In practically every competitive exam or online assessment for placements, vocabulary plays an important part in the English language section. Individual learning processes influence our vocabulary.
In everyday life, vocabulary demands more and more practice. In this blog, we will be discussing vocabulary for verbal aptitude along with synonyms and antonyms.
What is important in vocabulary:
Some principles to note for improving your vocabulary for verbal aptitude are:
Principle 1: The labor of memorizing a word's meaning accounts for 90% of the time.
Principle 2: Meanings are better remembered through experience and frequent usage.
Principle 3: You'll have to condense 20 years of experience into six months. (20 years of understanding your mother tongue vs six months studying for your English examinations.)
Principle 4: The power of learning through synonyms and antonyms.
Note: Synonyms are words that are similar in meaning, not the same. Antonyms are words opposite in meaning to another. We will be discussing them in detail, in the later section of this blog.
Vocab-Root Words
Knowing root words is a simple method to expand your vocabulary for verbal aptitude. These words are part of the layer words category. Root words have a special significance, and they might appear in the middle of a word, at the beginning of a word, or at the end of a word. When the root word appears at the beginning of a word, it is known as a prefix. When the root word appears at the end of the word, it is known as a suffix.
We can learn a lot of words by knowing just one root word.
Let’s learn some words along with their root words.
Malpractice = Professional misconduct; something wrong
Malignant = Injurious; extremely evil; tending to produce death
Malign = to utter slander of; to defame unjustly; to speak badly about someone
Maliferous = Disease bringing; productive of evil
Words with root word OMNI:(OMNI = ALL)
Omniana = Bits of information from everywhere
Omnibus = A conveyance for all; providing transportation for many
Omnicompetent = Legally competent in all matters
Omnicorporeal = Including all bodies
Omnifarious = Of all sorts; of many varieties
Omnify = Enlarge; make universal
Omnigenous = Of all types of kinds
Omnigraph = A device for teaching radiotelegraphs operators
Omniumgatherum = A collection of all things, people
Omnimeter = Instrument for measuring all angles
Omnimodous = Of every kind
Omnipotent = All-powerful; having
Omniscient = All-knowing; having a complete understanding
Omnist = A believer in all religious
Omnipresent = Present everywhere; ubiquitous
Omnivorous = Eating everything; taking in everything.
Omnium = Total; as, my omnium
Words with root word MAGNI:(MAGNI = BIG OR GREAT)
Magnify = Make great; intensify
Magnific = Magnificent; made great
Magnificence = Splendor; richness; greatness
Magnitude = Physical greatness; bigness; quality
Magnifico = A person of high rank
Magnificative = Tending to magnify; to make great
Frequently asked Words
Here are some frequently asked words in aptitude tests conducted by companies. Getting familiar with these words will help you in improving your vocabulary for verbal aptitude tests.
1. Refurbished:
Meaning - made to look new again by work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning:
Usage in a sentence -
The newly refurbished building is across the street from the hotel.
The company offers refurbished machines at low prices.
2. Effeminacy:
Meaning - the state of behaving, looking like, or having qualities similar to a woman:
Usage in a sentence -
The "effeminacy" attributed to her work is not a sign of her gender but cultural taste.
3. Vindicate:
Meaning - to prove that what someone said or did was right or true, after other people thought it was wrong
Usage in a sentence -
The decision to include Rahul in the team was wholly vindicated when he scored three goals.
The investigation vindicated her complaint about the agency.
4. Deteriorate:
Meaning- to become worse:
Usage in a sentence -
Sam was taken to hospital last month when his condition suddenly deteriorated.
5. Discreet:
Meaning- careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret:
Usage in a sentence-
The family made discreet enquiries about his background before fixing the marriage.
Introduction to Synonyms and Antonyms:
A synonym is a word or phrase with the same or nearly the same meaning in the same language as another word or phrase.
A word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good ) is called an antonym.
Getting familiar with a lot of new words, their synonyms and antonyms will help in improving your vocabulary for verbal aptitude.
Synonyms of fast:
Antonyms of fast:
Some words with their meanings, synonyms, and antonyms:
Easily broken or damaged
Showing fearlessness and determination.
Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
Likely to attract attention.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are root words?
A root word is a word or word part that forms the basis of new words through the addition of prefixes and suffixes. Getting familiar with more words will help you improve your vocabulary for verbal aptitude tests conducted by companies.
Examples of root words: act, ego, form, phobia, etc.
2. How can I improve my vocabulary?
Some ways to improve your vocabulary are by developing a reading habit, playing word games, using flashcards, using a dictionary, etc. Consistent practice and dedication will help you in improving your vocabulary for verbal aptitudes.
3. What is the difference between affect and effect?
‘Affect’ is a verb, it means to influence. ‘Effect’ is a noun; it means result.
4. What is the importance of having a good vocabulary?
Vocabulary is the ultimate expression; having a large vocabulary will enable you to express yourself clearly and communicate effectively. A linguistic vocabulary is also identical to a mental vocabulary, allowing you to think concisely and precisely. Consistent practice and dedication will help you in improving your vocabulary for verbal aptitudes.
Key Takeaways
Developing vocabulary for verbal aptitude is key in performing well for aptitude tests. Vocabulary can be improved in various ways starting from reading newspapers to playing word games. Vocabulary is the ultimate expression; having a large vocabulary will enable you to express yourself clearly and communicate effectively. A linguistic vocabulary is also identical to a mental vocabulary, allowing you to think concisely and precisely. You can also consider our Aptitude Course to give your career an edge over others.