Table of contents
What is QA Manager or Test Lead?
Easy Test Lead Interview Questions and Answers
1. What are the responsibilities of a Test lead?
2. What is a bug?
3. What are bug leakage and bug release?
4. What is Design Management? 
5. What is test estimation?
6. What is a test plan?
7. What are the types of test plan?
8. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix? 
9. Differentiate between Assert and Verify commands in test automation.
Medium Level Test Lead Interview Questions
10. Suppose you have to choose a tool for testing tool for your project. What is your approach to selecting that testing tool?
11. What is Exploratory Testing?
12. Explain Bug Triage.
13. What is the difference between functional and non-functional testing?
14. What do you know about PDCA Cycle?
15. What is three-point estimation?
16. What is the difference between beta and pilot testing?
17. What are exit criteria, and how are they determined?
18. How the quality of test execution is determined?
Hard Level Test Lead Interview Questions
19. What are the ways in which you can manage/mitigate risks in a test project?
20. What are the major differences between Smoke testing and Sanity testing?
21. What are the key challenges of Software testing?
22. What are the types of Risks in a testing project?
23. Mention some best practices for test estimation.
24. Differentiate between Verification and Validation. 
25. What are the severity and priority of a bug?
26. What are the things that need to be added to a bug report?
27. What is the difference between Retesting and Regression Testing?
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024

Top 27 Test Lead Interview Questions and Answers

Author Rajat Agrawal
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While preparing for the job interview, it is important to be ready to tackle all the basic to medium to advanced questions that an interviewer might ask. If you are preparing for a Test lead/ QA manager interview, It is very important to go through all the frequently asked Test lead interview questions. 

test lead interview questions

In this blog, we have curated a list of the 27 most frequently asked Test lead interview questions that may be asked in your next Test lead/ QA manager interview. But before discussing the questions, let’s learn what a QA manager or test lead is.

Click on the following link to read further: Operating System Interview Questions

What is QA Manager or Test Lead?

Quality Assurance(QA) manager is responsible for checking the quality of products, services, and reliability testing for the company's products and development processes. As a QA manager, you should have expertise in Software Testing, API Testing, Automation Testing, Java, etc.

Test lead is responsible for monitoring, planning, and controlling a company's testing activities and tasks. As a test lead, you should be proficient in the technical aspects of work.

Now we are familiar with the QA manager/ Test lead. Let’s discuss the top 27 most frequently asked Test lead interview questions and answers.

We have divided the test lead interview questions into three levels, i.e., Easy Test Lead Interview Questions, Medium Test Lead Interview Questions, and Hard Test Lead Interview Questions. 

Easy Test Lead Interview Questions and Answers

1. What are the responsibilities of a Test lead?

The major roles/responsibilities of a Test lead are:-

  • Management of product from scratch to the completion of the product.
  • Test the planning.
  • Mentoring and coaching the other team members.
  • Submit the weekly test reports.
  • Obtain customer acceptance of the deliverables.

2. What is a bug?

A bug is a flaw, mistake, error, or failure in the software code that makes the software produce unexpected results.

3. What are bug leakage and bug release?

Bug Leakage: When the bug is detected by the end-user while using the product and not by the testing team.

Bug Release: When the software is released with a set of known bugs is known as a bug release. The bugs that are released in the product have very less priority and do not cause any severity to the application.

4. What is Design Management? 

The processes used to organize, manage, and track test artifacts are referred to as design management. The test relics may include the mechanization code, requirements, documentation, problems, plans, change demands, etc.

5. What is test estimation?

Test estimation provides an estimate of how much time, effort, and resources will be necessary to test the product. Most projects will benefit from test estimation in terms of cost, time, and feasibility. 

6. What is a test plan?

A test plan is a document used to communicate the approach and methods utilized during the QA testing process. It is beneficial for setting goals, clarifying expectations, and identifying testing needs. The test plan will outline the testing's parameters and provide details on any project-related issues. It will be decided on the pass/fail, suspension, and exit criteria, as well as the tasks that will be carried out and the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

7. What are the types of test plan?

There are three main types of test plan:-

  • Master Test Plan
  • Testing type specific Test Plan
  • Testing level specific Test Plan

8. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix? 

Requirement Traceability Matrix, often abbreviated as RTM, is a document that helps to link the requirements to test cases. 

Some of the uses of the Requirement Traceability Matrix are as follows:-

  • It is used to make sure that all the application requirements are tested in the verification process.
  • It is used to verify test coverage.

9. Differentiate between Assert and Verify commands in test automation.

Both commands are almost similar; they are used to check if the code's conditions are true.

The difference between both commands is given below.

difference between assert and verify

Medium Level Test Lead Interview Questions

10. Suppose you have to choose a tool for testing tool for your project. What is your approach to selecting that testing tool?

Some of the factors that you should consider before selecting the testing tool for your project are:-

  • Identify the different features required in an automation testing tool as per the need of your project.
  • Check for all the commercial as well as noncommercial tools that meet the requirements of your project.
  • Make an estimate of the cost and benefits of the tool. 
  • The final decision to buy the tool is to be taken after consultation with team members.

11. What is Exploratory Testing?

Also known as simultaneous learning, test execution, and test design. Exploratory testing is a methodology that involves testing software without any predetermined timetables or plans. It is used when an early iteration is required. It involves the least amount of planning and the most amount of testing. During software testing, the tester makes new discoveries and learns innovative things that, when combined with knowledge and imagination, lead to the creation of new, effective tests.

12. Explain Bug Triage.

The method of categorizing each bug according to its frequency, severity, and risk is known as bug triage. The QA team verifies the severity of the bug, makes the necessary adjustments, completes the bug resolution, and allocates resources. 

There are three processes involved in Bug Triage:-

  • Bug Review
  • Assessment 
  • Assignment

13. What is the difference between functional and non-functional testing?

Functional Testing: Functional testing helps to test the application against its functional specifications and requirements. The functionalities are tested by giving the input and getting an expected output. Then the actual output is compared with the expected output.

Non-Functional Testing: Non-Functional testing helps to test the non-functional requirements of the application. It will test all the functionalities that cannot be tested using functional testing. It tests whether the system is fulfilling the requirements or not. 

The major differences between functional and non-functional testing are:-

difference between functional and non-functional testing

14. What do you know about PDCA Cycle?

PDCA stands for Plan Do Check Act. It is a four-step problem-solving technique used for quality assurance.

Plan: In this stage, the problem is identified, and a target is set to solve those problems.

Do: In this stage, the improvements are implemented.

Check: In this stage, the result of improvements is checked.

Act: In this stage, we learn from the result obtained.

15. What is three-point estimation?

In the three-point estimation technique, based on past experience, three values are initially produced for every task. 

For example, to complete a particular task, the different possibilities are:-

  • Best Case Estimate: It takes 12 days to complete the task with experienced team members.
  • Most Likely Estimate: It takes 18 days to complete the task with enough resources and moderate team members.
  • Worst Case Estimate: It takes 24 days to complete the task with the team having very less work experience. 

16. What is the difference between beta and pilot testing?

Beta Testing: Beta testing is done when the application is just about to release. The beta version application is given to a limited number of end-user to check whether the application is running as per the requirements or not. If some bugs/defects are found, the application is again tested, and the quality of the application will be improved before being released into production.

Pilot Testing: Pilot testing is real-world testing, which is done by a certain group of end-users before launching the application to production. The group of users will use the application fully in order to find any bugs in it. The main purpose of pilot testing is to check the cost, feasibility, risk, and performance of the application.

The major differences between beta and pilot testing are:-

difference between beta and pilot testing

17. What are exit criteria, and how are they determined?

We cannot continue testing indefinitely at some point in time, we need to stop testing. To stop the testing at a certain point in time, we need some Exit criteria. Exit criteria are the prerequisites that must be satisfied before a particular task or process can be executed successfully. The exit criteria are determined on the basis of the quality standards and tasks set prior to beginning the project.

Must Read: Embedded Interview Questions

18. How the quality of test execution is determined?

The quality of test execution can be determined by calculating the Defect Rejection Ratio (DRR)and Defect Leakage Ratio (DLR). The smaller value of DRR and DLR indicates a good quality of test execution.

  • Defect Rejection Ratio = (No. of defects rejected/ Total no. of defects raised) X 100
  • Defect Leakage Ratio = (No. of defects missed/ Total defects of software) X 100

Hard Level Test Lead Interview Questions

19. What are the ways in which you can manage/mitigate risks in a test project?

There are mainly four ways to manage/mitigate risks in a test project:-

  • Avoidance: In this method, we avoid the risk factors that are involved in the project.
  • Acceptance & Sharing: In this method, we accept the risks that are involved in the project and try to develop a planned budget for the risk involved and collaborate with others to share responsibility.
  • Reduction: In this method, we develop a management plan to reduce the impact of risk.
  • Risk Transfer: In this method, we transfer the risk to another resource/party.

20. What are the major differences between Smoke testing and Sanity testing?

Smoke Testing: Smoke testing is done to check whether the important functionalities of the application are working properly. This testing is performed on initial builds and is a part of basic testing. 

Sanity Testing: Sanity testing is done to verify the conformity of new functionalities in the previously written code. This testing is performed on stable builds and is a part of regression testing.

The major differences between Smoke testing and Sanity testing are:-

differences between Smoke testing and Sanity testing

21. What are the key challenges of Software testing?

Some of the key challenges of software testing are:-

  • Testing Entire Application: There are several test combinations, making it challenging to test the entire application. If you try every combination, the product delivery will be delayed.
  • Regression Testing: It could be challenging to manage changes to existing functionality and past working functionality checks.
  • Communication with Developers: Developers/Testers may not always agree with each other on some points. 
  • Time Constraint: There could be multiple tasks that you need to complete in a specific time.
  • Priority: When there is a time constraint, it becomes difficult for testers to choose whom to test first.

22. What are the types of Risks in a testing project?

The types of risks in a testing project are:-

  • Project Definition Risks: This type of risk includes Project target, Scope, and requirements risks.
  • Human Resources Risks: This type of risk includes Team members, skills, and organization risks.
  • Strategy Risks: This type of risk includes Communication, Budget, and Management risks.
  • Project Schedule Risks: This type of risk includes not being able to complete projects on the scheduled date and time.

23. Mention some best practices for test estimation.

Some of the best practices for test estimation are:-

  • Add Reasonable Buffer Time: Adding some buffer time will help you to deal with the delay in the project caused due to some unavoidable factors.
  • Use Past Experience Reference: Using past experience references will help you to make a good estimation and avoid all possible errors that may occur.
  • Add Resource Planning in Estimation: Adding resource planning will help you to make a realistic estimation after considering all the factors.
  • Stick to Estimate: Sometimes, the estimation may go wrong. It is important to re-check the estimation and make changes when required.

24. Differentiate between Verification and Validation. 

Verification: Verification checks whether the application is working properly without having any bugs. Verification confirms the requirements that are mentioned in the SRS document. It includes methods such as desk checking, inspections, reviews, and walkthroughs.

Validation: Validation checks whether the developed product is up to the mark. It checks whether the application that is created is meeting the user’s requirements or not. It includes methods such as white-box testing, black-box testing, and non-functional testing.

The major difference between Verification and Validation is given in the following table:-

Differentiate between Verification and Validation

25. What are the severity and priority of a bug?

Bug Severity: Bug severity refers to how adversely the bug has impacted the features of the application.

Bug Priority: Bug priority refers to the order in which the bugs can be fixed. The bug that has more priority will be fixed first.

The bugs can have different severity and priority combinations, such as:-

  • High Priority and Low Severity
  • High Priority and High Severity
  • Low Priority and High Severity
  • Low Priority and Low Severity

26. What are the things that need to be added to a bug report?

The bug report should have the following things:-

  • Title of the report.
  • Clearly mentioned Bug name/number.
  • Steps to reproduce the bug.
  • Summary that describes the bug.
  • Description that contains the steps to reproduce the bug and the expected results.
  • Date and Time when the bug was reported.
  • Bug Priority/Severity.
  • Version & Platform.
  • Evidence of failure that helps the user to understand the bug in an easy way.

27. What is the difference between Retesting and Regression Testing?

Retesting: Retesting is well-planned testing done to check a feature of the application. The test cases written to test a specific feature cannot be automated. Retesting has a higher priority than regression testing.

Regression Testing: Regression testing is generic testing done to check a general area of the application. The test cases written to test a specific feature can be automated. Regression testing has a lower priority than retesting and is done after retesting.

The major differences between beta and pilot testing are:-

difference between Retesting and Regression Testing


In this article, we have extensively discussed the top 27 most frequently asked test lead interview questions and answers that will help you to crack your next Test lead/QA manager interview. I hope you enjoyed this blog on Top Test Lead Interview Questions and Answers.

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