Table of contents
What is tsconfig.json?
Include and Exclude
Compiler Options
Creation of a tsconfig.json file
Frequently Asked Questions
What does "target" mean in tsconfig.json?
What does "strict" do in tsconfig.json?
What is "esModuleInterop" used for?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024


Author Arya Singh
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This robust extension of JavaScript simplifies development by adding static typing and much more. TypeScript's static typing capabilities allow for more readable and easily maintained code and the detection of programming mistakes. The "tsconfig.json" configuration file will enable developers to fully utilize TypeScript's capabilities by tailoring compiler settings and project options. This article aims to assist developers in making optimal use of TypeScript by dissecting the function, structure, and core elements of the configuration file known as "tsconfig.json.


In this article, we will learn the structure of tsconfig.json and how to create a tsconfig.json file.

What is tsconfig.json?

Tsconfig.json defines how TypeScript code should be translated into JavaScript code by the TypeScript compiler. Additionally, it is a part of TypeScript. Because TypeScript code is statically typed, it is more maintainable and reliable. Developers can eliminate the need to repeatedly supply numerous command-line parameters to TSC during compilation by centralizing and managing TypeScript compiler options in tsconfig.json. Instead, they can conveniently declare these options in the tsconfig.json file, streamlining the compilation process and ensuring project consistency.



The 'tsconfig.json' file is created in JSON format, especially utilizing JavaScript Object Notation, making it human, machine-readable, and writable. Developers can define an object in this file with several key-value pairs reflecting various configuration parameters. These options are written as key-value pairs, making it simple and easy to configure the TypeScript compiler behavior for unique projects.

Exclude and Include

Include and Exclude

Developers also have the option to select which files they want to include and which one should not be included in Typescript compilation by using the “include” and “exclude” commands in the tsconfig.json file. 

Compiler Options

The "compilerOptions" section of the 'tsconfig.json' file contains the essential options for modifying the TypeScript compiler's behavior. The most popular choices among compiler options are:

  • rootDir: Specifies the TypeScript source directory, defining where the TypeScript compiler should look for the source files.
  • outDir: Determines the location where the compiled JavaScript files should be output.
  • sourceMap: When set to true, this option generates source map files that aid in debugging the original TypeScript code.
  • noImplicitAny: Raises an exception if TypeScript cannot implicitly infer the type of a variable or function parameter.
  •  strict: Enables strict type checking and other type-related restrictions, leading to better code quality and fewer potential errors.
  • target: Defines the ECMAScript version to which TypeScript code should be compiled. For instance, "ES6" specifies ECMAScript 2015.
  • module: Specifies the code generation for TypeScript modules, determining how the compiled code is organized and packaged. Typical values include "CommonJS" and "ESNext."

By utilizing these compiler options in the `tsconfig.json` file, developers can tailor the TypeScript compilation process to suit their specific project needs, enhance code quality, and leverage the benefits of static typing in JavaScript.


This feature is especially advantageous for projects with multiple underlying dependencies. It enables developers to reference other TypeScript applications within the tsconfig.json file, effectively establishing the build order and ensuring accurate handling of dependencies. By doing so, developers can avoid potential conflicts and ensure the project is built correctly, maintaining a seamless development process. This powerful functionality enhances the organization and structure of the project, making it easier to manage complex applications and streamline development efforts.


The "extends" option in tsconfig.json permits developers to inherit configuration settings from another tsconfig.json file, enabling the convenient reuse of standard configurations. This feature is handy for maintaining consistency across multiple projects and avoiding redundant configuration code. Extending from an existing configuration saves developers time and effort while ensuring that similar projects adhere to the same standards and guidelines. This promotes code consistency and enhances collaboration within development teams, leading to more efficient and organized TypeScript projects.

Creation of a tsconfig.json file

In the base directory of your TypeScript project, run the following command to generate a tsconfig.json file.

tsc -init

If you run this command, tsconfig.json will be created with default settings. After that, you can make any required changes to the file to tailor it to your project's needs.


A basic configuration targeting ES6 with strict type checking:

 "compilerOptions": {
     "target": "ES6",
     "strict": true

A configuration for a Node.js project with CommonJS module output:

 "compilerOptions": {
     "target": "ES6",
     "Module": "CommonJS",
     "outDir": "dist",
     “rootDir”: “src,
     "sourceMap": true,
"include": ["src"]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "target" mean in tsconfig.json?

The "target" option specifies the ECMAScript version to which TypeScript will compile your code. For example, "ES5" targets older browsers, while "ES6" supports modern browsers and newer JavaScript features.

What does "strict" do in tsconfig.json?

The "strict" option enables or disables various TypeScript strict type-checking options, helping catch more errors in your code. When set to true, it enables strict mode, which is generally recommended for better code quality.

What is "esModuleInterop" used for?

The "esModuleInterop" option simplifies the interoperability between CommonJS and ES6 modules. When set to true, you can use default imports with CommonJS modules.


This article explains the structure of tsconfig.json and how to create a tsconfig.json file.

We hope this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge of tsconfig.json.

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