Last updated: Jan 19, 2022

Unsupervised Learning

This is in contrast to Supervised Learning, which does not use trained data but has a long list of real-world applications and is widely used by many tech companies.


Clustering is a prominent unsupervised learning approach. It allows users to classify and group certain data points, resulting in more distinct and accurate findings.
Understanding K-means Clustering
In this blog, we will understand how the K-means clustering algorithm works by using some random data points.
K-Means ++
This blog will focus on the limitations of K-Means and its extension to K-Means++. Let’s begin.
Mini Batch KMeans EASY
In this article, we will discuss the Mini Batch KMeans algorithm and will compare it with the KMeans algorithm. Also, will implement the small model based on this algorithm.
Applying K-Means on Iris Dataset
In this blog post, we'll be learning the Iris Dataset and applying a very popular machine learning algorithm, K-Means, on the same. We would also be testing our model on the dataset and observing the results.
Image Compression using K-Means Clustering
This blog will look at image compression with the K-means clustering technique, an unsupervised learning approach.
Fuzzy Clustering
The objective of this blog is to give an overview of fuzzy clustering.
OPTICS Clustering
In this article, we will learn about a method called OPTICS that will help us in identifying the density-based clusters in spatial data. Also will see some terminologies related to it.
Spectral Clustering
This article will study spectral Clustering, its theory, and its advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, we will look into its basic implementation.
Clustering in Machine Learning MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about clustering in machine learning, popular clustering algorithms and their application.
Hierarchical Clustering
In this blog, we will discuss another Unsupervised learning algorithm, Hierarchical clustering. Let's begin.
Birch Clustering
This blog will teach the concept of birch clustering with the help of an example and the code implementation.
Gaussian Mixture Models
the blog walks through a powerful clustering technique called GMMs.
DBSCAN Clustering In Machine Learning
This article introduces you to DBSCAN, an unsupervised Density-Based Clustering technique with a detailed code and a description.
Singular Value Decomposition EASY
The singular Value function is an integral and vital part of a statistical approach to minimize a given data set by reducing the extreme values of the dataset.
Difference Between KNN and K-Means Clustering EASY
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and K-Means Clustering are popular machine learning algorithms, but they serve different purposes and are used in different contexts. In this blog, we'll learn about the difference between KNN and K-means clustering.