Keywords are special words with predefined meanings in programming, while identifiers are names given to variables, classes, or functions in a program.
Keywords and identifiers together build the vocabulary for the programming language. Keywords are reserved words with specific meanings, while identifiers are names given to variables, labels, or classes in a program.

Let’s learn about the difference between Keyword and Identifier in detail.
What is a Keyword?
A keyword is a reserved word that has a special meaning. It cannot be used as an identifier such as a variable or function name. These keywords are part of the language syntax and play a crucial role in defining the structure and logic of Python programs. They are used to convey specific instructions to the interpreter.
There are some examples of keywords in Python:
if: It is used for conditional statements.
else: It is used in conjunction with if to define alternative branches in conditional statements.
for: It is used for iterating over a sequence (such as a list or string).
while: It is used to create a loop that continues until a certain condition is met.
def: It is used to define a function.
class: It is used to define a class.
import: It is used to import modules or specific objects from modules.
return: It is used to specify the return value of a function.
True, or False: They represent boolean values.
and, or, not: They are used for logical operations.
- try, except, finally: They are used for exception handling.