Object-Oriented programming introduced the concept of constructors to us. We all know that a constructor is used to initialise all the objects of a class. It is a member function that is called immediately after the creation of an object. Copy constructors initialise an object using another object of the same class. However, this requires the compiler to have the exact type information of the object. To create and initialise an object without having the mentioned data, we use a Virtual Copy Constructor.
Virtual Copy Constructor
In general, a virtual constructor is used to create and initialise objects when there is no concrete information on the data types associated with the object that is being copied. Unlike copy constructors that initialise objects a compile time, virtual copy constructors perform initialisation during runtime based on some input provided by the user. In other words, a virtual copy constructor offers to clone objects in real-time.
Virtual Copy constructors can be implemented by using two main functions.
Create() - This function acts as a virtual constructor. It returns the different types of the base class objects at run-time.
- Clone() - It helps create the clone of an object based on the input it receives.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class shape
shape() { }
~shape() { }
virtual void modifyAttr() = 0;
static shape *Create(int code);
virtual shape *Clone() = 0;
class square : public shape
cout << "Square" << endl;
void modifyAttr()
cout<<"The area of square is side*side";
shape *Clone()
return new square(*this);
class circle : public shape
cout << "Circle" << endl;
void modifyAttr()
cout<<"The area of circle is pi*radius*radius";
shape *Clone()
return new circle(*this);
class rectangle : public shape
cout << "Rectangle" << endl;
void modifyAttr()
cout<<"The area of rectangle is length*breadth";
return new rectangle(*this);
shape *shape::Create(int code)
if( code == 1 )
return new square;
else if( code == 2 )
return new circle;
return new rectangle;
class User
User() : shapes(0)
int choice;
cout << "1.Square\t2.Circle\t3.Rectangle\n";
cout << "Enter the code";
cin >> choice;
shapes = shape::Create(choice);
void Action()
shape *newshape = shapes->Clone();
delete newshape;
shape *shapes;
int main()
User *user = new User();
delete user;
1.Square 2.Circle 3.Rectangle
Enter the code
The area of rectangle is length*breadth
As mentioned before, the object type is defined at runtime, not at compile time. It is based on an input provided by the user for a certain condition. The user class creates objects using the Create() function that acts as a virtual constructor. It takes variable choice as input from the user. The Action() function creates duplicates of the object using the Clone() function at run time based on the choice entered by the user and changes the attributes. It may be a call to the Square, Circle or Rectangle class to create objects. The Clone() function performs the function of a virtual copy constructor.