Table of contents
Wiley Mthree Interview Questions for Freshers
1. What is array data structure?
2. What is a queue data structure? What are the applications of the queue?
3. What is an asymptotic analysis of an algorithm? 
4. What is a priority queue? What are the applications for the priority queue?
5. What is binary search tree data structure?
6. What are virtual functions?
7. What are VTABLE and VPTR?
Wiley Mthree Interview Questions for Intermediate
8.  What is Constructor?
9. What is Abstract class?
10.  What is Function Overriding?
11. What is Function Overloading?
12. What is Normalization?
13. What did access specifiers in C++ do?
14. Describe abstraction. 
15. What Is Inheritance?
16. What is Encapsulation?
17. What is a multidimensional array?
18. What distinguishes storage structure from file structure?
Wiley Mthree Interview Questions for Experienced
19. When does QuickSort behave in the worst possible way?
20. What are Inline Functions?
21. What is a volatile keyword? Can a variable have volatile and constant properties?
22. What is a Linked List, and What are its types?
23. What is a Singly Linked List?
24. What is a Doubly Linked List?
25. What is Binary Search?
Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024

Wiley Mthree Interview Questions

Author Ayush Mishra
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Wiley Mthree is a research and education company that offers an internship and placement program for third- and fourth-year engineering students. 

You'll learn a lot from this article about answering the technical question in Wiley Mthree interview questions. This blog will cover the most important Wiley Mthree interview questions. Let's start going!

Wiley Mthree Interview Questions

Wiley Mthree Interview Questions for Freshers

This section will discuss the fundamental questions of Wiley Mthree interview questions to establish a solid base.

1. What is array data structure?

Ans: A data structure called an array is used to store data in a form that is both effective and simple to retrieve. It keeps information in succession, just like a list. 

Multiple arrays are combined to form an array data structure. The data of each collection is then saved in the sequence in which they were created, and each array is given a unique identification number.

2. What is a queue data structure? What are the applications of the queue?

Ans: A queue is described as a linear data structure with open ends and First In First Out (FIFO) execution of operations. Users can systematically store things in a list using a queue linear data structure. Until the back of the line is full, more things are added; once that happens, the front of the queue is cleared of the items. 

The following are a few uses for the queue data structure: 

•  Graphs with a breadth-first search algorithm 

• Operating system: Scheduling of tasks, disk, and CPU planning, etc. 

• Call center call management

3. What is an asymptotic analysis of an algorithm? 

Ans: The runtime performance of an algorithm is determined by its asymptotic analysis and mathematical bounds. 

The best case (Omega Notation), average case (Theta Notation), and worst case (Big Oh Notation, O) performance of an algorithm may all be expressed using asymptotic analysis.

4. What is a priority queue? What are the applications for the priority queue?

Ans: An abstract data type called a Priority Queue is like a queue in that each member has a priority value. The priority of the components in a priority queue determines the order in which they are served. The details are performed in the order they appear in the line if they have the same priority. Here are a few real-time priority queue applications.

• Used in graph algorithms such as Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree and Dijkstra. 

• Huffman data compression code.

• To find the Kth Largest/Smallest Element

5. What is binary search tree data structure?

Ans: A binary search tree is a data structure that keeps things in sorted order. Each node in a binary search tree holds a key and a value. The object is accessed using the key, and its presence or absence is determined using the value. 

Any value, including an integer, a floating point number, a character string, or even a mix of these, can serve as the key. 

Any object, including an integer, a floating point number, a character string, or even a combination of these, may be used as the value.

A node's key is used to access the item stored there when it is added to the tree. A node is eliminated from the tree when its key is used to access the object stored at that node.

6. What are virtual functions?

Ans: When inheritance is employed, virtual functions are called based on the type of the object being pointed at or referenced, not the type of the pointer or reference. In other words, the runtime is when virtual function resolution occurs. A function can be made virtual by using the term virtual.

7. What are VTABLE and VPTR?

Ans: A table of function pointers is called the vtable. It is kept for each class. Vtable is pointed to by vptr. It is kept up for each thing. The compiler inserts extra code twice to utilize and maintain vtable and vptr.
Every constructor contains code. The vptr of the object being formed is set by this code. This code causes vptr to point to the class's vtable. 

Wiley Mthree Interview Questions for Intermediate

We discussed some of the easy-level Wiley Mthree interview questions. Let us now go through some of the medium-level Wiley Mthree Interview Questions. 

8.  What is Constructor?

Ans: A constructor in Object Oriented Programming initializes a newly created object of that type. The constructor is called automatically wherever the object is created.

9. What is Abstract class?

Ans: In Java, an abstract class is one that has the abstract keyword declared in its declaration. Both abstract and non-abstract methods are possible. It is an implementation of Abstraction in Object Oriented Programming.

10.  What is Function Overriding?

Ans: Function overriding is when the base class and derived class share member functions with the exact same name, same return type, and identical arguments list.

11. What is Function Overloading?

Ans: The ability for two or more functions to have the same name but different parameters is known as function overloading in object-oriented programming. Function overloading refers to the overloading of a function name with numerous tasks.

12. What is Normalization?

Ans: A database design technique called normalization reduces data duplication and gets rid of undesirable traits like Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies. 

13. What did access specifiers in C++ do?

Ans: To specify how the members (functions and variables) may be accessible outside of the class, access specifiers are needed

 â€¢ Private Members: It may only be accessed by other members of the same class; they cannot be accessed from outside the class in which they are defined. Additionally, access to private parent members is prohibited for child classes. 

• Public Members: Those who have been designated as public are reachable from any place.

• Protected Members: Access to protected members is restricted to the class and its descendant classes.

14. Describe abstraction. 

Ans: Data abstraction is the process of withholding some information from the user and only displaying what is necessary. Abstract classes or interfaces can be used to achieve abstraction.

15. What Is Inheritance?

Ans: When an object inherits from a parent object in Java, it takes on all of the parent object's attributes and behaviors. It plays a crucial role in OOPs (Object Oriented programming systems.

16. What is Encapsulation?

Ans: In Java, encapsulation is the process of combining code and data into a single entity, like a capsule containing a variety of medications.

Also see, Servicenow Interview Questions

17. What is a multidimensional array?

Ans: An array with more than one dimension is considered multi-dimensional. It is an array made out of other arrays or has several levels. The most fundamental multidimensional array is the 2D array, which stands for two dimensions. It's technically an array of arrays, as you can see in the code. A matrix or a table with rows and columns are other names for a 2D array. A multidimensional array can be declared similarly to a one-dimensional array. 

18. What distinguishes storage structure from file structure?

Ans: The memory region that was accessed differs. The file structure is the storage structure in the  Auxiliary memory, whereas the storage structure refers to the data structure in the computer system's memory.

Wiley Mthree Interview Questions for Experienced

In this section, we will discuss some of the Hard level questions of Wiley Mthree Interview Questions.

19. When does QuickSort behave in the worst possible way?

Ans: In quickSort, we choose a pivot element and then divide the supplied array around it by positioning the pivot element in the appropriate spot within a sorted array. When one portion after a partition has all of the items while the other part is empty, quickSort experiences its worst-case scenario. The worst outcome happens, for instance, if the input array is sorted and the pivot is either the last or first member.

20. What are Inline Functions?

Ans: Inline functions are available in C++ to minimize function call overhead. A function that is expanded in line when it is invoked is inline. The whole code of the inline function is added or replaced at the location of the inline function call when it is invoked.

The C++ compiler makes this replacement at the time of compilation. If it is a little inline function, efficiency could be increased. The function inline definition syntax is as follows: 

return-type function-name inline (parameters)
 	function code 

21. What is a volatile keyword? Can a variable have volatile and constant properties?

Ans: The volatile keyword is designed to stop the compiler from doing any optimizations on things that have the potential to change in ways that the compiler cannot predict.

Yes, the const indicates that the variable cannot have a new value given to it. Other code or a pointer can alter the value. The software below, for instance, operates without issue.

22. What is a Linked List, and What are its types?

Ans: A linear data structure called a linked list has elements that are not kept in consecutive locations in memory. The data and a reference to the following node are the two components that comprise each element (or node) of a list.

23. What is a Singly Linked List?

Ans: A singly linked list is a particular kind of linked list that can only be traversed in one direction, from head to last node (tail).

A node is a name given to each element in a linked list. Data and a pointer to the following node are both contained in a single node, which aids in keeping the list's structure.

24. What is a Doubly Linked List?

Ans: A node in a Doubly Linked List contains a pointer to both the previous and following node in the sequence, making it a more complex type of linked list. Consequently, a node in a doubly linked list has three components: node data, a pointer to the node after it in the sequence (the next pointer), and a pointer to the node before.

25. What is Binary Search?

Ans: The effective search method for sorted lists is a binary search. As a result, the list must be sorted to search for an element using the binary search technique.

The divide and conquer strategy is used in binary search, where the item is compared to the middle element of the list after the list is divided into two halves. The location of the middle component is returned if a match is found. Otherwise, depending on the match's outcome, we search for either of the halves.


In this blog, you learn about the top Wiley Mthree Interview questions. All the essential questions related to Wiley Mthree interview questions were covered in detail.

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