Link validation pings a URL's final destination to check for problems. This is very helpful for bloggers as it helps to prevent broken and invalid links in your published document.
Enter any username and url and click on the login button.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which two sorts of validations does the Validator framework support?
First, using Custom Validation Here, we must supply the implementation of the validate method and implement the Validatable interface (or extend the ActionSupport class).
Second, Utilizing Input Validation (built-in validators), Struts 2 has various preset validation features that can be utilized in struts two applications.
How can we validate URL in HTML?
A field for entering a URL is defined using the input type="URL" tag. Before the form can be submitted, the input value is automatically validated.
How does the Struts 2 validation work?
The validation framework, an essential component of Struts, helps the application run the rules for validating before the action method is called. Typically, Javascript is used to implement client-side validation. However, client-side validation should not be the only method used.
What is the validation framework in Struts?
You can specify validation rules using the Validation Framework, and either the client-side or the server-side can implement these rules. Using JBoss Developer Studio's specific editor for the XML files that manage validation in a project makes using the Validation Framework in Struts considerably simpler.
What is a validation framework?
Using Spring's robust expression evaluation engine, the validation framework evaluates the Validator's applicability criteria and validation rules. As a result, any valid validator's test and attributes can accept any good Spring expression.
So that's the end of the article. url validator
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