This article will demonstrate how to use the push tag of the struts2 framework. The push tag adds value to the top of the stack. As a result, it is accessible with ease by utilizing OGNL expression language at the first level.
In struts2, the value is set and kept at the top of the stack using the push tag. It makes pushing and accessing the deal simpler.
Create Action Class
Action class for merely forwarding the request.
Create a file with the name
Source Code
package com.codingninja.action;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
public class PushingAction extends ActionSupport{
public String execute() throws Exception {
return SUCCESS;
Create Bean Class
A straightforward Person class will be afterward pushed into the stack for easier access.
Create a file with the name
Source Code
package com.codingninja;
public class DataOfPerson{
private String name = "This is Name";
private String title = "This is Title";
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
In most cases, you can reference a bean's property using something like s: property value="" />. You can directly access the property with the "push" tag by moving the "#persondataBean" to the top of the stack and setting the value of the property to "name." The identical outcome is returned to both, but merely through a different access method.
You can avoid typing a few letters using the "push" tag, but there isn't much of a benefit.
The Struts HTML Tags drawer allows you to build Struts HTML tags. These tags, along with others that are usually helpful in the HTML-based user interfaces, are used to create Struts input forms. When in XHTML mode, the output is XHTML 1.0 compliant or HTML 4.01 compliant.
In struts, what is form bean?
A Java bean, known as a form bean, is filled with the information from an HTML form created using Struts when a user presses the Submit button on that form. A form bean's characteristics correspond to every field on the form. The bean properties are immediately filled in after the form is submitted.
Describe Struts XML.
The configuration data you will change when actions are created is contained in the struts.xml file. DevMode = false, and other default options given in property files can be overridden for an application using this file, such as struts.
What does the action struts2 mean?
Advertisements. Programmers can use the action tag to carry out the action from the view page. By naming the activity, they can achieve this. To render the result in the view directly, they can set the "executeResult" option to "true."
What function does .TLD file provides struts?
To store a mapping between the TLD and its URI, the servlet container searches for the uri> element inside the root element taglib> while loading the TLD. In yours. JSP files, the TLD is accordingly referenced using this URI.
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