Table of contents
What is User Management?
User Role
Adding Users
Editing Users
Deleting users
What are the different WordPress user roles?
How do I restrict users on WordPress?
Which is the highest privilege level in WordPress?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

User Management in WordPress

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Welcome readers! In this blog, we will learn how WordPress User Management gives users the ability to manage users and their data from a single dashboard. User data can be imported, exported, and updated based on roles and filters. User Management for WordPress allows website administrators to import and export user information.

What is User Management?

WP User Manager allows you to add highly customized user profiles to your WordPress website and custom user registration, login, password recovery, and account customization forms.

The best way to administer your community is to use WP User Manager. It's powerful and flexible, but it's also simple to set up and use. You may develop practically any WordPress membership website with WP User Manager, where your visitors can join and become members. Create a custom login page, have complete control over the registration form, add a member section to your site, and allow users to manage their personal information.

User Role

User role determines the access permission to the users of a WordPress site.

There are five user roles:


An administrator has full rights over a site. They can do anything from adding a post to deleting the other user's post. They have the authority to design a website by installing plugins and adding themes. They can even change the existing user's password, delete them or add them.

Administrators are basically the site owner, and they have full authority over their site.


They are in charge of a website's content part. They have the authority to edit, delete, or publish other people's posts. They can also make changes to comments by adding, deleting, or editing them.


They exclusively work on their own postings, such as adding, removing, editing, publishing, and uploading photographs and videos. They can delete their post, even if it has already been published. They cannot create a new category and must instead select from the current ones. They can, however, add tags to their posts.

They are unable to add or change any pages.


A contributor does not have the authority to publish their article or page. They must submit their post for approval to the administrator. And once it's been reviewed, the contributor won't be able to make any more changes.

They are unable to include images or videos in their own posts.


Users who have signed up for your site can log in and change their information. They have complete control over their passwords and can change them whenever they choose. They can simply read your posts and comment on them.

Adding Users

You'll receive a notification when a person registers on your site. As a result, you can change a user's role according to your preferences.

Click on Users > Add New.

Source: WordPress


Fill in all the details and click on Add New User button:

Source: WordPress


 Hence, the user has been added.

Source: WordPress

Editing Users

To edit users, go to Users > All Users.

Source: WordPress

Deleting users

Click on Users > All Users, users list will appear.

Source: WordPress


What are the different WordPress user roles?

Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber are the six predefined jobs in WordPress. Capabilities are a collection of tasks that each position is allowed to execute.


How do I restrict users on WordPress?

Scroll down to the 'Restrict this material' meta box on the edit screen and select the 'Members with particular roles' option. After that, select the user role you want to allow, then change or publish your material. You may also create subscription levels using Restrict Content Pro.


Which is the highest privilege level in WordPress?

User Levels in WordPress range from 0 to 10. User Level 0 (zero) is the lowest conceivable Level, while User Level 10 is the maximum, implying that User Level 10 has complete authority (highest permission level).


In this article, we have extensively discussed WordPress User Management which assigns roles and controls who-can-do-what on your WordPress website. We also discussed various types of user roles, and how to Add, Edit, and Delete users.  

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding User management in WordPress and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles here. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow.

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