Table of contents
UGC NET Selection Process
UGC NET exam pattern
Qualifying marks for UGC NET 2022
Getting Admit Card for UGC NET
UGC NET results and score-card
Exam day guidelines
Important dates for UGC NET 2022
UGC NET June cycle 2022
UGC NET December cycle 2022
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024


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UGC NET Exam is a very popular exam in India for people interested in the research domain. This article will discuss the UGC NET Exam, its conducting body, exam level, purpose, application, exam dates 2022, etc. Let’s take your first step towards your entry into the research area.


National Eligibility Test (NET) is an exam conducted to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for Assistant Professorship or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or both. This exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Until June 2018, this exam was conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This exam is conducted in 84 subjects in 91 cities across the country. UGC conducts the NET exam twice a year, i.e., June and December. The notifications announcing the exams are published in March and September, respectively. The test for Junior Research Fellowship has been conducted since 1984. The UGC was entrusted to conduct the eligibility test by the Government of India through its notification dated 22nd July 1988.

The UGC-NET exam consists of two papers, Paper-1 and Paper-2. A candidate’s eligibility for Assistant Professorship and the awarding of Junior Research Fellowship is decided based on the candidate’s performance in these two papers. The candidates qualifying only for Assistant Professorship are not to be considered for JRF. The cut-off scores for JRF are usually higher than Assistant Professorship.

UGC NET Selection Process

  1. The selection process starts with the rolling out of official notification by the UGC.
  2. Fill out the application form for the UGC-NET exam.
  3. Download the admit card for the exam during the notified duration from the official website using your application number and password.
  4. Appear in the UGC NET exam at your designated examination center.
  5. Check the UGC NET result. The result consists of the roll number of the candidate and their status if they are qualified or not.

UGC NET exam pattern

  • It is a computer-based examination and consists of two papers.
  • Marking scheme: +2 for correct answers and 0 for incorrect or unanswered questions.
  • There is no negative marking in this examination.
  • Question paper is available in only two languages, i.e., Hindi and English.
  • All the questions are of Objective type in the UGC NET examination.

Qualifying marks for UGC NET 2022

Qualifying marks for UGC NET are final and binding.

The percentage mentioned above is the aggregate percentage of the scores obtained in paper-1 and paper-2. The percentages mentioned above are only the qualifying marks, not the cut-off marks.

The cut-off score is calculated by considering the number of candidates qualified and the number of available seats.

Getting Admit Card for UGC NET

The UGC NET admit card is released on the official website of NTA. The candidates are advised to cross-check the details on the admit card. If any discrepancies are found, the candidate can contact the authorities to correct them. The steps to download the admit card from the official website are below.

  1. Visit the official website of UGC NET.
  2. Click on the download admit card option.
  3. Enter the details that the portal demands, like application number, date of birth, Security pin, etc.
  4. Click on the submit button.
  5. View, download, and then print copies of your admit card.

Make sure that you carry your admit card to the examination center. The examination center details, examination timing, and exam day guidelines are available on the admit card itself.

UGC NET results and score-card

The results of UGC NET 2022 will be rolled out after the examination on the specified date by the authorities. The link to access the result portal will be available on the official website. The steps to access the results of UGC NET are given below.

  1. Visit the official website of UGC NET.
  2. Click on the “View result/score-card UGC NET” button.
  3. Enter the details that the portal demands, like roll number, date of birth, Security pin, etc.
  4. Click on the submit button.
  5. Your result will be displayed.

Exam day guidelines

The guidelines for the UGC NET exam will be available on the admit card. There are a few standard things that the candidate should keep in mind.

  • Candidates are provided with pen and paper for rough work in the computer-based test. However, candidates are advised to bring their pen and paper to avoid unusual situations.
  • No electronic devices are allowed in the examination center. Smartwatches, mobile phones, calculators, etc., are strictly prohibited.
  • No items of personal belongings are allowed inside like handbags, purses, eatables, etc.
  • Candidates should bring a copy of the admit card, personal identification card, and other things mentioned on the admit card to the examination center.

Important dates for UGC NET 2022

UGC NET June cycle 2022

The June examination application process starts in March and continues till April. After the application process is finished, admit cards are provided in May, examinations are conducted in June, and then the results are rolled out on the official website.

UGC NET December cycle 2022

After finishing the June cycle, the application process for the December cycle starts in October and continues till November. After this, admit cards are provided, and examinations are conducted in December.

Note: UGC NET 2022 June cycle has been delayed. The official dates are yet to be announced. The dates mentioned above are tentative. Candidates are advised to visit the official website of UGC NET for regular updates on the examination date.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the UGC NET exam?
    UGC NET is a national-level exam organized by UGC to determine the eligibility of the candidates for lectureship and JRF.
  2. What is the maximum number of attempts for the UGC NET examination?
    There is no bar on the number of attempts of this examination. Candidates can appear for the examination as long as they are eligible.
  3. What is the full form of UGC NET?
    UGC stands for University Grants Commission, and NET stands for National Eligibility Test.
  4. Are the UGC NET exam and CSIR NET exam the same?
    UGC NET exam covers a broader spectrum of subjects, whereas CSIR NET is only for the science stream subjects. However, the purpose of both examinations is the same.
  5. How many papers are there in the UGC NET exam?
    There are two papers, and the candidates get 3 hours for both papers. There are 150 questions in UGC NET combining both papers.


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