Table of contents
Use of Realloc()
Syntax of realloc()
Example 1
Example 2
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the realloc method?
What is realloc int in C?
What is realloc vs calloc in C?
Last Updated: Nov 19, 2024

Use of Realloc()

Author Shivam Sinha
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In C, calloc() or malloc() is used to allocate the blocks of memory space now; there may be a need to expand or shrink the memory according to one’s requirements, and this memory can be resized using the realloc() function which is a library function in C. So. we will see how we can use the realloc() function in C to resize the memory, we will also see a few examples to understand it.

Use of Realloc() Function

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Use of Realloc()

Realloc() is a library function of C, which is included in the <stdlib.h> library. It stands for reallocation of memory which is used to change the size of the dynamically allocated memory; it resizes current memory blocks without changing the original content. One important point which should be considered is that reallocation is used in the case of dynamically allocated memory only, but if the memory allocated is not dynamic, then the behaviour is undefined. Here, dynamically allocated memory is the process of assigning the memory space during the execution time or the run time.

Syntax of realloc()


void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);

So, The function needs two arguments:

  • **(void *ptr): A pointer that points to the beginning of a memory block that we want to resize. 
  • (size_t size): This represents the new size of the block(in bytes), where size_t is just an alias of unsigned int, defined in the library of C. The new block can be smaller or larger than the original block.


Realloc deallocates the original object pointed to by ptr and returns a pointer to a new object. The contents of the new object are identical to that of the original object prior to deallocation. 


Example 1

Let’s understand these with the help of an example:

  • C


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
   int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
   int i;
   int *ptr_new;
   *ptr = 10;
   *(ptr + 1) = 20;
   ptr_new = (int *)realloc(ptr, sizeof(int)*3);
   *(ptr_new + 2) = 30;
   for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
       printf("%d ", *(ptr_new + i));
   return 0;
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10 20 30

In this example, firstly, we want ptr to store the space of 2 integers, and then we store 10 and 20. Now we are deallocating the memory, and now we want to store the space of 3 integers, and then we store 30 in it. So it will simply print 10 20 30.

Also see,  Tribonacci Series and Short int in C Programming

Example 2

  • C



int main()
   int *p, i, n;

   printf("Initial size of the array is 4\n\n");
   p = (int*)calloc(4, sizeof(int));

       printf("Memory allocation failed");
       exit(1); // exit the program

   for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
       printf("Enter element at index %d: ", i);
       scanf("%d", p+i);

   printf("\nIncreasing the size of the array by 3 elements ...\n ");

   p = (int*)realloc(p, 7 * sizeof(int));

       printf("Memory allocation failed");
       exit(1); // exit the program

   printf("\nEnter 3 more integers\n\n");

   for(i = 4; i < 7; i++)
       printf("Enter element at index %d: ", i);
       scanf("%d", p+i);

   printf("\nFinal array: \n\n");

   for(i = 0; i < 7; i++)
       printf("%d ", *(p+i) );

   return 0;
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Original size of the array is 4

Enter element at index 0: 99
Enter element at index 1: 88
Enter element at index 2: 77
Enter element at index 3: 66

Increasing the size of the array by 3 elements ...

Enter 3 more integers

Enter element at index 4: 10
Enter element at index 5: 20
Enter element at index 6: 30

Final array:

99 88 77 66 10 20 30

In this example, initially, our array size is 4, so we can store up to 4 integers, and after that, we use the relloc() function to reallocate the memory keeping the original content same, so using relloc() function, our array size is 7, so we added 3 more integers. After that, we print all the elements stored in the array. 

You can also read about the dynamic arrays in c and Data Structure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the realloc method?

The realloc function dynamically adjusts the size of previously allocated memory, preserving existing data, or returns NULL if resizing fails.

What is realloc int in C?

Using realloc with an integer pointer adjusts the memory block size for integers, allowing dynamic resizing while maintaining previously stored integer values.

What is realloc vs calloc in C?

calloc allocates and initializes memory to zero, while realloc resizes existing memory blocks, retaining or reallocating data as needed.


In this article, we have discussed the use of realloc function.We also discussed its syntax with examples.

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