Online Compiler

Choose one of the language to run code online

Online Compiler

An Online compiler is a tool that allows you to compile source code and run it in several different programming languages online.

An online compiler is needed for program execution. It converts the text-based source code into an executable representation known as object code. If a compiler is designed to run manually on every system, it will take up more space on the machine. It will also need correct configuration if not loaded with the default options. Most apps and their related interfaces are designed to work online in today's world. Therefore, an online compiler is created.

The main task of an online compiler is to make it easier for any user to build and run programs (which may be written in any language). Moreover, these programs are executed without downloading any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or compiler. There is no requirement for a development kit on the client machine.

Using different online compilers at a single interface allows a programmer to compile and remove all errors and efficiently store the bugs' output.

Naukri Code 360 is the perfect example of an online compiler.

Working of the Online Compiler

An online compiler converts computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another which usually involves converting source code from a high-level programming language to a lower-level language and producing executable code.

On a server, online compilers are hosted and are accessible to clients via web pages. These online compilers use web pages to receive code and programming language as input. Based on the programming language, the server chooses the suitable compiler, which it then uses to compile the supplied code. The compilation results must be parsed by the server before being published to the client that requested the compilation.

The code undergoes the following procedure in an online compiler:

  • Code is written on the code editor on the website.
  • It is then sent from the webpage to the server.
  • The content is saved by the server as a file.
  • The file is processed as though it were a local source file.
  • The result is computed and returned to the website.

Benefits of using Online Compiler

Some benefits of using online compilers are:

  • No Setup is needed.
  • There is no need for configuration.
  • The Administration is not required.
  • It is accessible from any location.
  • It is capable of sharing resources.
  • Collaboration is possible.
  • No hardware restrictions (i.e., a database's capacity is more than your local storage).

Applications of Online Compiler

There are several applications of an online compiler. Some of them are listed below:

  • High-level programming implementation.
  • Computer architecture optimization.
  • Program Translations.
  • Software productivity tools.

Compile and run the compiler programs online

Online compilers are often hosted on a server and accessible to clients via a web page. These online compilers use web pages to receive code and programming language as input. Based on the programming language, the server chooses the suitable online compiler, which it then uses to compile the provided code. The server must parse the compilation results before being published to the client that requested the compilation.

To run a C++ program online:

Code Editor: Use the code editor to write code (with syntax highlighting for more code readability).

RUN: To run a C program, a user can create C++ code in the editor and select the proper online compiler version before clicking the 'RUN' button.

Stdin & stdout: To give input to the C++ code, users may use an online compiler's Standard Input (stdin) terminal. And the output of the code shows on the online compiler's Standard Output (stdout).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Online Compiler?

An online compiler is a web service that compiles and runs your code on their server in a sandboxed environment. It is simple to use with a working internet connection and web browser.


What is the best Online compiler?

Some of the best online compilers are: Online Compiler - Coding Ninjas, Naukri Code 360, Ideone, Repl, OnlineGDB, JDOODLE.


What are the types of Online Compiler?

There are three types of online compilers i.e., Single-pass compilers, Two-pass compilers, and Multipass compilers.
