Table of contents
About Adobe 
Complete On campus / Off-campus Process
Eligibility Criteria
Adobe Hiring Process
Coding + Aptitude Round
Technical Round 1
Technical Round 2
Technical Round 3
HR Round 
Preparation Strategy and Resources
Make a study schedule 
Practice Data structures and Algorithms 
Resources to Prepare for Adobe
Ways to join Adobe through LinkedIn & referrals?
Sample Interview Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How many Technical Rounds does Adobe conduct to hire candidates?
Does Adobe hire off-campus?
Does Adobe offer remote jobs?
What benefits should an individual get after joining Adobe?
Is it tough to land a job at Adobe?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Ways To Join Adobe

Author Nagendra
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Hey Ninjas!! Do you want to join Adobe? Well, you are at the right place to explore all the details of it. 

Ways to Join Adobe Image

This article consists of all the information from interview preparation to the On-campus/ Off-campus process to networking with people & joining through LinkedIn & referrals.

Without further ado, let's get started. 

About Adobe 

Adobe Systems Incorporated is a global computer tech company based in the United States. The company's headquarters are in San Jose, California, USA. Adobe has traditionally concentrated on the production of multimedia and creativity software tools, with a recent incursion into rich Internet application software development. 

Adobe Image

The well-known products of Adobe are Photoshop, an image processing application, Acrobat Reader, the Portable Document Format (PDF), and Adobe Creative Suite. 

Complete On campus / Off-campus Process

You can Join Adobe by On campus or Off-campus Process. Let's look into the details of it.

On Campus /Off Campus Image


In On-Campus placements, your University will set up placement programs & the recruitment activity takes place on the campus of the college. Here Company is coming to your campus to recruit the best talent. If you are enrolled in a Tier-1 university, you have already won half the war. Adobe hires directly from universities like IIT and NIT if you have the talent.


Off-campus placements are precisely the opposite of On-campus placements. The Company will not come to you in this case, so you will have to go out of your way to find one.

You can apply through the Adobe Carrier Portal or can ask for a referral on LinkedIn.

Eligibility Criteria

🎯Must have done or pursuing  graduation/post graduation in any branch of BTech/BE/MTech

🎯Must have secured at least 60% in their 10th & 12th and 7 or above CGPA in BE/Btech.

🎯There should be no active backlog in Academics.


The Syllabus for both the Technical Round and Interview Round are as follows-

Interview ready Image

🚆You should have advanced knowledge of Data Structures & Algorithms.

🚆Should have knowledge of Computer subjects like Computer NetworksDBMS and Operating Systems.

🚆Good Aptitude skills

Also, check  Adobe Preparation Guide

Adobe Hiring Process

Adobe conducts 4-5 rounds to hire candidates. Let's go through the details of each round.

Coding + Aptitude Round

This round consists of 25 questions, 3 - 4 questions are from coding. The remaining questions are aptitude, logical, and technical. To master the aptitude test, you should study profit and loss, percentages, time, speed and work, etc. You can go through our Aptitude preparation guide.

The coding questions will focus on pointers, strings, arrays, and recursion. You can use a variety of languages, such as CC++Java, and Python to solve the questions.

Technical Round 1

This round contains one-on-one interviews. Candidates are asked various questions on Data Structures & Algorithms and some questions on computer fundamentals such as Operating systems, Computer networks, and DBMS.

If you want to ace an interview, you can refer to the Interview Experiences, where you will get all the essential questions with their solution.

Interview Image

Technical Round 2

More complex and challenging questions are asked based on Dynamic Programming, Graphs, and Recursion. This round also includes discussion on projects, as well as questions regarding the project's technology. The questions may also cover a wide range of technological area

The candidate must be knowledgeable in everything mentioned in their CV.

Technical Round 3

In this stage, there are system design questions. There will be operating system and database management system implementation questions. You will also need to answer some additional medium-difficulty coding, algorithmic, and conceptual programming language questions.

HR Round 

During the HR stage of the interview, Your personal, family, education, interests, internships, work experience (if any), basic information, and other questions will be discussed. 

As well as some practical questions-

❄️In five years, where do you see yourself?

❄️Please tell us about yourself.

❄️Which is your dream company?

While responding, be very confident, don't talk in a low tone, and be direct & truthful. The HR round's goal is to assess your level of knowledge, analytical ability, and communication skills. The purpose of the HR interview is to identify your suitability for the position and the company, as well as to analyze your background, personality, strengths, and limitations. 

Click here to apply on Adobe’s official website

Preparation Strategy and Resources

Preparation plays an essential role in getting a job. You are at the best platform if you are preparing to join Adobe.

Resources Image

Make a study schedule 

Make a prioritised list of things you need to study using the information you gathered in the previous stage. 

This list should include the following items:

❄️Remember two useful sorting algorithms and their Big-O equivalents.

❄️Binary Search and its applications.

❄️Basic data structures such as hashmapstacklinked listqueue, and trees (n-ary, trie, heap) and their Big-O complexities should be remembered.

❄️Graph traversal algorithms (BFSDFS Algorithm, and the shortest path algorithm like Dijkstra's) should be crystal clear.

❄️Exercises in Bit Manipulation (working with bitmaps, bit shifting)

❄️The terminology used in Object-Oriented Programming (abstraction, inheritance, cohesion, coupling)

❄️Understand the collections and math APIs for the programming language you're using.

❄️RecursionBacktracking, and memoization.

❄️Review the fundamentals of discrete mathematics and statistics.

Practice Data structures and Algorithms 

Practice Image

Choose two or three items from your list and devote two or three hours every day to work on them.

Test yourself by drawing out an algorithm or data structure on paper or on a whiteboard as you recall stuff. 

When you're through, write down the algorithm's worst-case Big-O time and space complexity. Now copy and paste your code into your preferred IDE and compile it. 

Keep track of any compilation errors so you can prevent them the next time you do the exercise.

You can and should write unit tests to ensure that your code is correct.

Start practising complex coding challenges and time yourself. For each solution, it's critical to evaluate the Runtime and Memory complexity. 

Learn how to answer the top ten System Design Interview questions. These are now an important component of the interview process and have an impact on your level of employment.

Study the concepts of operating systems and concurrency. These questions are used to determine your level of hiring. To stand out for higher levels on Google's ladder, brush up on multithreading principles.

Resources to Prepare for Adobe

You can go through the following resources to prepare for Adobe:

Adobe Resources Image

Aptitude Preparation Course - Prepare for aptitude tests which most companies conduct even before the technical rounds.

DS & ALGO - You can choose any one of them based on your preference. 
Basics of C++ with Data Structures
Basic of Python with Data Structures
Basic of Java with Data Structures

Competitive Programming - Competitive programming surely gives you an edge in interviews.

Database Management System - This course will prepare you for the questions asked on DBMS in software engineering interviews.

Operating System - This course will prepare you for the questions asked on Operating systems in software engineering interviews.

System Design - This course will help you prepare for system design questions in software engineering interviews. 

Once you are confident enough about these skills, you can prepare for technical interviews. You can start with coding challenges online and practice your codes on Coding Ninjas Studio. On Code Studio, you will get a problem a day, and you can solve them and improve your coding skills.

You can also refer to Coding Ninjas Studio Problem Lists to practise a collection of Interview questions asked in Adobe.

Ways to join Adobe through LinkedIn & referrals?

LinkedIn is a very potent tool for students and recent graduates to search for job and internship opportunities. You can get Full time as well as internship opportunities for Adobe through LinkedIn. Let us look at a few ways to join Adobe through LinkedIn.

Adobe Join Image

➡️ Develop a network: You can connect with people on LinkedIn and ask them for guidance on how to prepare for the interviews and exams. Your connections can also help you with referrals to the company. Be confident in reaching out to new people, and do not be shy to text a hundred people. 

➡️ Scale Down the Search Results: To get better results while searching for Jobs at Adobe through LinkedIn, try to be more specific about your preferences.

➡️ Personalized Messages: While approaching someone on LinkedIn, try and add personalized messages to make them aware of your intentions and why you are connecting with them. Blank connection requests are far more likely to be rejected and left unnoticed.

➡️ Follow Companies: You can also follow companies on LinkedIn so that you are notified if they ever have a job vacancy, and you can be the first one to apply for the role. In our case, you can follow the LinkedIn page so that you are updated about all the recent posts and job vacancies.

Click here to Apply

Sample Interview Questions

Interview Questions Image

Here we have some of the sample interview questions which will help you in your interview preparations.

📑Left View Of Binary Tree

📑Detect Cycle in a Undirected Graph

📑Anagram Pairs

📑Intersection of Two Linked Lists

📑Find K’th Character of Decrypted String

📑Successor Problem

You can review more Interview Questions to strengthen your preparation.

Check out the video:

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Technical Rounds does Adobe conduct to hire candidates?

Adobe generally conducts 3-4 technical interviews.

Does Adobe hire off-campus?

Yes, Adobe hires both on-campus and off-campus. 

Does Adobe offer remote jobs?

Yes, they offer remote jobs. Employees can even work entirely remotely, on-site full-time, or even a combination of both.

What benefits should an individual get after joining Adobe?

They should get Health Insurance, Education reimbursement, Paid parental leave, Product discounts, Survivor support, and many more.

Is it tough to land a job at Adobe?

The software company receives a huge number of applications from candidates with outstanding professional backgrounds and portfolios. So, it is tough to crack Adobe.


In this article, we have thoroughly discussed the different ways to join Adobe. We hope this article has helped you enhance your knowledge regarding the different ways to join Adobe and its preparation strategy and process. 

You can follow the link given below: 

You can refer to our guided paths on the Coding Ninjas Studio platform to learn more about DSADBMSCompetitive ProgrammingPythonJavaJavaScript, etc. To practice and improve yourself in the interview, you can also check out Top 100 SQL problemsInterview experienceCoding interview questions, and the Ultimate guide path for interviews. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow. Happy Coding!!

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