Installing AR Foundation
To install this package, pursue the instructions in the Package Manager documentation.
Subsystems are executed in other packages. To employ AR Foundation, we must also install at least one of these platform-specific AR packages from the Package Manager window (menu: Window > Package Manager):
- Windows XR Plug-in
- Magic Leap XR Plug-in
- ARCore XR Plug-in
- ARKit XR Plug-in
AR Foundation Architecture
The two core parts of the AR Foundation architecture are:-
- AR Components
- AR Subsystem
AR Foundation Architecture
AR Subsystem
The AR subsystem is the moderator between Unity and the Native AR SDK modules. Every subsystem supplies different features.
AR Subsystem
The subsystems only describe procedure interfaces; they don’t contain any execution details. The precise performance details are documented in various device-specific XR plugins, such as the ARKIT XR Plugin for iOS and the ARCore XR Plugin for Android. Although you can utilize the subsystems to manage the native AR SDK, they’re not permanently easy to operate. AR components are considerably more developer-friendly.
AR Components
Some of the components here are:-
a) ARPlaneManager: for externals, detection
b) ARSession: for the lifecycle of the AR
c) ARRaycastManager: for witnessing user touch in the AR environment
Check out the blog Passion for AR & VR leads to Snake Snack Game to know more about Augmented reality. Now we will end this article with faqs.
Frequently asked questions
How do we test Unity’s AR Foundation?
After installation, we should install an AR Companion app to our AR device and operate our AR setting in Unity Editor. AR Companion will dispatch AR data back to the Editor, so we can test our project as if it is running on an existing device.
Does AR foundation work on Windows?
AR Foundation does not enforce any AR features but describes a multi-platform API that permits you to work with functionality familiar to numerous platforms.
Which is more profitable, AR Foundation or Vuforia?
The solution is clear regarding Vuforia vs. AR Foundation for manufacturing AR. The key is clear – Vuforia is the answer you need. AR Foundation is a better platform, but it's best for games and other lightweight solutions and won't have the mechanisms required for industrial needs.
What is an AR session in Unity?
The AR Session controls the lifecycle of an AR experience, allowing or undermining AR on the target platform. The AR Session can be on any GameObject. If the scene doesn't have an ARSession, the application will not be capable of tracking features in its conditions.
How does the AR foundation work?
AR Foundation permits you to work with augmented reality platforms in a multi-platform way within Unity. AR Foundation is a set of MonoBehaviour s and APIs for dealing with devices that sustain subsequent concepts: World tracking: track the device's position and orientation in physical space.
We hope that our blog enhances your knowledge regarding Unity’s AR Foundation Framework.
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