Table of contents
Big Data as a Business Planning Tool
Stage 1: Planning with Data
Stage 2: Doing the analysis
Stage 3: Checking the results
Stage 4: Acting on the plan
Stage 5: Monitoring in real-time
Stage 6: Adjusting the impact
Stage 7: Enabling experimentation
Keeping Data Analytics in Perspective
Planning for Big Data
Transforming Business Processes with Big Data
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the four stages in the planning method for Big Data?
How can healthcare providers use Big Data?
How do businesses analyse Big Data?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

The Importance of Big Data to Business

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The concept of using data to transform a business isn't new. Organisations have been collecting data on their operations for as long as they can remember. A Big Data set contains information about a company's processes, customers, prospects, and goods. The size of the data set was an issue. It was simply not cost-effective or viable for businesses to manage all of the data across their enterprises. As a result, businesses have had to make compromises for the past 30 years. Professionals in data management would have to choose between saving or compromising. They would have to build separate databases to store only snapshots of data, or they would have to create different databases to store only snapshots of data. Businesses have tried complex workarounds to combine data to make better business decisions. This frequently necessitated programmers' development of complicated programmes to produce the proper business perspective of data.

Source: ScienceSoft

Big Data as a Business Planning Tool

The most challenging task for the company is to look into the future and predict what will change and why. Companies want to be able to make better-informed decisions more quickly and efficiently. The company intends to put that knowledge to use by taking action that will alter business outcomes. Leaders must also comprehend the complexities of business implications across product lines and their network of partners. The most successful companies holistically approach data. The planning method for Big Data has four stages: planning, doing, checking, and acting.

Stage 1: Planning with Data

You might be able to create a great planning tool if you figure out how to manage the data successfully. While the data may support your current plan, it also has the potential to lead you in new and unexpected ways. You must use a range of facts to test assumptions and think differently about the business as part of your planning process.

Stage 2: Doing the analysis

After your company has figured out its goals, it's time to start evaluating the data as part of the planning process. This isn't a one-off procedure. Big Data analysis necessitates the acquisition of new tools and abilities. Many businesses will need to recruit Big Data scientists who can grasp how to take a vast amount of diverse data and start to understand how all of the data parts relate to the business problem or opportunity.

Stage 3: Checking the results

It's easy to become engrossed in data analysis and forget to conduct a reality check. Is the analysis accurate in terms of business outcomes? Is the data you're utilising accurate enough, or are there any issues? Will the data sources aid in planning? This is the moment to double-check that you're not relying on data sources that will lead you astray.

Stage 4: Acting on the plan

It's time to put the strategy into action after this cycle of analysis is completed.

However, activities must be part of a larger planning cycle that is repeated on a regular basis, especially as markets become more dynamic. It is vital to build a Big Data business evaluation cycle every time a company launches a new strategy. The key to success is to act based on the results of Big Data analytics and then test the effects of implementing business plans.

Stage 5: Monitoring in real-time

Big Data analytics allows you to monitor data in near real-time proactively.

This has the potential to have a significant impact on your business. If you're a pharmaceutical business running clinical research, you might be allowed to change or discontinue it to avoid a lawsuit. A manufacturing organisation may be able to track the findings of sensors on equipment to identify and correct a fault in the manufacturing process before it has a significant impact.

Stage 6: Adjusting the impact

It is possible to alter procedures and strategies based on data analytics when your firm has the instruments to monitor continuously. Being able to monitor fast allows a process to be changed sooner, resulting in higher overall quality. Most businesses are unfamiliar with this type of change.

Stage 7: Enabling experimentation

Customers and partners will be confused if you experiment without the capacity to grasp the results immediately. As a result, a business strategy can be transformed by combining experimentation with real-time monitoring and rapid modification. Experimentation is less risky since it allows you to change routes and outcomes more quickly if you have the correct data.

Keeping Data Analytics in Perspective

It's all too easy to believe that all a firm needs to do are set up a Big Data platform, and then the strategy will take care of itself. Of course, the reality is far more complicated. While Big Data will be a valuable corporate tool, there is a risk in relying solely on data. Business leaders must ensure that the results of Big Data analytics are not trusted in isolation from other aspects that are difficult to codify into an algorithm. You'll come across nuanced questions like what tactics are feasible in light of shifting company conditions.

Emerging trends or a shifting competitive landscape will be visible that aren't captured in the analysis. Senior executives also bring experience and intuition to the table. So, before you think that Big Data is the answer to all of your business strategy problems, make sure you're using it in a balanced way.

Planning for Big Data

The applications of Big Data to business problems are nearly limitless. Almost every industry has the ability or potential to collect and analyse data in order to improve business results. Some applications stand out more than others. Hundreds of examples of how businesses may use social media data to better company strategy and execution can be found. However, the potential to use Big Data covers everything from monitoring manufacturing operations to disease detection. Executives in the insurance sector are analysing Big Data to determine which product options are ideal for a particular consumer with a minor level of risk.

Transforming Business Processes with Big Data

More and more businesses realise that they can benefit from a variety of various sorts of data in novel ways. The ability of business leaders to push the envelope on corporate strategy will coincide with the maturing of technology. We've merely scratched the surface of Big Data's potential utility. Businesses can save money by detecting fraud before funds are disbursed. Based on real-time access to customer actions and what they are buying and requesting, companies may determine the next best course of action. Healthcare providers may use vast volumes of best practice data to prepare themselves better to treat patients faster and more effectively at a reduced cost. Needless to say, this is simply the beginning of what is possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four stages in the planning method for Big Data?

The planning method for Big Data has four stages: planning, doing, checking, and acting.

How can healthcare providers use Big Data?

Healthcare providers may use vast volumes of best practice data to prepare themselves better to treat patients faster and more effectively at a reduced cost.

How do businesses analyse Big Data?

Businesses need to recruit Big Data scientists who can grasp how to take a vast amount of diverse data and start to understand how all of the data parts relate to the business problem or opportunity.


In this article, we have extensively discussed the importance of Big Data to business, Big Data as a business planning tool and transforming business processes with Big Data.

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding the importance of Big Data to business. You can also consider our Data Analytics Course to give your career an edge over others. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow.

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