Syntax of Linux tr Command
The Syntax for the basic tr command is:
$ tr [options] SET1 [SET2]
The tr command takes two arguments, SET1 and SET2. SET1 is used for the input characters, and SET2 are the characters to which SET1 characters will be translated to. When some flags are used with the tr command, SET2 might get used optionally.
tr Options
If we use the tr command without any option then the characters in SET1 will be replaced with characters from SET2 belonging to the same position.
Some of the available options are given below.
-C: This option complements every character in SET1 except those specified.
-c: This option complements the values in SET1. It applies to only those characters that aren’t specified in the given set.
-d: This option deletes the from the SET1 in the output.
-s: This option is used to replace the multiple occurrences of the character in SET1 with one occurrence.
- -t: This option is used to truncate the length of SET1 to the length of SET2.
Examples of tr Command
Changing the Character Case
To do this, we can.
- Specify the characters whose cases we want to be converted
$ tr HLL hll
- We can provide the range for conversion.
$ tr A-Z a-z
coding ninjas
- We can use predefined character classes.
$ tr [:upper:] [:lower:]
Coding Ninjas Studio
Removing the Repeated Characters
By using the -s option, we can squeeze multiple instances of a character into one single occurrence; this can be useful in removing whitespaces to tabs or newline.
As shown in the example below.
$ echo this is coding Ninjas | tr -s “ ”
this is coding Ninjas
Deleting Characters
We can remove the specific character using the -d option. In the example, ‘l’ is removed from the input string.
$ tr -d ‘l’
Complement Set
We can use the -c option to complement the characters in SET1. Here we remove all the characters except the digits from the given string.
$ echo “Aditya's roll no is 134” | tr -cd [:digit:]
Removing Digits From a String
We can use the -d option, as shown below, to remove the digits from a string.
$ echo “Aditya's roll no is 134” | tr -d [:digit:]
Aditya's roll no is
Remove Newline Characters
The following example shows how we can remove a newline characters:
$ cat test1.txt
Line one
Line two
Line three
Line four
Line Five
Here, “-d” option is used to specify the “tr” command to remove a character. A general use for the “tr” command is to remove “new line” characters from a file. The new line character is specified as “\n”.
$ cat test1.txt | tr -d "\n"
Line oneLine twoLine threeLine fourLine Five
Redirect Into tr
Instead of Piping, we have an alternative Redirection of feed content into tr. Also, we can use redirection to save the tr output in a file. Here , test.txt file has the content “ Hello Welcome to CodingNinjasThis is the tr command tutorial”.
$ tr -cd [:print] < test.txt
HelloWelcome to CodingNinjasThis is the tr command tutorial.
Truncate Set
If SET1 is longer then SET2 by default, tr uses the last character from SET2 when processing the input. For example:
$ echo “codingninja” | tr coding 23
As, SET1 is longer than SET2, tr reuses the last character from SET2, in this case, 3. By using the “-t” option to truncate SET1 to the length SET2:
$ echo “codingninja” | tr -t coding 23
Remove Diacritics
We can use the [=CHAR=] sequence to match all characters equal to the specified one. For example, the sequence can detect and remove diacritics from characters.
$ cat text.txt
Hello, let's meet at a cafe`!
$ cat test.txt | tr “[=e=]” “e”
Hello, let's meet at a cafe!
Print Each Word Separately
With the help of the “-c” option, we can print the file's content line by line and also replace the non-alphanumerical characters with a newline character.
$ echo “ Welcome to Coding Ninja Studio" | tr -cs [:alnum:] '\n'
Save Output to File
tr does not change a file's content directly also it doesn't save any changes we make. So we can save the output to a file by redirecting it as shown below:
$ tr -cd [:print] < test.txt > newredirected.txt
$ cat newredirected.txt
HelloWelcome to CodingNinjasThis is the tr command tutorial.
How to convert lower case characters to upper case.
To convert lower case characters to upper case, you can use the tr command with the character classes for lower case and upper case letters as follows:
echo "welcome to coding ninjas" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]': This part of the command converts all the lower case characters in the input text to their corresponding upper case characters.
The command will then convert all the lower case letters to their upper case counterparts, resulting in the following output:
How to delete specified characters using -d option.
You can use echo to print the input text, and then use tr -d 'con' to delete the characters 'c', 'o', and 'n' from the input text.
echo "hello ninjas welcome to coding ninjas" | tr -d 'con'
The output displays the modified text with the specified characters removed.
hell ijas welme t dig ijas
How to translate white-space characters to tabs.
To translate white space character to tabs you can use tr ' ' '\t'.
In this example, the tr command translates each space character ' ' to a tab character '\t'.
echo "This is coders paradise on earth." | tr ' ' '\t'
This is coders paradise on earth.
How to translate braces into parenthesis.
To translate braces into parentheses we simply use tr '{}' '()'.
In this example, the tr command translates each curly brace character {} to a corresponding parenthesis character ().
echo "This is a {coding} platform {codingninjas}." | tr '{}' '()'
This is a (coding) platform (codingninjas).
How to squeeze a sequence of repetitive characters using -s option
You can use the tr command with the -s option.
It squeezes multiple consecutive space characters into a single space character, effectively removing the extra spaces.
echo "This is coding ninjas." | tr -s ' '
This is coding ninjas.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the tr command in bash?
The tr command in bash is used for translating or deleting characters. It supports a range of transformations which includes squeezing repeating characters, uppercase to lowercase, deleting specific characters, and basic find and replace.
What does tr ‘\n’ do?
A common use of the “tr” command is to remove “new line” characters from a file. The new line character is specified as “\n”.
What is tr in script?
The tr command is a UNIX command-line utility to translate or delete characters. It supports a range of transformations which includes squeezing repeating characters, uppercase to lowercase, deleting specific characters, and basic find and replace.
In this article we saw what is the tr command in Linux, we looked into the syntax of the tr command and saw various examples showing how to change these arguments to achieve the desired result.
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