Table of contents
Most Asked WordPress Interview Questions
1. What are the essential features and advantages of using WordPress?
2.  What is a child theme on WordPress?
3. What is a WordPress Plugin?
4. How can a user install a plugin? 
5. Name some of the best WordPress plugins.
6. Define a WordPress importer.
7. What is a WordPress loop?
8. Does WordPress have cookies?
9. By default, what is the prefix of WordPress tables?
10. By default, WordPress consists of how many tables?
11. What is the difference between and
12. What is the most fundamental difference between posts and pages on WordPress?
13. What are the limitations of WordPress?
14. What are the requirements for the users to run WordPress?
15. Which is more secure? or
16. Name some of the primary programming languages used on WordPress.
17. Can a user host a WordPress website with Amazon Web Services (AWS)?
18. What is a custom field in WordPress?
19. Mention some of the plugins that come along with WordPress.
20: What are the essential features a user looks for while choosing a theme?
21. What basic steps should a user take when their WordPress website is hacked?
22. How can a user increase WordPress website security?
23. Is it possible for a user to create custom post types in WordPress?
24. Define shortcodes in WordPress.
25. What are WordPress Taxonomies?
26. Under what circumstances, can a user not recommend WordPress to their client?
27. Is there any other CMS software better than WordPress? 
28. State hooks in WordPress.
29. What are meta-tags?
30. What are template tags?
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is a plugin in WordPress?
Q. Which relational database does WordPress use?
Q. Which file type is not accepted in WordPress?
Last Updated: Jul 4, 2024

Top 30 WordPress Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

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WordPress is a free, open-source software application. It was invented in 2003. With the help of WordPress, the user can have control over the entire process, from creating and publishing their web content to finally managing their websites. The user can conveniently manage the content on their website using The Content Management System (CMS), even if they've no prior experience in the field of programming. Thus, WordPress makes it easy for users, even if they aren't developers, to build a website of their choice. Some major organizations using WordPress are Microsoft, CNN, The New York Times, etc.

WordPress Interview Questions

Let us now discuss the most asked Top 30 WordPress Interview Questions and answers.

Most Asked WordPress Interview Questions

1. What are the essential features and advantages of using WordPress?

Some basic features and advantages of WordPress are as follows:

  • No prior coding knowledge is required 
  • Multiple sites can be created on WordPress
  • If the user changes the templates of their website, it does not affect the content
  • Includes Password protection when a site consists of multiple users working on the CMS platform

2.  What is a child theme on WordPress?

In WordPress, a child theme uses the features and functionality of a parent theme, It's dependent on a parent theme. 

3. What is a WordPress Plugin?

A WordPress plugin is an individual piece of software that allows a user to add any additional functionalities to their website. All of these software pieces can be installed on their WordPress website. 

4. How can a user install a plugin? 

To add any plugin to WordPress, the user has to go to the main Dashboard and click on the Plugins options, which are available on the left-hand side. The user can then type on the Search Bar, which is on the right-hand side, to get access to the plugin repository. Finally, the user needs to click on Install after finding the desired plugin and then hit Activate. 

5. Name some of the best WordPress plugins.

Some best WordPress plugins include WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, Tablesome, etc.

6. Define a WordPress importer.

WordPress importer allows users to move any data, including various blogs, categories, etc., from any WordPress site to another.

7. What is a WordPress loop?

Loops is a PHP code for displaying WordPress posts. It is also known as WordPress code.

8. Does WordPress have cookies?

Yes, WordPress includes cookies, and it uses cookies when verifying users while logged in.

9. By default, what is the prefix of WordPress tables?

WordPress uses wp_ as the prefix by default.

10. By default, WordPress consists of how many tables?

In WordPress databases, the shelves are known as tables. By default, WordPress websites consist of 12 tables. 

11. What is the difference between and

The main point of difference between and is that is a service that uses WordPress software. On the other hand, is the source where any user can download the software. 

12. What is the most fundamental difference between posts and pages on WordPress?

Posts and pages are two types of content on WordPress. Posts are blogs and articles on any user's site. Their position on the WordPress dashboard is such that the newest posts appear on top and the older ones appear at the bottom. On the contrary, Pages are like those About pages on websites that don't get updated even after publishing. 

13. What are the limitations of WordPress?

Some of the limitations of WordPress include the following:

  • For Making changes or modifications to a WordPress site, a user requires prior knowledge of PHP.
  • It is often necessary to update WordPress to be compatible with the latest browsers and mobile devices. Changes in the version of WordPress lead to various data losses; thus, keeping a backup copy becomes essential.
  • Modifying or formatting the graphic images and tables is difficult.

14. What are the requirements for the users to run WordPress?

The basic requirements to run WordPress include :

  • PHP version 7.4 or higher
  • MySQL version 5.7 or higher MariaDB version 10.3 or higher
  • HTTPS support. 

15. Which is more secure? or

By default, is more secure than as in this environment, there is no support for external plugins or themes (it is a closed system hosted by a company). can also be made more secure but requires many security plugins, secure web hosts and some configurations. 

16. Name some of the primary programming languages used on WordPress.

The following four programming languages are essential: 

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • PHP (hypertext processor)
  • JavaScript 

17. Can a user host a WordPress website with Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Yes, it is possible to host a WordPress website with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Amazon Lightsail can start the WordPress website on a virtual server.

18. What is a custom field in WordPress?

A custom field is a meta-data that allows users to store arbitrary and random information in their WordPress posts. Extra information can easily be added to the post through a custom field.

19. Mention some of the plugins that come along with WordPress.

Some of these plugins are:

  • Yoast SEO
  • Wordfence Security
  • Akismet
  • Contact Form 7
  • Google Analytics for WordPress

20: What are the essential features a user looks for while choosing a theme?

Theme selection differs from user to user and depends on their requirements, but an ideal theme would not restrict the user to use the number of pages, plugins, or static homepage.

21. What basic steps should a user take when their WordPress website is hacked?

The following steps should be considered-

  • Track down the hack.
  • Contact the web hosting provider.
  • Get an InfoSec expert for help.
  • Download and install a security plugin, for example, WordPress security.

22. How can a user increase WordPress website security?

The following steps can be considered-

  • The user can consider using a secure WordPress hosting provider.
  • Updating the WordPress version.
  • Upgrading the PHP version.
  • Download and install some security plugins.
  • Select a more secure theme for WordPress.

23. Is it possible for a user to create custom post types in WordPress?

Yes, WordPress developers can create custom post types. For instance, if a user runs a Food website and wants to add a custom post type titled “Food.” After it's created, the food post type will have its own menu in the WordPress dashboard admin area. The register_post_type() function may add a custom post type. 

24. Define shortcodes in WordPress.

Shortcodes are small chunks of code placed between brackets, for example, [sampleshortcode], that perform a specific function for a user's site.  A shortcode can be placed anywhere to provide a particular feature to a page, post, or any other content. In other words, Shortcode is a specially formatted text tag that opens and closes with square brackets and can be placed in a post or a page of a user's blog directly. The tag is interpreted on its own by WordPress and allows the user to add extra features without needing to program code.

25. What are WordPress Taxonomies?

Taxonomies are methods of classifying content and data in WordPress. When a user uses a taxonomy, they're grouping similar things together. The taxonomy is the sum of those groups. Along with Post Types, there are various other default taxonomies, and the user can also create their own. In other words, WordPress Taxonomies help in the grouping of content or data together. They allow users to organize and group their posts based on common characteristics. 

26. Under what circumstances, can a user not recommend WordPress to their client?

WordPress cannot be recommended in the following situations:

1. If the client is working on a non-CMS base project

2. If a site demands complex or innovative e-commerce

3. In the case of enterprise intranet solutions

27. Is there any other CMS software better than WordPress? 

WordPress is undoubtedly a good CMS. Drupal, Weebly and Joomla are also among the best CMS a user can work with. Weebly is a great alternative to WordPress as it has a drag-and-drop website builder, a versatile e-commerce store for its users and impressive blogging tools, which makes it an efficient platform for beginners. Joomla and Drupal are also great WordPress alternatives for various news sites, many university and government websites, as well as for corporations.

28. State hooks in WordPress.

Hooks allow a piece of code to modify some other piece of code at particular spots. In other words, a developer can use a hook to change the functionality without needing to edit the WordPress core. They are the foundation for how plugins and themes interact with the WordPress core. WordPress also provides a way for its users where they can define their own custom hooks so that some other developers can hook into their code. The two types of hooks are Action and Filter. 

29. What are meta-tags?

Meta-tags are keywords and descriptions used for displaying the website or page information. Search engines like Google use metadata from meta tags to know additional and relevant information about a webpage. They can make use of this information for ranking purposes, for displaying any snippets in search results, while sometimes, they can just ignore the meta tags. Meta tags include the following :

1. Title tags: This includes the title of a user's page, which has to be unique for every page a user publishes.

2. Meta description: This is a description of the content on a page.

Syntax of meta tags includes the <any title> and <description> elements.

30. What are template tags?

Template tags in WordPress are simple PHP functions that are used to present the data and customize their blog.

Syntax - a template tag is a PHP function, so it contains <? and ?> brace within the tag. Some template tags are get_header(), get_footer(), get_sidebar(), etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a plugin in WordPress?

A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that provides additional functionality to a WordPress website. It enables users to extend and customize the features and capabilities of their website without affecting the WordPress core code.

Q. Which relational database does WordPress use?

WordPress's primary database management system (RDBMS) is MySQL. It stores and retrieves data, including as posts, pages, user information, and plugin configurations, using MySQL. However, with proper setups and plugins, it also supports additional RDBMS alternatives such as MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

Q. Which file type is not accepted in WordPress?

WordPress does not allow file formats that are potentially executable or represent a security concern by default, such as those with extensions like .exe, .php, .bat, .sh, and so on. This is done to prevent malicious code execution and ensure the website's security.


In this article, we have discussed WordPress interview questions. This blog of the top 30 WordPress interview questions and answers serves as a valuable resource for individuals preparing for WordPress-related interviews in 2024. Covering a spectrum of topics from basic WordPress concepts to advanced customization and optimization techniques, these questions aim to assess a candidate's proficiency in WordPress development and management. 

Recommended Readings:

We hope this article helped you in learning WordPress interview questions. You can read more such articles on our platform, Coding Ninjas Studio. You will find articles on almost every topic on our platform. Also, you can practice coding questions at Coding Ninjas to crack good product-based companies. For interview preparations, you can read the Interview Experiences of popular companies.

Also, check out, Zomato Interview Experience to learn about Zomato’s hiring process.

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