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Table of contents
Benefits of Python
Python Testing
Asynchronous Framework
Testing Frameworks in Python 
Pytest framework
Robot framework
PyUnit framework
TestProject framework
Nose2 framework
Testify framework
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Python?
What are the advantages of Python?
What is an RF?
When do we use the Pytest framework?
Which framework is intended to replace the popular Unittest and Nose frameworks?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Testing Framework in Python



Python is gaining more and more popularity every passing day due to its no-boilerplate code and easy-to-use syntax. Being a Python developer having a testing framework for Python makes it easier to ensure that code is robust and would not fail in varying test cases.

In this article, we will get a brief idea about some testing frameworks in Python like PytestRobotNose2Testify, and many more. Before starting to learn them, let’s learn some basics about them. Let’s see what Python is.


Python is an interpreted, high-level, generic programming language that allows programmers to construct manageable and logical code for both small and large-scale projects

Must Read, Python for Data Science

Benefits of Python

Pythons have the following advantages:

  • Because there is no compilation, the Edit-Test-Debug cycle runs quickly.
  • Simple debugging
  • A large support library
  • The data structure is simple to learn.
  • Productivity is high
  • Collaboration within a team


Now, let us learn about Python testing in detail.

Python Testing

In the area of testing, automated testing is a well-known scenario. It is where the test plans are conducted utilizing a script rather than a human.

Python includes tools and libraries for automated testing of your system. Python test cases are relatively simple to create. Python-based test automation frameworks are growing more popular as the language becomes more widely used.

Asynchronous Framework

Asynchronous frameworks allow for parallel programming where the primary application continues working as it is while other threads continue to develop and run simultaneously. The primary thread is not disturbed at any point and is only notified upon successful completion or failure of the other worker threads. 

We have learned about Python testing. Now let's see some famous testing frameworks in Python.

Testing Frameworks in Python 

The following are some of the major testing frameworks in Python:


Let’s see some short details about these frameworks.

Pytest framework

Pytest is an open-source testing framework that is one of the most popular Python testing frameworks available. Pytest also allows for unit testing, functional testing, and API testing. Python 3.5 or above is required to run it.

It enables the creation of small and straightforward test suites.

It may be significantly expanded by utilizing plugins such as pytest-randomly, pytest-cov, pytest-django, and pytest-bdd.

Also see, How to Check Python Version in CMD

Robot framework

Robot Framework (RF) is a free and open-source test automation framework for acceptance testing, test-driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA). Its core is written in Python, but it may also be run on Jython (a Java Python implementation) and IronPython (Python for the .NET framework). Python version 2.7.14 or above is required to run it.

It is compatible with all operating systems (Windows, Linux, and macOS) and applications (web, mobile, and desktop apps).

It gives simple and easy-to-understand HTML reporting data (including screenshots)

PyUnit framework

PyUnit (Unittest) is a Python unit testing framework inspired by JUnit. It is the default Python testing framework that comes with the Python package and is hence where most developers begin their testing.

There are no additional modules to install because it is part of the standard Python library — it comes with the Python package.

TestProject framework

TestProject is an entirely free automation platform that includes cloud and local HTML reporting. With the Python open-source SDK and TestProject, you can simply construct test automation for mobile, web, or generic uses. It requires Python 3.6 or higher and supports both the Pytest and Unittest frameworks (you can read more about it here). TestProject contains all of the dependencies required by the single cross-platform agent executable (You can watch this webinar recording to get started).

Nose2 framework

Nose2 is the successor to Nose, and it is essentially PyUnit (Unittest) with plugins. Nose2 expands PyUnit's capability with plugins that provide test execution, test discovery, decorators, fixtures, parameterization, and other features.

It is simple to use because it extends the PyUnit (Unittest) framework that comes with the Python library.

Testify framework

Testify is intended to replace the popular Unittest and Nose frameworks, and it includes additional functionalities not found in ordinary Unittest.

Unit testing, integration testing, and system testing are all done.

Testify is relatively simple to use for individuals who are familiar with Unittest.

This concludes our topic of testing frameworks in Python. Let’s move on to Frequently asked questions.



AIOHTTP introduces the asynchronous framework or asyncio, which is a model for running and managing several programmes parallelly. It supports client and HTTP servers, server WebSockets and Client WebSockets.

You can also practice with the help of Online Python Compiler

Must Read Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, high-level, generic programming language that allows programmers to construct manageable and logical code for small and large-scale projects.

What are the advantages of Python?

The following are some advantages of Python: 

  • Simple debugging
  • A large support library
  • The data structure is simple to learn.
  • Productivity is high

What is an RF?

An RF is a Robotic framework. It is a free and open-source test automation framework for acceptance testing, test-driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA).

When do we use the Pytest framework?

When we want to create unit tests, small and concise tests, that support complex scenarios, we use the Pytest framework.

Which framework is intended to replace the popular Unittest and Nose frameworks?

Testify is intended to replace the popular Unittest and Nose frameworks, and it includes additional functionalities not found in ordinary Unittest.


In this article, we have extensively discussed Python and python testing. We learned about multiple famous testing frameworks in Python. We learned about them in detail.

After reading about Testing Framework in Python, are you not feeling excited to read/explore more articles on the topic of Python Testing? Don't worry; Coding Ninjas has you covered. To learn, see Testing Framework in PythonTesting in Python using DocTest, and Testify in Python.

Check out this article - Quicksort Python

 Python filename extensions

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