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Last updated: Jul 4, 2022

The Ruby Platform

Ruby holds in itself a very rich and powerful API that serves as a good platform to create the programs. In this article series, we will be defining such methods and giving you an outline of API and how the key classes like string, and array work with it.
Pattern Matching in Ruby EASY
This blog discusses the concept of pattern matching in Ruby with different examples in detail.
Numbers and Math in Ruby EASY
This blog helps you clear your understanding of Numbers and Math in Ruby and learn some new and important concepts of Numbers and Math in Ruby.
Dates and Times in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will discuss the concept of dates and times in ruby including the components of date and time, formatting of date, time and date directives.
Collections in Ruby
This article will discuss collections in Ruby. We will discuss enumerable, array, hash, and sets in Ruby.
Files and Directories in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will discuss files and directories in ruby.
Input and Output in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will explore the Input and Output in Ruby which include file IO operations, taking input from users, and printing output.
Networking in Ruby
This article will discuss Networking in Ruby. We will learn about writing internet client applications and Internet servers and concepts related to networking.
Threads and Concurrency in Ruby MEDIUM
This article introduces you to Threads and Concurrency in Ruby, exception and scheduling.
Author akscrv