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Remote Access VPN
Site to Site VPN
Types of VPN Protocols
Key Takeaways
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Types of VPN

Author Komal Shaw
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VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a technology or a service that helps create a safe, encrypted connection. It provides inline privacy by creating a private network from a public internet connection. It uses tunnelling protocols to provide users with such connections. Thus, this allows users to securely send and receive data across the internet.

VPN is basically of 2 types:-

  1. Remote Access VPN
  2. Site to Site VPN

Let’s look into the details of each of these types.

Remote Access VPN

Remote Access VPN is the most famous VPN nowadays. The Remote Access VPN connects the user to a private network to access all its resources remotely. This connection between the user and the private network is secure and confidential. Remote Access VPN is the foundation of commercial VPN services. The main advantage of Remote Access VPN is easy setups and hassle-free use. Users can easily access it, and it is perfect for personal use.

Site to Site VPN

Site to Site VPN is also known as Router to Router VPN. It provides multiple users the ability to access each other’s resources. This VPN is mainly used in large companies and organizations with branch offices in different cities.

Site to Site are of two types -

  1. Intranet-based VPN - When branch offices of the same company are connected using the Site-to-Site VPN type, it is called Intranet-based VPN.
  2. Extranet-based VPN - When different companies use Site-to-Site VPN to connect to each other, i.e. when a connection between two separate intranets is required, it is called Extranet-based VPN.

They are not easy to implement and require special equipment and resources. It creates an imaginary bridge between networks at remote offices for secure, smooth, and private communication.

Types of VPN Protocols

  1. Internet Protocol Security(IPSec)
    IPSec is generally used to secure Internet communication across an IP network. It verifies the session and encrypts each data packet during the connection. IPSec runs on two modes:- Transport and Tunneling Mode. Transport mode encrypts the message in the data packet, while Tunneling mode encrypts the whole data packet.
  2. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol(L2TP)
    L2TP often combines with IPSec to establish a highly secure VPN connection. L2TP establishes a tunnel between two L2TP connection points, and then IPSec’s work is to encrypt the data and maintain a secure connection between the tunnel.
  3. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol(PPTP)
    PPTP is the most widely used VPN Protocol. It generates a tunnel and confines the data packet. It is used to encrypt the data between the connection. It is used on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  4. SSL and TLS
    SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, while TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. Here the web browser acts as the client, and user access is prohibited to specific applications instead of the entire network in the VPN connection generated by SSL and TLS. Almost every web browsers come integrated with SSL and TLS, and SSL connections have ‘HTTPS’ instead of ‘HTTP’ at the starting of the URL.
  5. OpenVPN
    OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol, and it uses a traditional security protocol based on SSL and TLS protocols.
  6. Secure Shell(SSH)
    SSH generates a VPN tunnel for the data transfer. This tunnel is encrypted. An SSH client generates the connection, and the data transfer takes place through the tunnel from a local port onto the remote server.


  1. Name some VPN Protocols.
    IP Security, OpenVPN, Secure Socket Layer, Transport Layer Security, PPTP, L2TP.
  2. What does SSTP stand for?
    Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol.
  3. On what does Remote Access VPN rely?
    It usually depends on IPsec or SSL to secure the connection.
  4. What are the types of Site-to-Site VPN?
    Intranet-based VPN and Extranet-based VPN.
  5. Name an open-source VPN Protocol.
    OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol.

Key Takeaways

In this article, we have extensively discussed the types of VPN and focused on the different types of VPN Protocols.

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding the types of VPNs. If you would like to learn more, check out our articles on What is VPNActive and Passive AttacksWhat is Information Security, Active Attack and Passive AttackNeed of Information Security.

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