Distributed Load Testing refers to running a single test on several different computers simultaneously.
Distributed Load Testing makes it possible to simulate a massive number of virtual users and generates a lot of traffic which ain't possible using a single computer.
Let us learn how can we use Distribution Load Testing in the ReadyA API user interface.
Also Read About, Types of Agents in Artificial Intelligence.
Distribution Page
We use the distribution page to create load tests that run on one or several remote machines.
The panel of available scenarios will show all the functional scenarios in the load test. To add them to the distributed tests, you can drag the scenarios to the agent and get them added.
The panels for Agents give information about all the agents with whom you’ll work. We have the freedom to create or delete agents at will, and to edit an agent, we simply select it and change its properties in the panel.
To Enable/Disable the agent
Next to the connection symbol, toggle between the On/Off from the drop-down as per your requirement.
To Enable/Disable just the scenario
Next to the scenario name, toggle between the On/Off from the drop-down as per your requirement.
Load Agent Inspector
The Load Agent Inspector is located on the right with your agent's name at the top.
This inspector can be used to:
- Rename the agent
- Change the address of the computer where it was installed.
- Enable/Disable the agent itself.
Renaming an Agent:
- From the agent panel, select the target agent. The inspector will be opened up on the right side of the application.
- Bring up the Change Label dialog box by clicking over the agent name in the inspector.
- Enter the new name inside the dialog box and press OK to save.
To change the agent address:
- From the agent panel, select the target agent. The inspector will be opened up on the right side of the application.
- Simply enter the IP address or the new computer name in the Host field inside the inspector.
To change the connection port:
- From the agent panel, select the target agent. The inspector will be highlighted on the right side of the application.
- In the port field inside the inspector, just enter the new port number.