Table of contents
What is Ready API?
REST Services
About REST Protocol
How to Test?
What Modifications Does the Test Make?
SOAP Services
About SOAP Protocol
What Modifications does the test make?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an API?
What is Ready API?
What is REST?
What is SOAP?
What is the basic requirement to test REST and SOAP services in Ready API?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Technological Services in Ready API

Author Rajat Agrawal
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API stands for Application Programming Interface that allows two or more computer applications to communicate with one another. It is a software interface that provides a service to other software programs. An API specification is a document or industry standard that outlines how to create or use a connection or interface of this type.


In this blog, we will learn about the technological services Ready API provides.

What is Ready API?

ReadyAPI is a user-friendly tool for no-code API testing intended to make your testing processes more efficient. It helps to scale and automate your end-to-end testing for many API types. It runs compatible load testing with your functional tests and enables virtualization to give your development teams quick and dependable integrations.

There are mainly two technological services provided by Ready API:

  • REST Services
  • SOAP Services

Let’s learn more about these services by Ready API.

REST Services

Services that use the REST protocol to transmit messages can be tested using ReadyAPI. Basic details on how ReadyAPI can interact with REST messages are provided in this blog.


About REST Protocol

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a standard protocol for public APIs. Unlike SOAP, which is an established protocol, REST is an architectural style. REST makes use of HTTP and doesn't introduce any new standards. For transactions, REST services often use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), however, XML, YAML, and other machine-readable forms are also supported. The objects lack strongly typed encoding. REST adheres to the noun-verb paradigm of object-oriented programming. REST is heavily reliant on data. The URL serves as a representation of the hierarchically organized metadata in the REST paradigm. This is used in place of the noun. The HTTP standard provides a number of verbs, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, that indicate operations or actions you can take on the data.


To test REST services, you need a PRO license for one of the ReadyAPI tools. Sending REST requests does not require a ReadyAPI Test Pro license, however, it might be helpful for developing complex functional tests.

How to Test?

To test REST services in ReadyAPI, you can use two test steps: REST Request and API Connection.

  • REST Request: REST Request is a specific test step for interacting with REST services.
  • API Connection: REST services can be tested using the protocol-neutral test phase known as API Connection. It provides a streamlined and more straightforward user interface than the previous REST Request test step.

What Modifications Does the Test Make?

You can modify your REST requests using ReadyAPI in a number of ways, including:-

✍️ Send a request and receive a response.

✍️ View requests and responses in various editors that present data as plain text or in forms that aim to simplify user input.

✍️ Utilize information from a file in a request.

✍️ It will add authorization to your request.

✍️ Control the attachments to requests.

✍️ View and create representations of requests.

✍️ Set up additional request parameters.

SOAP Services

Services that use the SOAP protocol to transmit messages can be tested using ReadyAPI. Basic details on how ReadyAPI can interact with SOAP messages are provided in this blog.


About SOAP Protocol

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) defines a strongly typed messaging system using XML and schemas. The XML structures of the requests and responses that the service accepts and delivers and every operation it offers are all thoroughly defined. Additionally, each input parameter is defined and associated with a type (an integer or a string). The Web Service Description Language, or WSDL, has a codification of all of this. A web service's method signature is found in WSDL.

Since SOAP can be communicated over virtually any protocol, it is independent of the underlying transport protocol. The only requirement is that the SOAP message must be in XML format. The root element for SOAP requests is known as the Envelope.

It must include two elements: the Header and the Body. The other message components must be specified using WSDL.


To test SOAP services, you need a PRO license for one of the ReadyAPI tools. Sending SOAP requests does not require a ReadyAPI Test Pro license, however, it might be helpful for developing complex functional tests.

What Modifications does the test make?

You can modify your SOAP requests using ReadyAPI in a number of ways, including:-

✍️ Send a request and receive a response.

✍️ View requests and responses in various editors that present data as plain text or in forms that aim to simplify user input.

✍️ Utilize information from a file in a request.

✍️ It will add authorization to your request.

✍️ Control the attachments to requests.

✍️ Utilize WS-Addressing to include message routing information.

✍️ Utilize WS-ReliableMessaging to deliver requests reliably.

✍️ Utilize WS-Security to deliver messages securely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface that allows two or more computer applications to communicate with one another.

What is Ready API?

ReadyAPI is a user-friendly tool for no-code API testing intended to make your testing processes more efficient. It helps to scale and automate your end-to-end testing for many API types.

What is REST?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is a standard protocol for public APIs.

What is SOAP?

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol and defines a strongly typed messaging system using XML and schemas.

What is the basic requirement to test REST and SOAP services in Ready API?

To test REST and SOAP services, you need a PRO license for one of the ReadyAPI tools. Sending REST and SOAP requests does not require a ReadyAPI Test Pro license, however, it might be helpful for developing complex functional tests.


In this article, we have extensively discussed API, Ready API, and Services provided by Ready API. I hope you enjoyed reading this article on Technological Services in Ready API. If you want to learn more, check out our articles on What Is Web2Py?Why To Use Web2py?Postbacks and Internationalization in web2pyThird Party Modules In Web2pyTasks In Web2py, and  XML in Web2py.

Happy Coding!

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