Last updated: Mar 28, 2022

UT/FT Testing Frameworks

Writing Unit testing and functional testing is necessary to see code-level bugs, unit testing involves testing of the smallest unit of code, statements, functions, conditional branches. Unit testing is important to test behavior and functionality by automating test suite coverage. Here you’ll learn about UT/FT frameworks and how to test behavior and functionality by writing test cases.

Junit Unit Tests

JUnit is a unit testing framework for Java programming language-based applications. It plays an essential role in test-driven development and is a family of unit testing frameworks known as xUnit. TDD approach basically helps us in identifying edge test cases during unit testing only, so that we can develop our app while thinking about those edge cases. Here, we will learn about features of Junit 4 and Junit 5 both like, annotations, packages, writing test cases and executing them, different types of tests, ignoring tests, testing asynchronous code, etc.
JUnit Introduction and Features
This blog discusses JUnit, its features, and how it makes coding simple.
JUnit Environment Setup and Framework
This blog discusses the installation and Setup of the JUnit Environment and Framework
Author Parth
JUnit Basic Test cases and Syntax EASY
This article introduces the JUnit and the basic test cases with syntax along with the detailed description and code.
Junit Packages
In this blog, we will go through various packages available in Junit. We will work with examples to implement some packages and their usage.
Junit testing for Java Classes and methods EASY
This article introduces you to JUnit, Testing classes, and methods along with detailed description and code.
JUnit Annotations MEDIUM
The JUnit annotations are predefined texts provided by Java API, which helps JVM to recognize the type of method or class for testing. We need to install the JUnit dependencies first to use JUnit annotations for testing.
Display Name Generator EASY
In this article, we will discuss the concept of Name and Sentence Generators in JUnit. We will further discuss how to implement DisplayNames in JUnit.
JUnit Assertions EASY
In this article, we will discuss the concept of Assertions in JUnit. We will further discuss an example of Assertion in JUnit.
Disabling Tests in junit5
This article introduces you to JUnit and how to disable tests in JUnit with a detailed description and code.
JUnit Execution Procedure EASY
This article will discuss about the Execution procedures of JUnit Testing in Java. We will look at a detailed Java code to understand the JUnit Procedure for Testing.
JUnit Executing Tests
This article introduces you to Junit and Executing JUnit Tests with a detailed description and code.
JUnit Test Suites
This blog will introduce you to JUnit Test Suites, why we need test suites, and the step-by-step process to create an example test suite
Tagging and Filtering JUnit Tests
This blog will introduce you to tag classes and tests in JUnit. We will discuss the need and examples of tagging in JUnit.
JUnit Order of Tests
This blog will introduce you to testing the JUnit tests in a specific order. We can run tests in alphanumeric, custom, and random order.
JUnit Test Instance
In the article, we will discuss the @TestInstance in JUnit 5 and how you can change test instance lifecycle behavior using @TestInstance Annotation.
Custom JUnit Test Runners
In this blog, we will learn how to run a test suite in JUnit using a custom test runner and understand the primary responsibilities of a JUnit test runner.
@ignore Annotation in JUnit
@ignore Annotation is a tool in JUnit to ignore or not execute particular tests. In this article, we will use and implement @ignore Annotation with the help of examples.
JUnit Time Test
This blog will introduce you to JUnit Timeouts. Timeouts are essential to test the efficiency of the source code.
JUnit Exceptions Test
This blog will introduce you to testing exceptions in Junit. We will use @Test and @Rule to test the expected exceptions.
JUnit Error Collector
This blog will introduce you to error collectors in JUnit. We will also learn about @rule and see example test code.
Junit Nested Tests
The article discusses the nested classes and the implementation and setup of nested classes using JUnit5.
JUnit5 Repeated Tests
The article discusses the RepeatTest and RepetitionInfo annotation usage.
JUnit Tests Interfaces and Default Methods
In this blog, we will discuss the test interfaces in JUnit 5. We will apply JUnit annotations to default test interface methods.
JUnit Parameterized Test
The article covers various aspects of annotations which are being used in parameterized testing involved in JUnit.
JUnit - Extensions
In this article, we will discuss Extensions in JUnit. We will further discuss all the different extensions in JUnit and how they can be implemented.
Dynamic Tests in Junit 5
In this article, we will discuss Dynamic Testing in JUnit 5. We will further discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic Testing.
Conditional tests MEDIUM
This blog discusses various types of Conditional tests available in JUnit.
JUnit5 Dependency Injection for constructors and Methods
This article discusses the Dependency Injection for constructors and Methods in Junit5 using ParameterResolver.
JUnit Platform Launcher API
In this article, we will discuss the Platform launcher APIs in JUnit 5. We will further discuss the features and the methods of implementation of Platform Launcher API in JUnit.
JUnit Platform Test Kit
In this article, we will discuss the Platform Test Kit in JUnit. We will further discuss all the Platform Test Kit and JUnit features and how to implement Platform Test Kit.
JUnit Jupiter EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of JUnit Jupiter.
Junit Vintage Engine
Developers use Junit Vintage Engine for running Junit4 and Junit4 based tests. This blog will go through the needs to use Junit Vintage Engine, what it consists of, and how the engine works.
JUnit Plugin with Apache Ant
This blog will introduce you to plugging JUnit in Apache Ant. we will also write a sample test in JUnit.
JUnit Introduction with Eclipse
This Blog will introduce you to JUnit. We will set up an eclipse environment for JUnit and write our first unit test.
Migrating from JUnit4 to JUnit5
The article covers migration to JUnit5 from JUnit4 and gives a detailed overview of annotations, assertions and assumptions in JUnit5.
JUnit for Kotlin Developers
The article covers kotlin testing configuration in JUnit5 and writing various test annotations in JUnit5.
Junit vs TestNG Difference
The article covers similarities and differences between Junit and TestNG testing. Their characteristics and features.


Mockito is the one that is used to do significant unit testing of the java application. It works on the process of mocking where a dummy functionality is added to the test case. In this, a mock object is used which acts as a proxy for the actual implementation. Let's understand the concept through this section.
Mockito Introduction and Features EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing Mockito and its features. We will be writing a unit test case using Mockito.
Author Anjali
Getting Started With Mockito EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing Mockito installation, setup in a project, and writing basic tests.
Author Anjali
Mockito Integration in JUnit EASY
In this article, we will explore the integration of the Mockito mocking framework in the JUnit testing framework to perform unit tests in Java.
Testing Behavior With Mockito EASY
In this article, we will learn about testing behavior using When and Verify methods in Mockito with the help of examples.
Expecting Calls - Mockito EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to manage the number of calls made on a particular method.
Varying Calls In Mockito EASY
In this article, we will discuss three essential methods available in Mockito; atLeast, atLeastOnce, and atMost, which help us vary the expected call counts while writing a unit test.
Argument Matcher
The article covers argument matchers, method type and method name along with description.
Custom Matchers EASY
This article will discuss the Custom Matchers or the Custom Argument Matchers using the Mockito Framework. We will further look at an example of Custom Argument Matchers.
Testing exceptions EASY
This blog discusses the various Mockito Annotations with the help of practical examples.
Ordered Verification
In this blog, we will learn about the ways to check whether the order of method calls is in order or not using Inorder object.
Stubbing Methods And Returning Default Values EASY
This article explains the Stubbing Methods in mockito and returning default values.
Capturing Arguments in Mockito EASY
This article explains the use and the important methods of the Mockito ArgumentCaptor.
Testing Callback EASY
This blog discusses the various approach to test callbacks in Mockito.
Spying EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Spies in Mockito.
Resetting Mocks and clearing invocations EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of resetting mocks and clearing invocations.
Mockito BDD EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Mockito BDD.
Mockito Timeouts
The article discusses the timeout option in mockito that may be used to see if a method is called within a certain amount of time.
Best Practices in Mockito
We will discuss some of the best practices when mocking in mockito and to bring the best out of the testing framework.
Mock vs Stub vs Spy EASY
The article covers the difference between Mock, Stub and Spy. We will see implementation of these objects through practical implementation
Mockito vs. EasyMock EASY
In this article, we will learn about the concepts and some key differences between two of the most popular mocking frameworks in Java, Mockito and EasyMock, with some examples.
Mockito With Java 8 EASY
In this article, we will explore the features available in the powerful combination of Mockito and Java 8 with the help of examples.

Jest Unit Tests

Jest is an open-source JavaScript testing framework built by Facebook on JavaScript. Initially, It was designed for testing to React and React Native-based web applications, but now it can be used for testing apps based on Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue, and a lot more. Here, we will learn about different patterns of testing JS code in frontend and backend applications like Snapshot testing, Asynchronous Testing, Mocking, Spying, We will also learn how to write tests for scalable JS-based Apps in express, angular, react, redux, react native, etc.
Getting Started with Jest
In this Blog, we will start to learn Jest, a unit testing framework of JavaScript; we also understand why we should use Jest and the advantages.
Writing your first Unit Test with Jest
In this blog, we will understand some of the basic syntaxes of the jest framework and write our first unit test using jest with the help of examples.
Skipping a Test with Jest
In this blog, we will discuss how to skip test cases in jest. We will also see how to run specific tests in jest.
Setup and Scoping in Jest
Performing jest tests often requires some setup and finishing work. This blog will introduce you to the setup and scope of tests in the jest framework.
Jest Configuration
This blog will introduce how to configure Jest, we will also see some example configurations.
Debugging in Jest
This blog will introduce how to debug a failed test and how to set up and run the debugger in VS code using Jest.
Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development in Jest
Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development are two principal development methodologies among programmers. In this blog, we will understand both the methods of development and learn their usage in Jest.
Using Matchers
Matchers are used to testing values and results in different ways while using jest. This blog will introduce you to some standard matchers and their usage in jest.
Mocking in Jest MEDIUM
There are two ways to mock functions: creating a mock function in test code or writing a manual mock to override a module dependency.
Mock Implementation
This article will discuss mock implementation in detail
Author Riya
Jest CLI Options
This article will discuss Jest CLI Options.
Author Riya
1 upvote
Asynchronous Testing
This blog gives a clear idea regarding asynchronous testing. Let’s check it out.
The following blog will give you a description of what snapshot testing is and how it can be helpful to the project.
Timer Mocks
This blog will introduce you to mocking timer functions in Jest, how to create fake timers, run pending timers, run all timers, etc.
Manual Mocks
While performing tests in jest, we use manual mocks to replicate the functionality with mock data. This blog will introduce you to the use and working of manual mocks in jest.
Jest Mock Classes
ES6 classes imported into the test file can be mocked in jest using mock functions. This blog will introduce you to different mocking classes in jest with examples.
The Jest Object
In this article, we will go through the purpose of jest objects and their usage in web testing. We will also study a few API methods available with the help of examples.
React Test Renderer
React Test Renderer is a package that makes it easy to perform Snapshot testing in javascript. This blog will let to know more about Snapshot testing using React Test Renderer.
Jest Platform
In this blog, we will discuss the various packages provided by Jest Platform. These are exclusive packages that can be imported via the require function.
Jest Watch Plugins
In this Blog, we will learn about watch usage, configure and create our custom watch plugin, also see the functionality of different methods in watch plugins.
Jest HTML Report Generation
This article will discuss all about Jest and how we can generate a Jest Report in an HTML format. We will be considering the web application to be made using Node, as Jest is very compatible with Node.
Jest DOM Manipulation
This Blog will introduce you to DOM manipulation and test the DOM manipulation using Jest and jsdom.
Testing React App with Jest
The article covers testing React app through snapshot testing and mock testing.
Testing React Native Apps with Jest
In this blog, we will discuss how to test react native apps with jest. Actually, jest was initially developed to test react native apps only.
Testing React Native apps
In this tutorial, we learn about testing in React Native apps and different frameworks and types of testing.
Testing Redux with Jest
Redux is a state management library for Javascript applications. This article will use the Jest Framework to test Redux applications and their components through examples.
Jest Testing Environment in Angular
This article covers setting up a testing environment in jest for Angular and removing the pre built test setup in Karma.
Testing Express App with Jest
This Blog will introduce you to testing an Express App using Jest, supertest, and superagent.

Mocha Testing Framework

Mocha is a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node.js and browsers. On the other hand, Chai is a Test Driven Development(TDD) assertion library for NodeJS and the browser. You can easily pair Chai with any javascript testing framework like Mocha. Here we will learn about different features of Mocha like Hooks, parallel tests, testing async code, double callbacks, and delaying tests in detail.
Testing double callbacks
The article covers scenarios to handle double callbacks using Mocha.
Mocha Assertions
The article covers topic related to mocha assertions async test callbacks and async callbacks using promises
Testing Asynchronous Code
The article covers the handling of asynchronous testing by the use of callbacks, async/await and promises.
Delaying Tests and Pending Tests
This blog discusses Delaying and Pending tests in Mocha.js.
Exclusive Tests and Inclusive Tests EASY
This blog discusses the Exclusive and Inclusive Tests in Mocha.js.
Dynamically generating tests EASY
This article introduces you to Mocha and how to dynamically generate tests in Mocha with a detailed description and code.
Different Command line options for running tests EASY
This blog discusses different command line options for running tests in Mocha.
Root Hooks EASY
In this article, we will discuss the Root Hook functions in Mocha. We will further discuss how to implement Root Hook functions and the different types of Root Hooks in Mocha.
Global Fixtures EASY
This article introduces you to Global fixtures in Mocha, Global Setup, and Teardown with a detailed code and description.
Test Fixture Decision-Tree EASY
This article introduces you to the concept of test fixtures and the decision tree in test fixtures with a detailed explanation.
Mocha Interfaces EASY
This blog will introduce you to interfaces in Mocha. We will learn about BDD, TDD and Require interfaces with example test codes.
Mocha Reporters EASY
This Blog will introduce you to reporters in mocha. We will learn about the different types of reporters that Mocha provides.
Native ES Modules in Mocha EASY
Through this article, we will ES modules Support feature in the Mocha framework, its limitations, and its implementation with the help of examples.
Troubleshooting in Mocha EASY
In this blog, we will overview the various error codes available in Mocha tests. We will explore the troubleshooting options as well


Here we will learn about the test assertion library for Node and Browser, for writing TDD and BDD code. We will see all the functions and methods like should, expect, assert, and differences in detail.
Chai.js Assertion Library Introduction and Features EASY
This blog discusses the Chai.js Assertion Library and its features.
Expect/Should BDD API Reference
In this blog, we will learn about BDD style of assertion and how to use it using Chai.js using Expect and Should Assertions.
Chai Assert Methods EASY
The article covers the various utility methods which are used in chai assertions methods.
Chai with Jquery EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing how to use chai-jquery in testing. We will see the different assertions of chai-jquery.
Author Anjali
Plugin Utilities
We will discuss plugin utilities and how to make the best use of them in Chai to extend it with our own set of assertions.
Online Test Suite EASY
The article covers the detailed explanation of the online test suite and the error types.
HTTP Response Assertions in ChaiJs EASY
This article will discuss the setup and usage of the chai-http package.
Deep-eql EASY
Rather than having referential equality, Deep Eql evaluates an object's keys repeatedly until it identifies primitives to verify for referential equality.
Building Helper in Chai EASY
The article covers adding language chaining and overwriting language chaining


Enzyme is the javascript utility of react. It helps to test react components outputs. It mimics the jquery's API for DOM manipulation and traversal. Let's check out the concept and working of it.
Enzyme Introduction and Features EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing about Enzyme. We will see the different features of Enzyme with its installation, configuration, working, and rendering modes.
Author Anjali
Installation and Getting started EASY
This blog discusses how to install Enzyme and how to get started with it.
Using Enzyme with JSDom EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementations of using Enzyme with JSDom.
ShallowWrapper API Reference EASY
This blog discusses the Shallow Rendering technique and ShallowWrapper API in Enzyme.
Mount Rendering EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementations of Mount Renderning (Full DOM Rendering).
Static Rendering
In this blog, we will discuss static rendering and how to implement it using the render function from Enzyme to generate React trees from HTML.
Enzyme Selectors EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing Enzyme Selectors. We will see the different categories of Enzyme selectors.
Author Anjali
Triggering State Updates & Effects with “act” EASY
The article covers updating states with the help of act, async await.
React Hooks Support EASY
In this blog, we will learn how we can test react hook components using Enzyme.
Shallow, Mount, and Render of Enzyme EASY
This article will explore the different render methods available in react-enzyme. We will learn the difference between shallow(), mount(),and render() methods in react-enzyme.

Testing Library

Testing library is a solution that helps to do testing without knowing the exact implementation details. Here, we work with the DOM interfaces and it gives us the confidence that the application is definitely going to work when the user will use it. Let's check the testing library working with this section.
Introduction and Features, Guiding Principles EASY
This blog discusses the introduction, features, and guiding principles of Testing Library.
Introduction to Queries EASY
This article introduces you to queries, their types, and debugging them with a detailed description and code.
Queries ByRole and ByTestId EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of the Queries ByRole and ByTestId in the Testing Library.
Query ByLabelText and Placeholder Text
In this blog, we will learn about the byLabelText and byPlaceHolderText of the testing-library to test UI components.
ByText and DisplayValue Queries EASY
This article introduces you to ByText and DisplayValues queries with a detailed code and description.
ByAltText and ByTitle Queries EASY
This article introduces you to ByAltText and ByTitle Queries with detailed code and explanation.
Firing Events EASY
This article will discuss the Firing Events present in the Testing Libraries. We will also look at various types of Firing Events.
Uft Testing EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Uft Testing. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
In this blog, we will learn about XAMPP vs WAMP. We will understand each concept in detail and later look at the difference table for better understanding.
Async Methods EASY
This article will discuss the Async Methods in the Testing Libraries. We will further look at the various types of Async Methods present in the Testing Libraries.
Testing Conditional Rendering EASY
This article will discuss the Testing Conditional Rendering in the Testing Libraries. Testing Conditional Rendering includes testing the appearance and the disappearance of an element.
Testing User Events EASY
This article introduces the concept and user events and how to test them with a detailed code and explanation.
Using Fake Timers EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Fake Timers.
Testing Web Accessibility EASY
This blog discusses the practical and theoretical implementation of Testing Web Accessibility using testing libraries.
Custom Queries and within Method EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Custom Queries and within Method.
Debugging tests EASY
This blog discusses Debugging Tests in the Testing Library and its features.
Configuration Options EASY
This blog discusses Configuration Options in the Testing Library.
Vue Testing Library EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing the Vue Testing Library, with its working uses and setup into a project.
Author Anjali
Angular Testing Library EASY
This blog discusses the Angular Testing Library and its examples.