Table of contents
Creating VPC
Verifying your VPC
Running Load Tests in a VPC
Estimating the Cloud Test Price
How ReadyAPI Estimates the Test Price
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I use Amazon VPC?
What usage charges will I incur if I use other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, from Amazon EC2 instances in my VPC?
How can I establish an Internet connection for my VPC?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Using Amazon VPC to Run Load Tests and estimating the Cloud Test Price in Ready API

Author Shivani Singh
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Load tests can be performed using Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). A logically isolated portion of the AWS cloud is made available by the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), allowing you to launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you specify. Your virtual networking environment is completely in your control, and this includes choosing your IP address range, setting up subnets, configuring route tables, and setting up network gateways. The network setup for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud can be simply customized. You could, for instance, choose a private-facing subnet for your backend systems like databases or application servers and a public-facing subnet for web servers that may access the internet.

The prerequisites for starting the LoadUI agent in your Amazon VPC subnet are a VPC with an automatically assigned public subnet and public IPs and on the port, the agent will use, access to the subnet instances. The agents typically use port 1991.

Creating VPC

Step 1: Select VPC after logging into the Amazon Web Services Console.

Creating VPC

Step 2: Click Start VPC Wizard on the VPC Dashboard page.

Creating VPC


Step 3: Check that the VPC with a Single Public Subnet checkbox is selected, then click it.

Creating VPC

Step 4: Define your VPC and subnet names and configure IP ranges. Simply provide the VPC name and Subnet name and leave the other fields' default values if you're unsure what to do.

A VPC with a subnet that can be utilised for load tests will be created by Amazon.

Verifying your VPC

Step 1: Go to the Subnets page first. The Auto-assign Public IP setting should be set to Yes. If not, go to Subnet Actions > Modify Auto-Assign Public IP and turn on automatic IP assignment.

Verifying your VPC

Step 2: Change to Internet Gateways and confirm that your VPC is connected to a gateway.

Verifying your VPC


Step 3: Go to the Route Tables page and check to see if your VPC is mentioned there. Switch to the Routes tab after selecting it.

Verifying your VPC

Running Load Tests in a VPC

Running load tests on Amazon EC2 is comparable to running them on a VPC. The main distinction is that you choose the network and subnet you constructed rather than the EC2 Classic network.

Running Load Tests in a VPC

Estimating the Cloud Test Price

The Price Check dialogue will display when your test that employs cloud instances launches. The cost of the load test is roughly estimated in this dialogue.

Estimating the Cloud Test Price

To begin the cloud test, click Continue.

How ReadyAPI Estimates the Test Price

ReadyAPI obtains pricing data from, which routinely receives it from the cloud service website. ReadyAPI calculates the cost of the test once it has received the price data. The following elements influence the outcome:

  1. The variety and quantity of cloud computing devices employed in your test.
  2. The approximate length of the test. Each partial hour spent utilising cloud computing services is invoiced as a full hour in accordance with the Amazon pricing policy.

The price could be different from the estimate for a number of reasons, including:

  • ReadyAPI makes the assumption that cloud computers will shut down after the test. The cost will be higher if they don't.
  • ReadyAPI does not take into account the cost of the many pay services that your cloud machines might utilize, such as data transmission fees.
  • When the test is conducted, the price data that ReadyAPI utilizes can be out-of-date. The price you see in the dialogue will be different from the actual price if you conduct your test after Amazon has changed the price but before receives a notification of the changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use Amazon VPC?

You may create a virtual network in the AWS cloud using Amazon VPC without using hardware, VPNs, or real data centers. You have control over how your network and the Amazon EC2 resources it contains are accessible to the Internet and can design your own network area. 

What usage charges will I incur if I use other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, from Amazon EC2 instances in my VPC?

Some Amazon Web Services, such as Amazon EC2, nevertheless have usage fees that are based on their announced rates. When using the Internet gateway of your VPC to access Amazon Web Services, such as Amazon S3, there are no data transfer fees. You'll pay for Internet data transmission if you use your VPN connection to access AWS resources.

How can I establish an Internet connection for my VPC?

The construction of an Internet gateway is supported by Amazon VPC. Through this gateway, Amazon EC2 instances in the VPC can connect directly to the Internet. In order to enable egress-only access for IPv6 traffic from the VPC to the Internet, you can also utilise an Egress-only internet gateway, which is a stateful gateway.


To conclude this blog, we first discussed some basics of Amazon Web Services VPC. Then we saw how to create a VPC and also to verify it and Running Load Tests in a VPC. Last but not least we discussed Estimating the Cloud Test Price and also How ReadyAPI Estimates the Test Price. 

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