Table of contents
Understanding SQL ENUM
What is ENUM?
Why Use ENUM?
The Syntax of ENUM
Implementing ENUM in Real Scenarios
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I modify the list of values in an ENUM column after the table is created?
Is the order of the values in an ENUM list important?
Can I use numeric values in an ENUM list?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

What is SQL ENUM

Author Gunjan Batra
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Database design isn't just about tables and relationships; it's also about choosing the right data types for your columns. One such data type that often gets overlooked is the ENUM type.

 what is SQL ENUM

In this guide, we'll take a closer look at the ENUM data type in SQL, understand its usage, benefits, and how it can contribute to data consistency.

Understanding SQL ENUM

What is ENUM?

ENUM is a string data type in SQL. It stands for 'enumeration,' which means that each column can have one of the specified possible values. You can think of it as a way to limit and control the input to a particular column to maintain data integrity.

Why Use ENUM?

ENUM can be particularly useful when:

Data Consistency: It helps ensure that the data in a column remains consistent.

Ease of Use: It's easier to read and write queries with ENUM data types because the data is more predictable.

The Syntax of ENUM

The syntax for ENUM in SQL is quite simple:

ENUM('value1', 'value2', ... 'valueN')

You list all the possible values your column can accept within the brackets.

Implementing ENUM in Real Scenarios

Let's explore some practical examples of ENUM.

Example 1: Basic Usage

Suppose you're designing a table for a survey system where a user can only rate their experience as 'Poor', 'Average', or 'Excellent'. You can use the ENUM type like so:

  UserExperience ENUM('Poor', 'Average', 'Excellent')
create table

Example 2: Inserting and Querying Data

To insert data into the 'Survey' table:

INSERT INTO Survey(ID, UserExperience) VALUES(1, 'Average');
insert query

If you attempt to insert a value that isn't defined in the ENUM list, SQL will return an error.

To query data from the 'Survey' table:

SELECT * FROM Survey WHERE UserExperience = 'Average';

This will return all rows where the user's experience was 'Average'.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I modify the list of values in an ENUM column after the table is created?

Yes, you can alter an ENUM list using the ALTER TABLE command, but you should be careful not to lose any data.

Is the order of the values in an ENUM list important?

Yes, ENUM assigns each value a number based on its position in the list, starting with 1.

Can I use numeric values in an ENUM list?

Yes, but they are treated as strings, not numbers.


The ENUM data type in SQL is a valuable tool when you need to ensure data consistency in a column. It's especially useful when dealing with columns that have a known, limited set of values. Understanding and effectively using ENUM will help improve your database's reliability and your efficiency as a developer. It's just another tool in the SQL toolkit that, when used correctly, makes database management a smoother and more streamlined process.

If you want to learn about SQL, you can read the below-mentioned articles:

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