are open-source platforms. However, the flask is more commonly used for lightweight apps than Django. Both are utilized differently and for various purposes.
What is the web2py framework?
Web2py, which is written in Python and programmable in Python, is described as a free, open-source online framework for agile development that involves database-driven web applications.
What is Falcon API?
Falcon is a lightning-quick, lightweight Python web API framework for creating reliable app backends and microservices. The framework performs admirably with both gevent/meinheld and asyncio (ASGI) (WSGI).