Basic syntax
To understand the concept of multiple inheritance, let's consider a hypothetical scenario where Java allows multiple inheritance. Suppose we have three classes: ClassA, ClassB & ClassC. ClassC attempts to inherit from both ClassA & ClassB with the help of the syntax mentioned below:
class ClassA {
// Class A members
class ClassB {
// Class B members
class ClassC extends ClassA, ClassB {
// Class C members
In this example, ClassC tries to inherit from both ClassA & ClassB using the comma-separated list after the extends keyword. However, this syntax is not valid in Java because it does not support multiple inheritance.
Diamond Problem
The diamond problem is a key reason why Java does not support multiple inheritance. It occurs when a class inherits from multiple parent classes that have a method with the same name & signature. Let's take an example to understand this problem.
Suppose we have two classes, ClassA and ClassB, both of which have a method named printMessage() with the same signature. Now, let's say we have another class, ClassC, that attempts to inherit from both ClassA and ClassB.
class ClassA {
void printMessage() {
System.out.println("Message from Class A");
class ClassB {
void printMessage() {
System.out.println("Message from Class B");
class ClassC extends ClassA, ClassB {
// Class C members
In this scenario, if we create an instance of ClassC & call the printMessage() method, it becomes ambiguous which parent class's method should be invoked. This ambiguity leads to the diamond problem.
Diamond problem with example methods code
Now, let’s discuss this in more depth and look into the diamond problem with a more complex example. Let’s consider the following code:
class Animal {
public void makeSound() {
System.out.println("Animal makes a sound");
class Dog extends Animal {
public void makeSound() {
System.out.println("Dog barks");
class Cat extends Animal {
public void makeSound() {
System.out.println("Cat meows");
class Chimera extends Dog, Cat {
// Inherits from both Dog and Cat
In this example, we have an Animal class with a makeSound() method. The Dog and Cat classes inherit from Animal and override the makeSound() method with their specific implementations.
Now, if we attempt to create a Chimera class that inherits from both Dog and Cat, we encounter the diamond problem. If we create an instance of Chimera and call the makeSound() method, it becomes unclear whether it should invoke the makeSound() method from the Dog class or the Cat class.
Chimera chimera = new Chimera();
chimera.makeSound(); // Ambiguous method call
This ambiguity arises because the Chimera class inherits the makeSound() method from both the Dog & Cat classes, leading to a conflict.
How to Avoid Multiple Inheritance in Java?
While Java doesn't support multiple inheritance directly, there are alternative approaches to achieve similar functionality. Two common techniques to avoid multiple inheritance in Java are Interfaces and Composition.
Let's discuss each of these techniques in more detail.
1. Interfaces: Java allows a class to implement multiple interfaces. An interface is a contract that specifies a set of methods that a class must implement. By implementing multiple interfaces, a class can inherit the method signatures from multiple sources without the ambiguity of multiple inheritance.
For example:
interface Printable {
void print();
interface Drawable {
void draw();
class Shape implements Printable, Drawable {
public void print() {
System.out.println("Printing shape");
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Drawing shape");
In this example, the Shape class implements both the Printable and Drawable interfaces. It provides the implementation for the print() and draw() methods defined in the respective interfaces. This allows the Shape class to inherit behavior from multiple interfaces without the complications of multiple inheritance.
2. Composition: Composition is another technique for achieving code reuse and doing multiple inheritance in Java. Instead of inheriting from multiple classes, composition involves creating instances of the desired classes as member variables within the class that require their functionality.
For example:
class Engine {
public void startEngine() {
System.out.println("Engine started");
class Transmission {
public void shiftGear() {
System.out.println("Gear shifted");
class Car {
private Engine engine;
private Transmission transmission;
public Car() {
this.engine = new Engine();
this.transmission = new Transmission();
public void start() {
System.out.println("Car is running");
In this example, the Car class has two member variables: engine of type Engine and transmission of type Transmission. Instead of inheriting from both the Engine and Transmission classes, the Car class creates instances of these classes within its constructor.
The Car class can then use the functionality provided by the Engine and Transmission classes by invoking their respective methods. This allows the Car class to reuse the code from multiple classes without the need for multiple inheritance.
Note: Composition provides a flexible and modular approach to code reuse, as the composed classes can be easily replaced or modified without affecting the overall structure of the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a Java class inherit from multiple classes?
No, a Java class cannot directly inherit from multiple classes. Java supports single inheritance, where a class can inherit from only one parent class.
How can we achieve multiple inheritance-like functionality in Java?
We can use interfaces and composition to achieve multiple inheritance-like functionality in Java. A class can implement multiple interfaces, and composition allows a class to include instances of other classes as member variables.
What is the diamond problem in multiple inheritance?
The diamond problem occurs when a class inherits from multiple classes that have methods with the same name and signature. It leads to ambiguity regarding which method should be invoked when called on an instance of the derived class.
In this article, we explain why Java does not directly support multiple inheritance. We discussed the diamond problem and how it can lead to ambiguity and complexity in the code. We also learned about alternative approaches, such as using interfaces and composition, to achieve multiple inheritance-like functionality in Java.
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