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Last updated: May 3, 2022

Web Forms

ASP.NET is a server-side technology for displaying and handling web pages, Web forms are one important feature of any website. WebForms in ASP.NET are pages that your users request through their browser. HTML, client-script, server controls, and server code can all be used to create these pages. Here we will be learning components and handling web forms, cookies, sessions, etc.
ASP.NET Web Forms Introduction
ASP.NET Web Forms are pages your users request using their browser.
ASP.NET Web Forms Project
ASP.NET Web Forms are pages your users request using their browser.
ASP.NET Server Controls
The built-in ASP.NET server controls in the ASP.NET page framework are designed to provide a more organized programming approach for the Web.
ASP.NET Web Forms Label
This article is about the theoretical and practical implementations of Label in ASP.NET Web Forms.
ASP.NET WebForms Button
This article introduces you to WebForms Button in ASP.NET with a detailed description and code.
ASP.NET WebForms Textbox
This blog discusses the Textbox WebForm in with examples.
Author Parth
Web Forms Radio Button
This blog will learn about the web forms of radio buttons, their properties, and examples. We will go through different radio buttons, labels, Custom/Fancy Radio Button.
ASP.NET Web Forms Calendar
In this blog, we will learn how to create a Calendar using ASP.NET.
Web Forms LinkButton
In this blog, we will learn about LinkButton class, its example, properties, and methods.
ASP.NET FileUpload
ASP.NET FileUpload is an input controller used to upload files to the server.
ASP.NET Upload Multiple Files
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Multiple Fileupload in ASP.NET.
ASP.NET Downloading a File
This article introduces ASP.NET and how to download a file using ASP.NET with a detailed description and code.
ASP.NET Cookies
This article discusses ASP.NET Cookies and their implementation. We talk about why it is good to learn ASP.NET Cookies and how it makes the life of a developer easier.
This article discusses ASP.NET Session and its implementation. We talk about why it is good to learn ASP.NET Session and how it makes the life of a developer easier.
ASP.NET DropDownList
This blog will cover the concept of ASP.NET DropDownList and DropDown List UI class. Furthermore, we will learn about its constructors, methods, and properties.
ASP.NET DataList
This article discusses ASP.NET DataList and its implementation. We talk about why it is good to learn ASP.NET DataList and how it makes the life of a developer easier.
ASP.NET DataGrid
In this article, we will learn about ASP.NET DataGrid and how it helps display a scrollable table with data.
WebForms Event Handling in ASP.NET
This blog covers the concept of webforms event handling in ASP.NET, which can create any server control event.
WebForms Authentication
This article introduces you to Web Form Authentication and how to create secure web forms implementation with user sign up with a detailed description and code.
Web Forms Model Binding
In this article, we will discuss the way to bind form data to functional logic. We will discuss web forms and learn to form data from the HTML elements bonded to Objects.
HTML Server Controls
This article discusses HTML Server Controls and their implementation. We talk about why it is good to learn HTML Server Controls and how it makes the life of a developer easier.