Verilog is extensively used in the semiconductor industry for designing and verifying digital circuits. Jobs involving Verilog are highly sought after, especially in chip design and electronic design automation (EDA) companies. Whether you're a student or a professional pursuing a career in Verilog, these interview questions will help you understand how to approach and answer them effectively.
To help you prepare for the Verilog interview, we have curated a list of the Top Frequently Asked Verilog Interview Questions and Answers into three sections.
Basic Verilog Interview Questions for Freshers
Intermediate Verilog Interview Questions
Advanced Verilog Interview Questions for Experienced
Verilog MCQs
Now let's take a look at them—
Basic Level Verilog Interview Questions for Freshers
1. What is Verilog and why is it used?
Verilog is a text-based hardware description language used to describe electronic systems and circuits. Verilog is designed to be used in electronic design for timing analysis, test analysis (fault grading and testability analysis), logic synthesis, and verification through simulation.
The following three levels of abstraction are supported by Verilog most frequently in a design:
Behavioral level
Register-transfer level
Gate level
2. What is the complete form of VHDL in VLSI?
The acronym VHDL stands for Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language. It is a programming language used to represent the digital system using modeling approaches, including dataflow, behavioral, and structural, and to describe the circuits in digital systems.
3. What are the main applications for VHDL?
The principal applications of VHDL are as follows.
The behavior of electronic circuits; typically, digital circuits are described using the hardware description language, or VHDL.
It is mainly used to design hardware and test entities to check how it behaves.
It is utilized as an entry format for designs by different EDA tools.
4. Are Verilog and VHDL the same thing?
VHDL and Verilog are not interchangeable. They are distinct from one another, with the primary distinction being that Verilog is based on the C language, whereas VHDL is based on the Ada and Pascal languages.
5. How do VHDL and Verilog differ from one another?
This Verilog interview question is one of the most frequently asked. Let's compare them to identify their significant differences
It was established in 1980, making it an older language.
It was formed between late 1983 and early 1984.
It uses the base languages, Ada and Pascal
The base language is C.
The VHDL language is more compact.
It contains comparatively more LOCs or lines of code.
As a language that encompasses more extensive capabilities than just modeling systems, VHDL is more reliable and developed.
Considered to be of considerably lower level as a language mainly used for modeling,
VHDL is not case sensitive
Verilog is case sensitive
VHDL analyses and simulates the behavior of the digital system in addition to describing its structure.
They are only applied to describe digital systems.
6. Describe HDL simulators.
Simulating expressions written in one of the Hardware Description Languages, such as Verilog, VHDL, or SystemVerilog, is done using software programs known as HDL simulators.
7. Differentiate between blocking systems in Verilog from non-blocking systems?
This is just another of the general Verilog interview questions. In Verilog, blocking and non-blocking procedural assignment statements are two different sorts. They differ in the assignment operators they use, which are denoted by the symbols = and <=.
Blocking System
Non-Blocking System
Blocking is the simple term for when one register assignment prevents another assignment from being executed simultaneously.
Non-blocking allows assignments to be executed concurrently regardless of the sequence of dependencies.
Assignments will only be blocked in order until the one before them is finished. In contrast, it doesn't stop when running in parallel.
Non-blocking will plan the execution of sequential assignments so that concurrent execution of tasks is possible.
8. What is PLI? Mention its uses.
It is one of the most commonly asked Verilog interview questions. Programming Language Interface is known by the acronym PLI. It is a method that makes it easier for C and Verilog applications to interface with one another. Additionally, it offers a way for the C program to access the simulator's internal databases. The users can use PLI to implement challenging system calls using Verilog syntax. Additionally, it offers the benefits of Verilog's parallel and hardware-related features and the sequential development of a C program.
9. What do you mean by sensitivity list?
The sensitivity list defines that when changes are made to any of the list's elements, a begin-end statement must be placed inside that element.
10. What do you know about Verilog parallel and full case statements?
In Verilog, there are two different kinds of case statements.
Verilog parallel case statements: A statement that matches just one case item in a case expression is referred to as a parallel case statement. The matching case items are known as "overlapping case items," The case statement would not be parallel if you could find a case expression that would fit more than one case item.
Verilog full case statements: Every case expression in a Verilog full case statement must have binary patterns that match either a case item or the default. The case statement would not be regarded as complete if it did not include a case default and was likely to come across a binary case expression that did not match any of the specified case elements.
11. What is the distinction between == and === in Verilog?
The primary differences between == and === in Verilog are listed below
The key distinction between == and === in Verilog is that the result of == can either be 1, 0 or X.
The output of ===, on the other hand, can only be either 0 or 1.
If two numbers are compared using == and one or both numbers have one or more bits set to X, the result will be X.
The result of a === comparison between two numbers would be either 0 or 1.
Since it cannot compare Xs, == can only be used to compare 1s and 0s.
Xs can also be compared using ===.
12. What do you mean by $monitor, $display, and $strobe?
The $monitor, $display, and $strobe commands all have a similar syntax and display text on the screen while a simulation is ongoing. Compared to waveform tools like cwaves, these commands are often less user-friendly.
When $Monitor is used, it will execute and display the parameters each time one of the parameters is modified, that is, each time a new value for the parameter is displayed. Signals can be expressions, variables, or strings, and signal values can be changed using the $Monitor command.
Syntax: $display(<list of arguments>);
Another task for arguments is $display, which also aids debugging.
$display will always append a newline to the end of the string while showing the arguments.
Syntax: $display(<list of arguments>);
In terms of the format of presenting its arguments, $strobe is quite similar to $display; however, it will only display all of its arguments after the current time unit.
Intermediate Level Verilog Interview Question
13. What are the primary differences between Verilog's Task and Function?
Another most frequently asked Verilog interview question. The key distinctions between a Task and a Function in Verilog are as follows:
In Verilog, tasks can activate both additional tasks and functions.
A function in Verilog can enable other functions but cannot allow a task.
A task is permitted to contain any event, delay, or timing control statement.
Event, delay, or timing control statements are not allowed. Hence they cannot be contained in a function.
The simulation for tasks is also zero. However, they can also be carried out in a simulation time that is not zero if necessary.
Because the program time is not increased during the function routine, a function can do its required task in zero simulation time.
A task may employ zero or more arguments of the output or input types arguments.
A function must receive at least one parameter when it is invoked.
Using the output and input statements, a task can pass multiple values but cannot return a value.
Functions cannot employ either output or input statements and only return a single value.
14. How are blocking and non-blocking assignments executed?
Executing blocking and non-blocking assignments is a simple process. We must follow a straightforward process of evaluating the right-side equation and updating the left-side expression without interference from another Verilog statement to carry out blocking assignments. On the other hand, there are two processes involved in non-blocking assignments:
At the beginning of the time step, evaluate the right-hand side of every non-blocking statement.
After the time step, update the left side of all non-blocking statements.
15. What do you mean by continuous assignment?
Combinational logic is modeled using continuous assignment statements in Verilog. Combinational logic refers to the digital logic that Boolean circuits implement. The sole pure function of the inputs in combinational logic is the output. The present information depends on the present input and the past inputs in sequential logic but not in combinational logic. The assigned statement or a wire declaration is used to implement the continuous assignment statements.
16. What do you mean by inertial delay and transport delay?
Inertial delay: The time it takes for a gate to change its output is known as the inertial delay.
Transport delay: One sort of delay brought on by the wires connecting to the gates is transport delay. The signal is delayed by the resistance and inductance of the wire.
17. What does a Verilog repeat loop do?
As its name suggests, the repeat loop behaves like loops used in popular programming languages like the for a loop. A repeat loop will execute a piece of code as often as it is accessed. The repeating piece of code will not make any reference to the loop cycle.
repeat(<no. of times the loop will run>) <statement to be repeated>
Repetition in a line of code can be avoided with a repeat loop.
18. What are the key differences between Reg and Wire?
Reg and wire are often an interviewer’s favorite in the Verilog interview questions, so it is important to prepare them thoroughly. Essential differences between Reg and Wire are:
Reg is employed to store value.
The wire is employed to determine value.
Reg can get the output without a driver.
The wire needs drivers to obtain output values.
The reg components can be used for both sequential and combinational logic.
The only type of logic that the wire elements can model is combinational logic.
Reg cannot be used on an assigned statement's left-hand side.
Wire can be used on the left-hand side of a given statement.
19. How do you write FSM code in Verilog?
In Verilog, there are primarily four approaches to writing FSM code:
We are utilizing the first approach, which combines the output decoder, present state, and all input decoders into a single operation.
Using the second approach, all sequential and combinational circuits are isolated using a different procedure.
Using the third approach, the output decoder is segregated into different processes while the input decoder and current state are integrated.
The output decoder, present state, and all three input decoders are divided into three processes using the fourth approach.
20. Which will be updated first between the variable and the signal?
Variables can only be used inside processes, whereas signals are used inside and outside. As a result, signals are updated before variables are updated.
21. Is it required to list every input in the sensitivity disc for a pure combinational circuit? If so, why then?
Yes. If you don't list every input in the sensitivity disc for a pure combinational circuit, the outcome will have a pre- and post-synthesis mismatch.
22. Explain the Verilog concepts of freeze, deposit, force, and drive.
It is important to know the various concepts of Verilog used as they are often asked in Verilog interview questions.
Freeze: For unresolved signals, use freeze. Throughout the simulation, the signal's value is frozen. You cannot modify this value.
Deposit: Deposit ensures that a signal value is kept until it is altered or replaced by the simulation. Throughout the simulation, it serves as value initialization.
Force: It can drive signals at any point during the simulation.
Drive: When the drive command gives a signal a value, it will "resolve" to a new value if the simulation updates the signal.
23. What distinguishes a $monitor from a $display?
The test bench results are displayed using the system commands or functions $monitor and $display. The list of significant changes between $monitor and $display is below.
Changes to the signal's value are made via the monitor. An expression, string, or variable can be a signal.
It is used to display a signal's value.
There can be only one execution of the monitor command.
You can use the display command more than once.
24. What does the Verilog code timeframe 1 Ns/ 1 Ps mean?
A compiler directive used to calculate simulation or delay times is called the timeframe directive. The timescale / reference_time_unit defines the unit of measurement for delays and times. The accuracy to which the delays are rounded off is specified by time_precision.
25. In Verilog, what do the casex and casez statements mean?
Verilog has two different forms of case statements: casex and casez. All z values in the case alternatives or the case expression are treated as don't cares in this case by casez. The character? can also represent any bit position with the character z. All z and x values in the case item or the case expression are treated as don't cares by casex. We must use casex, and casez since do not cares are not permitted in a case statement.
26. Write a Verilog program to switch the contents of two registers with and without a temporary register.
An example of a Verilog code that switches the contents of two registers with a temporary register:
always @ (posedge clock)
Without a temporary register, a Verilog program can swap the contents of two registers:
always @ (posedge clock)
x <= y;
y <= x;
Advanced Level Verilog Interview Questions for Experienced
27. How can a sine wave be produced using Verilog coding?
The CORDIC algorithm is the fastest and most effective method for creating sine waves.
28. What is the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments?
In Verilog, the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments depends on the way they handle the execution of statements within procedural blocks, such as "always" blocks. Blocking assignments are represented by the "=" operator, and it executes immediately in sequential order. While the "<=" operator represents non-blocking assignments, and it introduces a level of concurrency in Verilog, the RHS statement is computed concurrently with other statements, so it is non-blocking in nature.
29. When should you use tasks instead of functions?
You should use tasks instead of functions in Verilog when you need to perform a sequence of procedural actions or when you require multiple input/output variables. Tasks are more suitable for modeling complex behavior. They can contain both procedural statements and timing controls, allowing you to model more complicated processes.
30. Can race conditions occur in Verilog?
Yes, race conditions can occur in Verilog. A race condition arises due to concurrent events happening in different orders, and the final outcome depends on the order of timing of these events.
31. Explain the use of initial and always blocks in Verilog.
initial blocks execute only once at the beginning of simulation and are generally used for simulation purposes, such as initializing values. always blocks, however, are triggered based on changes in the sensitivity list and are used for modeling both combinational and sequential logic.
32. How to avoid race conditions in Verilog?
Race conditions occur when the outcome of a simulation depends on the order in which concurrent events are evaluated. This can lead to unpredictable behavior and simulation mismatches.
To avoid race conditions:
Use non-blocking assignments for sequential logic.
Avoid mixing blocking and non-blocking assignments within the same always block.
Use separate always blocks for combinational and sequential logic.
Ensure proper clock domain crossing techniques when dealing with multiple clock domains.
Use the $strobe system task instead of $display for monitoring signals that may have multiple events in the same simulation time step.
33. How would you implement a parameterized module in Verilog?
A parameterized module allows for flexible design by defining parameters that can be overridden during module instantiation. For example:
34. How do you implement clock domain crossing (CDC) techniques in Verilog, and why are they important?
Clock domain crossing techniques are crucial for ensuring reliable data transfer between different clock domains. They help prevent metastability issues and data corruption. Here are some common CDC techniques:
1. Synchronizer:
module synchronizer (
input clk_dest, reset,
input signal_in,
output reg signal_out
reg meta;
always @(posedge clk_dest or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
meta <= 1'b0;
signal_out <= 1'b0;
end else begin
meta <= signal_in;
signal_out <= meta;
2. Handshake mechanism:
module handshake_cdc (
input clk_src, clk_dest, reset,
input [7:0] data_in,
input send,
output reg [7:0] data_out,
output reg received
reg [7:0] data_reg;
reg send_toggle, recv_toggle;
wire send_sync, recv_sync;
// Source domain
always @(posedge clk_src or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
data_reg <= 8'b0;
send_toggle <= 1'b0;
end else if (send) begin
data_reg <= data_in;
send_toggle <= ~send_toggle;
// Destination domain
always @(posedge clk_dest or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
data_out <= 8'b0;
received <= 1'b0;
recv_toggle <= 1'b0;
end else if (send_sync != recv_toggle) begin
data_out <= data_reg;
received <= 1'b1;
recv_toggle <= send_sync;
end else begin
received <= 1'b0;
// Synchronizers
synchronizer sync_send (.clk_dest(clk_dest), .reset(reset), .signal_in(send_toggle), .signal_out(send_sync));
synchronizer sync_recv (.clk_dest(clk_src), .reset(reset), .signal_in(recv_toggle), .signal_out(recv_sync));
These techniques are important because they:
Prevent metastability issues
Ensure data integrity across clock domains
Avoid timing violations and race conditions
Improve overall system reliability
35. What are generate statements in Verilog, and how are they used?
generate statements are used to replicate code or create conditional code blocks based on parameters or conditions. This is useful for generating multiple instances of a module or creating loops within the code. For example:
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin: gen_block
my_module u1(.data_in(data[i]), .data_out(out[i]));
36. What are the best practices for coding FSMs?
Best practices for coding FSMs:
Use enumerated types or localparam for state encoding
Separate the FSM into three always blocks: state register, next state logic, and output logic
Use a synchronous reset for better timing closure
Include a default state in the next state logic to handle unexpected states
Use one-hot encoding for large FSMs to improve performance and readability
Consider using SystemVerilog's enum type for better state representation
Implement timeout mechanisms for states that may hang
Use case statements instead of if-else chains for better readability and synthesis results
37. Explain the use of fork and join in Verilog.
fork and join are used to initiate parallel execution of multiple tasks or procedural blocks in Verilog. When a fork is encountered, all subsequent blocks within it are executed concurrently, and join ensures that the simulation waits until all the blocks complete.
38. What is a System Task in Verilog, and give an example?
System tasks in Verilog are special built-in functions that start with $ and are primarily used for simulation and debugging. Examples include $display (for printing messages) and $monitor (for continuously monitoring and printing signals).
39. Explain the concept of SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA).
SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) are used to specify and verify design behavior, helping to catch bugs early in the design process. They can be used for both simulation and formal verification.
Types of assertions:
Immediate assertions: Evaluated immediately during simulation
Concurrent assertions: Evaluated over time based on clock edges
40. How does Verilog handle multi-dimensional arrays?
Verilog supports multi-dimensional arrays for complex data storage. Arrays can be declared using the following syntax:
1. Which of the following is used to declare a register in Verilog?
a) wire b) reg c) input d) output
Answer: b) reg
2. What is the default value of an uninitialized reg type in Verilog?
a) 0 b) 1 c) x (unknown) d) z (high impedance)
Answer: c) x (unknown)
3. What does the always block in Verilog represent?
a) Initial conditions b) Sequential logic c) Combinational logic d) Both sequential and combinational logic
Answer: d) Both sequential and combinational logic
4. In Verilog, what does the symbol <= represent?
a) Blocking assignment b) Non-blocking assignment c) Greater than or equal to d) Less than or equal to
Answer: b) Non-blocking assignment
5. What is the purpose of the initial block in Verilog?
a) To model sequential logic b) To initialize variables and signals c) To describe continuous assignments d) To execute concurrent processes
Answer: b) To initialize variables and signals
6. Which of the following is NOT a data type in Verilog?
a) wire b) reg c) input d) float
Answer: d) float
7. How can you create a 4-bit bus in Verilog?
a) wire [3:0] bus; b) reg [3:0] bus; c) wire [0:3] bus; d) Both a) and b)
Answer: d) Both a) and b)
8. Which of the following Verilog constructs is used to model decision-making?
a) case b) if-else c) for-loop d) Both a) and b)
Answer: d) Both a) and b)
9. What is the range of values for a 3-bit signed number in Verilog?
a) -3 to 3 b) -8 to 7 c) 0 to 7 d) -7 to 7
Answer: b) -8 to 7
10. Which Verilog operator is used to concatenate two signals?
a) + b) & c) { } d) ||
Answer: c) { }
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the interview questions for Verilog?
Some common interview questions for a Verilog can be the differences between a behavioral and structural description in Verilog. Handling delays in a Verilog design. Using a finite state machine in a Verilog design. Difference between a blocking and non-blocking assignment in Verilog.
What Verilog is used for?
Verilog is primarily used for designing and simulating digital circuits, especially in the field of electronic design automation (EDA). It's instrumental in creating models for FPGA and ASIC designs, allowing hardware engineers to describe, test, and verify complex digital systems.
Which is updated first in Verilog HDL?
In Verilog HDL, the simulation time is updated before any process is executed. Time advances in discrete steps, allowing the simulation to model sequential behavior and synchronize events. This ensures accurate modeling of hardware behavior and timing.
What are the 3 types of coding in Verilog?
Verilog, a hardware description language, has three main types of coding: structural coding, behavioral coding, and register transfer level (RTL) coding. Structural focuses on component connections, behavioral on functionality, and RTL on data flow.
Endless questions may be posted on a topic as broad as Verilog. The Verilog interview questions discussed above should be helpful to you during the recruiting process. Before speaking in front of a panel for an interview, it is advisable to understand the topic beforehand. However, if you thoroughly prepare for this set of Verilog interview questions, you will surely be in a better position to handle any interview.