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Table of contents
Katalon Studio
Why do we use Katalon Studio?
Verification Snippets in Katalon
What are verification Snippets?
Managing Verification Snippets in Katalon
Web Service Request Object
Test Request
List of Available Verification Snippets​
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the use of Katalon Studio?
What does the Status Code: Code is 200 snippet do?
How are Verification Snippets beneficial?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Verification Snippets in Katalon

Author Komal
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Hello Ninjas! How is the learning going? Are you interested in understanding even the small-scale features of the Katalon Studio? Are you still confused about the resources? Well, you are at the right place. 

OG image

In this blog, We will gain an understanding of the Verification Snippets used in Katalon Studio to ease the testing process. But firstly, we will acknowledge the basics of Katalon Studio.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Katalon Studio

So, before going any further, Let’s discuss about the word and world of Katalon Studio.

Katalon logo

It’s evident that clients expect a product to be fully tested and verified, but manual testing of API is very time-consuming. Hence, Automated Testing has become very popular these days. Katalon Studio steps in here. Based on Selenium, Katalon is one of the best and most used automated testing software with easy-to-use features.

Why do we use Katalon Studio?

We prefer Katalon due to the following reasons:

  • Katalon comes with an inbuilt API testing module that allows performing end-to-end API testing. 
  • In Katalon Studio, we can create automated scripts which are easy to maintain.
  • Minimal coding is required as it comes with features like snippets, code references, and a debugger. 
  • Katalon Studio is compatible with other third-party testing tools like Swagger and Postman. 

Verification Snippets in Katalon

What are verification Snippets?

Compared to an actual test, the Verification script provides quick feedback on the request status. 

We can check the response data by writing custom scripts with built-in keywords or Groovy/Javascript and built-in snippets.

Managing Verification Snippets in Katalon

  • We first open our Web Service Object that we need to test. Here we can see the execution option.
Execution of web service object
  • As we click on the execution button, the following response shows up:
Response of execution
  • To view and access the Verification Snippets, go to the Verification tab. 
Managing Verification Snippets in Katalon
  • In the verification script, We have two variable objects - request (stores current request ) & response (stores current response).
Image showing Request & Response variable objects
  • On the right side, we can view the built-in snippets. Katalon Studio automatically generates a snippet in the script when clicking on any available snippet. Values in the response body are compared with the predefined values in verification scripts.

Verification Snippets

  • After the verification snippets are generated, We can use them in either the current Web Service Request Object or the Test Case.

Web Service Request Object

In the Web Service request object, click the drop-down option to the right of the Execution Button and select Test Request and Verify.

Test Request and Verify

We use the Status Code: Code is 200 snippet and check the result.

Verification Log tab 

The Verification logs, which are executed using verification snippets, are displayed in the Verification Log tab.

Verification logs

Test Request

For the test case, we need to Use the WS.sendRequestAndVerify keyword, which passes the current request and executes the verification snippets. 


Execution results are displayed in the Log Viewer tab.

Log viewer

List of Available Verification Snippets

The Verification process in Katalon is simplified with the help of the Verification Snippets available in the right corner. They are as follows:-

  • Get current response - It returns the current response object of a request.
  • Get current request - It returns the current request object.
  • Get a global variable - It returns the value of the global variable.
  • Get a variable - It returns the value of the variable created in the Web Service Test Object.
  • Response body: Contains string - It verifies if the response body contains a particular string.
  • Response body: Convert to JSON Object - It checks for the JSON value in the response body.
  • Response body: Is equal to a string - It verifies if a response body equals a particular string.
  • Response body: JSON value check - It checks for a JSON value in a response body.
  • Response headers: Content-Type header checkpoint- It verifies the Content-Type header's value.
  • Status Code: Code is 200 - It verifies whether the response's status code is 200 or not.
  • Status Code: Successfully request - It verifies whether the request is sent successfully or not.
  • Request body: Validate graphQL against schema - It validates the request body against a GraphQL schema.
  • Response body: Array contains - It verifies if the specified arrays contain values.
  • Response body: Validate JSON against schema - It validates the response body against a JSON schema.
  • Response body: Validate XML against schema - It validates the response body against an XML schema.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of Katalon Studio?

Katalon Studio can be used for the automation of API, Web service objects, and Mobile Test Objects.

What does the Status Code: Code is 200 snippet do?

It verifies whether the status code of the response is 200 or not.

How are Verification Snippets beneficial?

The Verification Snippets are the built-in snippets in the Katalon Studio’s Verification tab, which help us to verify and test our Web Service Objects effortlessly. Also, the Verification script provides quick feedback on the request status. 


We hope this blog helped you understand How to use verification snippets in Katalon Studio. Firstly, We discussed about Katalon Studio and the need to use this software, followed by a detailed explanation of what Verification Snippets are and how they can be used in Katalon.

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