Do you know Postman was started as a side project in 2012? A Software Engineer Mr. Abhinav Asthana whose aim was to simplify API testing, started Postman’s development while working at the Bangalore office of Yahoo.
Initially, he was the only developer handling this project launched as a free app in Chrome Web Store. But as its usage grew exponentially, he recruited his colleagues to create an advanced version of Postman. Now, these three co-founders cum developers run this association.
Their products include API repository, API builder, Intelligence, Workspaces, API Client, API Design, API Documentation, API Testing, Mock Servers, and API Detection. In this blog, we will learn about how to specify examples, how to work with certificates, and how to generate Client Code in Postman.

Examples in Postman
When you are familiar with how to visualize API, don’t you think you require something that confirms that your endpoints are in action and provide extra information on how exactly requests and responses work?
Concerning Postman, an example is a tightly-coupled request and response pair, that is, each example is made up of two parts, which are the Request and Response parts. The Request part consists of methods, URLs, parameters, headers, and body. The Response part consists of Status Code, Body, and Headers.
An example is created when you add them to requests in collections. Note that one request can have multiple examples. In such cases, examples are useful to illustrate different ways an endpoint will respond to a request.

Adding an example
We have already learned that an example is always associated with a request in a collection. There are two ways in which you can add an example.
🌻 The first way is to add an example quickly to a request, you need to send the request and then save the response.
🌻 The second way is to add an example manually after defining a custom response.
After you add an example using either method, you can edit it anytime to make changes and generate a custom response.
Editing an example
It is implied that examples are stored in a collection with their requests if examples are associated with an example every time. An example can be edited anytime by removing the sensitive tokens, changing the status code, or making any other necessary adjustments.
To edit an example, you need to follow the steps mentioned in the image given below.

Duplicating an example
When you read duplicate, the first thing that comes to mind is a copy or replica. Even with reference to the Postman, this meaning stays the same. By duplicating an example, we mean to quickly add a new example using an existing one as the base for it. A copied example can be edited by changing the name, status code, or any other part of the response or request, as per the requirement.
To duplicate an example, you need to follow the steps mentioned in the image below.

Deleting an example
When we say deleting an example, it means removing it from the collection as well as from the associated API documentation. Note that once the example has been deleted, any mock servers set up by you would no longer be able to use that example to return a response.
To delete an example, you need to follow the steps mentioned in the image below.

Use cases
For every collection you create, documentation is created automatically in the Postman. The generated documentation can create any number of examples that you have added to that documentation previously. In case you have edited an example, the documentation is also updated automatically.
An example is always needed to provide extra information, additional details, and clarification for your API and help the team to collaborate on API Development. The team includes front-end developers, back-end developers, and testers who work in parallel using the examples.