Table of contents
What is an Optional Class in Java 8?
Class Declaration
Program Using Optional Class in Java 8:
Optional Class in Java 8 Methods
1. `empty()`
2. `of(value)`
3. `ofNullable(value)`
4. `isPresent()`
5. `get()`
6. `ifPresent(consumer)`
7. `orElse(other)`
8. `orElseGet(supplier)`
Examples for Optional Class in Java 8:
1. Filtering values
2. Mapping values
3. Chaining methods
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Optional be used with primitive types?
Is it necessary to check if an Optional is present before accessing its value?
Can Optional be used as a method parameter or field type?
Last Updated: Aug 14, 2024

What is Optional Class in Java 8

Author Rahul Singh
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In Java 8, the Optional class was introduced to help developers deal with null values in a more efficient & safe manner. It provides a way to represent the presence or absence of a value, reducing the chances of encountering the dreaded NullPointerException.With the help of the Optional class, you can write cleaner code that is easier to read & less prone to errors. 

What is Optional Class in Java 8

In this article, we will learn what the Optional class is, how to declare it and will see different examples to understand it better.

What is an Optional Class in Java 8?

The Optional class in Java 8 is a container object that may or may not contain a non-null value. It is designed to provide a clear way to convey the absence of a value, thus avoiding null checks & potential NullPointerExceptions. The Optional class is a part of the java.util package & is commonly used in streams & other functional programming patterns introduced in Java 8.

With the Optional class, you can explicitly express the possibility of a null value, making your code more expressive & readable. Instead of returning null or checking for null values, you can return an Optional instance, which forces the consumer of your code to handle the case where no value is present.

Class Declaration

To use the Optional class in your Java code, you first need to declare it. The Optional class is a generic type, which means you can specify the type of value it holds. 

Let’s see how you can declare an Optional

Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.empty();
Optional<Integer> optionalInteger = Optional.of(10);
Optional<Double> optionalDouble = Optional.ofNullable(null);

In the above examples, we declare three different Optional instances:

1. `optionalString`: An empty Optional of type String, created using the `Optional.empty()` method.

2. `optionalInteger`: An Optional of type Integer, created using the `Optional.of(10)` method, which expects a non-null value.

3. `optionalDouble`: An Optional of type Double, created using the `Optional.ofNullable(null)` method, which allows a null value to be passed.

Program Using Optional Class in Java 8:

Let's look at a simple program that shows the use of the Optional class in Java 8:

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import java.util.Optional;

public class OptionalExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] words = new String[5];
words[0] = "Hello";
words[1] = "Optional";
words[2] = "Class";
words[3] = "in";
words[4] = "Java 8";

Optional<String> optionalWord = Optional.ofNullable(words[2]);
if (optionalWord.isPresent()) {
String word = optionalWord.get();
System.out.println("The word is: " + word);
} else {
System.out.println("No word found.");

Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.ofNullable(words[5]);
emptyOptional.ifPresent(word -> System.out.println("The word is: " + word));
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The word is: Class

In this program, we have an array of words. We create an Optional instance `optionalWord` using the `Optional.ofNullable()` method, passing the word at index 2. We then check if the Optional contains a value using the `isPresent()` method. If a value is present, we retrieve it using the `get()` method & print it. Otherwise, we print "No word found."

We also create an empty Optional instance `emptyOptional` by passing an index that is out of bounds. We use the `ifPresent()` method to print the word if it exists. Since the index is out of bounds, no word will be printed.

Optional Class in Java 8 Methods

The Optional class in Java 8 provides a set of useful methods to work with optional values. 

Let's discuss some of the commonly used methods:

1. `empty()`

Returns an empty Optional instance.

   Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();

2. `of(value)`

Returns an Optional with the specified non-null value. Throws NullPointerException if the value is null.

   Optional<Integer> optionalInt = Optional.of(10);

3. `ofNullable(value)`

Returns an Optional describing the specified value, if non-null, otherwise returns an empty Optional.

   Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.ofNullable(null);

4. `isPresent()`

Returns true if the Optional contains a value, otherwise false.

   Optional<Double> optionalDouble = Optional.of(3.14);
   boolean isPresent = optionalDouble.isPresent(); // true

5. `get()`

Returns the value if present, otherwise throws NoSuchElementException.

   Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.of("Hello");
   String value = optionalString.get(); // "Hello"

6. `ifPresent(consumer)`

Performs the specified action with the value if present.

   Optional<Integer> optionalInt = Optional.of(10);
   optionalInt.ifPresent(value -> System.out.println("Value: " + value));

7. `orElse(other)`

Returns the value if present, otherwise returns the specified other value.

   Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.empty();
   String value = optionalString.orElse("Default");

8. `orElseGet(supplier)`

Returns the value if present, otherwise invokes the specified supplier & returns its result.

   Optional<Integer> optionalInt = Optional.empty();
   int value = optionalInt.orElseGet(() -> 0);

Examples for Optional Class in Java 8:

1. Filtering values

Optional<Integer> optionalInt = Optional.of(10);
Optional<Integer> filteredOptional = optionalInt.filter(value -> value > 5);
System.out.println(filteredOptional.isPresent()); // true

In this example, we have an Optional containing the value 10. We use the `filter()` method to check if the value is greater than 5. Since the condition is true, the filtered Optional still contains the value.

2. Mapping values

Optional<String> optionalString = Optional.of("HELLO");
Optional<String> mappedOptional =;
System.out.println(mappedOptional.get()); // "hello"

Here, we have an Optional containing the string "HELLO". We use the `map()` method to transform the value to lowercase using the `String::toLowerCase` method reference. The mapped Optional now contains the lowercase string "hello".

3. Chaining methods

Optional<Integer> optionalInt = Optional.of(10);
String result = optionalInt
    .filter(value -> value > 5)
    .map(value -> value * 2)
    .map(value -> "The value is " + value)
    .orElse("No value found");
System.out.println(result); // "The value is 20"

In this example, we chain multiple methods on an Optional. We start with an Optional containing the value 10. We first filter the value to check if it's greater than 5. If true, we map the value by multiplying it by 2. We then map the value again to create a string. Finally, we use `orElse()` to provide a default value if the Optional is empty. The result is the string "The value is 20".

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Optional be used with primitive types?

No, Optional is designed to work with reference types. However, Java provides specialized optional classes for primitives, such as OptionalInt, OptionalLong, & OptionalDouble.

Is it necessary to check if an Optional is present before accessing its value?

Yes, it is recommended to always check if an Optional contains a value using the isPresent() method before accessing the value with get(). Directly calling get() on an empty Optional will throw a NoSuchElementException.

Can Optional be used as a method parameter or field type?

While it is possible to use Optional as a method parameter or field type, it is generally discouraged. Optional is primarily designed for use as a return type to indicate the possible absence of a value.


In this article, we learned about the Optional class in Java 8. The Optional class provides a way to handle the presence or absence of values, which reduces the risk of NullPointerExceptions. We discussed how we can declare Optional instances, with the help of various methods like isPresent(), get(), & ifPresent(), & saw a few examples of filtering, mapping, & chaining operations on Optional values. 

You can also check out our other blogs on Code360.

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