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In Java programming, thread synchronization is a crucial concept that every developer should learn. Two essential methods that play a vital role in thread synchronization are wait() & notify(). These methods allow threads to communicate & coordinate their actions, which ensures proper execution & avoiding conflicts.
In this article, we will discuss the wait() & notify() methods in Java, and understand their use, variations, & differences.
wait() Method
The wait() method is used to pause the execution of a thread until another thread notifies it to resume. When a thread calls the wait() method, it releases the lock it holds on the synchronized object and enters a waiting state. The thread remains in the waiting state until another thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method on the same synchronized object.
The wait() method has three variations:
1. wait()
This is the simplest form of the wait() method. It causes the calling thread to wait indefinitely until another thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method on the same object.
This variation of the wait() method allows you to specify a timeout period in milliseconds. The calling thread waits until either another thread notifies it or the specified timeout period elapses.
This variation is similar to wait(long timeout) but allows you to specify an additional nanosecond value for more precise timeout control.
synchronized (obj) {
try {
obj.wait(5000, 100); // Wait for 5 seconds and 100 nanoseconds
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Handle the exception
It's important to note that the wait() method can only be called within a synchronized block or method. If it is called outside of a synchronized context, an IllegalMonitorStateException will be thrown.
notify() Method
The notify() method is used to wake up a single thread that is waiting on the same synchronized object. When a thread calls the notify() method, it selects one of the waiting threads and notifies it to resume execution. The choice of which thread to notify is arbitrary and depends on the implementation of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
For example :
synchronized (obj) {
// Perform some operations
obj.notify(); // Notify a waiting thread
It's important to note that the notify() method does not release the lock on the synchronized object immediately. The notifying thread continues to hold the lock until it exits the synchronized block or method, or until it calls the wait() method itself.
In some cases, you may want to wake up all the threads waiting on the synchronized object instead of just one. For this purpose, you can use the notifyAll() method, which notifies all the waiting threads.
synchronized (obj) {
// Perform some operations
obj.notifyAll(); // Notify all waiting threads
Both notify() and notifyAll() methods should be called within a synchronized block or method to avoid an IllegalMonitorStateException.
Differences between wait() & notify()
Makes a thread wait until it is notified by another thread
Wakes up a single waiting thread
Releases the lock on the synchronized object and enters a waiting state
Notifies one of the waiting threads to resume execution
Lock Release
The waiting thread releases the lock when it calls wait()
The notifying thread continues to hold the lock until it exits the synchronized block or calls wait()
Notification Scope
Used when a thread needs to wait for a specific condition to be met
Used to signal a waiting thread that the condition it was waiting for has been met
Thread Selection
When multiple threads are waiting, the choice of which thread to notify is arbitrary and depends on the JVM implementation
Wakes up a single thread, chosen arbitrarily by the JVM
Various Exceptions
When working with wait() and notify() methods, it's important to be aware of the exceptions that can occur.
Let’s discuss some common exceptions associated with these methods:
1. wait()
- InterruptedException: This exception is thrown when a waiting thread is interrupted by another thread. It is a checked exception, which means it must be handled explicitly using a try-catch block or declared in the method signature.
- IllegalMonitorStateException: This exception is thrown when the wait() method is called on an object that is not locked by the calling thread. It occurs when wait() is invoked outside of a synchronized context.
- IllegalMonitorStateException: Similar to wait(), this exception is thrown when the notify() method is called on an object that is not locked by the calling thread. It occurs when notify() is invoked outside of a synchronized context.
- Call wait() and notify() methods only within synchronized blocks or methods.
- Handle the InterruptedException when using wait() by either catching it or declaring it in the method signature.
- Ensure that the thread calling wait() or notify() holds the lock on the synchronized object.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I call wait() or notify() methods without synchronization?
No, wait() and notify() methods must be called within a synchronized block or method to avoid an IllegalMonitorStateException.
What happens if multiple threads are waiting on the same object and notify() is called?
When multiple threads are waiting on the same object and notify() is called, only one thread is notified and woken up. The choice of which thread to notify is arbitrary and depends on the JVM implementation.
Can I use wait() and notify() methods with any object?
Yes, wait() and notify() methods can be called on any object in Java. However, it is recommended to use them with objects that serve as locks for synchronization purposes.
In this article, we have discussed the wait() and notify() methods in Java, which are important for thread synchronization. We learned about the different variations of the wait() method and how to use them to make a thread wait until notified. We also explained the notify() method and its role in waking up waiting threads. At last, we talked about the main differences between wait() and notify() methods and the exceptions that can occur when using them.
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