Table of contents
What is Web2Py?
Various Features of Web2Py
MVC Architecture
Web-Based IDE
Why Web2Py?
WorkFlow of Web2Py
Frequently Asked Questions
Which is better, web2py or Django?
What are Django and Flask?
What is the web2py framework?
What is pylon framework?
What is Falcon API?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

What Is Web2Py?

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A web application is an piece of software or a program that includes multiple features and commands that run whenever a client accesses a particular URL. A web application can be created using a variety of technological languages, but creating one from scratch can be time-consuming. To create a web app quickly, developers typically employ web frameworks. A web framework is a group of modules, libraries, and APIs that let programmers create web applications fast, effortlessly, and without having to worry about the technical language and protocols involved in web development. Since a web framework is typically built on top of a particular programming language, the developer must be familiar with that language in order to use the web framework. There are numerous well-known web frameworks, including Python's Django, Flask, Web2Py, and Pyramid, among others. The Cake, Symphony, and Laravel of PHP. Spring, spark, Vaadin, etc., from Java. One of the most well-known Python programming languages, the Web2Py framework, will be the exclusive topic of discussion in this article.

What is Web2Py?

Web2py, which is written in Python and programmable in Python, is described as a free web framework for agile development that involves database-driven web applications. It is a full-stack framework that has every part a developer might require to create a fully functional web application.

Various Features of Web2Py

The various features of Web2Py include the following:

MVC Architecture

Mostly all of the popular frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Angular, Django, and others. All follow the  (Model View Controller) MVC architecture so does web2py.

The Model is a component of the application that contains the data logic. Data from the database is retrieved and stored using the objects in the Model.

The application's view component aids in providing users with the data presentation. Data is extracted from the Model for the data display.

The controller, which manages user interaction, is a component of the application. Controllers can read information from views, manage user input, and send information to a particular model.


The Python 2.x and Python 3.x versions are both compatible with web2py. And every operating system that supports Python can run the web application created with web2py. This means that every virtual private server and cloud platform that supports Python can be used to host or operate the web2py application. Web2py is compatible with a variety of operating systems in addition to several databases, such as SQL and NoSQL.

Web-Based IDE

A web Integrated Development Environment is included with Web2py ( IDE ). Despite lacking several features offered by other IDEs, the web2py web IDE nonetheless offers a straightforward tool for designing, developing, and managing the logic and database of an online application.

But, a question arises here, despite having many web frameworks already available in the development areas. Why do we need Web2Py?

Why Web2Py?

Web2py is primarily used as a teaching tool rather than for web development. Here are several justifications for why a Python programmer ought to learn web2py.

  • It makes it simple for the developer to learn server-side web development thanks to its graphical interface and integrated online IDE.
  • It is a dependable Python web framework with rock-solid APIs.
  • Web2py allows for highly secure web applications.
  • Because the batteries are already in place, developers do not have to worry about creating standard web components.
  • It runs its web application faster thanks to the Rocket WSGI.

WorkFlow of Web2Py

Below is a description of the workflow diagram.

  • The user web2py application comprises the components Models, Views, and Controller.
  • A single web2py instance can host several applications.
  • The server receives the HTTP request from the browser and uses it to communicate with the Model, Controller, and View to retrieve the required output.
  • The arrows show how the database engine and user are in communication (s). The web2py application code is agnostic of any database engine because the database queries can be written in raw SQL or utilizing the web2py Database Abstraction Layer (which will be covered in later chapters).
  • The Model communicates with the Controller and creates the database connection with the database. Conversely, the Controller works with the View to create the data presentation.
  • The Dispatcher converts the requested URL from the HTTP response to a call to a controller function. The function's output can either be a hash table or a string.
  • The View displays the data. The data is to be rendered into an HTML page if the user wants one (this is the default). Web2py searches for an view that can render the dictionary in XML if the user requests the same page in XML.
  • Web2py supports the following protocols: HTML, XML, JSON, RSS, CSV, and RTF.
  • The Dispatcher converts the requested URL from the HTTP response to a call to a controller function. The function's output can either be a hash table or a string.
  • The View displays the data. The data is to be rendered into an HTML page if the user wants one (this is the default). Web2py searches for the view that can render the dictionary in the XML if the user requests the same page in XML.
  • Web2py supports the following protocols: HTML, XML, JSON, RSS, CSV, and RTF.

Let’s move on to the FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better, web2py or Django?

Due to its smaller size, simpler learning curve, and lack of project-level configuration files, web2py differs from Django. Compared to PHP-based frameworks and Java-based frameworks, web2py has a significantly clearer syntax.

What are Django and Flask?

While Django is a high-level web framework for Python, Flask is a micro-framework. As a result, the flask is considerably simpler to comprehend and learn. Both are open-source platforms. However, the flask is more commonly used for lightweight apps than Django. Both are utilized differently and for various purposes.

What is the web2py framework?

Web2py, which is written in Python and programmable in Python, is described as a free, open-source online framework for agile development that involves database-driven web applications.

What is pylon framework?

Python-based Pylons Framework is an open-source Web application framework. The Web Server Gateway Interface standard is heavily utilized to encourage reusability and divide functionality into independent modules.

What is Falcon API?

For creating reliable app backends and microservices, Falcon is a lightning-quick, lightweight Python web API framework. The framework performs admirably with both gevent/meinheld and asyncio (ASGI) (WSGI).


In this article, we have extensively discussed What Web2y is, its various features, and its workflow while working with a server.

To learn more about Web2Py, see Web2pyWeb2Py initWeb2Py InstallationTroubleshooting, and Application creation.

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