An online C++ compiler is a web-based tool that allows users to write, compile, and run C++ code directly within the web browser. It offers a convenient platform to test and debug code snippets quickly without any installation or setup. C++ Online editor provides a robust platform to write, compile, and debug C++ code online. 

Introduction to C++

C++ is a versatile and popular programming language known for its capability to develop applications ranging from video games to operating systems. As an extension of the C language, it supports both procedural and object-oriented programming, making it a flexible choice for various projects.

Syntax Help

The syntax of C++ is very similar to that of the C programming language. In C++, we have additional features like classes, objects, and templates. The syntax in C++ follows a strict hierarchy of statements, variables, functions, keywords, operators, and punctuation used to define program structure. C++ is a clear and easy-to-understand language.

1. If-Else Statement:

We use the if statements in C++ to specify the code to be executed only when the given condition is satisfied. Whereas an else statement in C++ is used to specify the code to be executed when the condition is not satisfied. Let's look at the syntax to use an if-else statement -  

//Syntax to use an if-else statement  
if (condition) {
//code to be executed if the condition is satisfied
else {
//code to be executed if the condition is not satisfied

2. Switch Statement:

The switch statements in C++ are very similar to the if-else-if statements. We use Switch statements to specify several parts of codes to be executed simultaneously. Let's look at the syntax to use a switch statement - 

//Syntax to use a Switch statement 
switch (expression) {
case value_1:
// code to be executed if expression = value_1
case value_2:
//code to be executed if expression = value_2
// code to be executed if expression does not equal to either of the cases

3. For Loop:

We use "for loop" in C++ when we know how many times we need to run the loop to get the desired output. Let's look at the syntax to use a for loop -  

//Syntax to use a for loop
for(initialization; condition to be considered; increment/decrement) {
//code to be executed

For example if we want to print numbers from zero to four, we will use the for loop as follows - 

for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
cout<< i << endl;

4. While Loop:

We use while loops in C++ when we are unaware of how many times we will have to use the loop to get the desired output. Hence, a while loop continues executing the code until the given condition is satisfied. Let's look at the syntax to use a while loop -  

//Syntax to use a while loop
while (condition to be considered) {
//code to be executed

5. Do-While Loop:

The do-while loop in C++ works once; if the condition turns out to be true, it will continue as long as it holds true. Let's look at the syntax to use a do-while loop - 

//Syntax to use a do-while loop
do {
//code to be executed
while (condition to be considered);

Main( ) function in C++

The main() function is the entry point of a C++ program. When the program is executed, the code inside the main() function is the first to run. It must return an integer value, typically return 0;, indicating successful execution.

Below is the syntax of the main() function:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
   //Write functions here;
    return 0;

How to Declare Function?

A function in C++ is declared by specifying its name, return type, and parameters. For example - "int add(int x, int y)" declares a function named "add" that considers two parameters, "x" and "y," and returns an integer value. Let's look at the syntax to declare a function -

//syntax to declare a function
[return_type] name_function{parameter_list}
//function body
For example - “int add(int x, int y)” declares a function named “add” that considers two parameters “x” and “y” and returns an integer value. 
// syntax to declare a function named “add”
int add(int x, int y) {
return x+y;

How to Call Function?

A function in C++ is called by writing the function's name followed by the two parentheses and necessary arguments if any and ending it by semicolon ;.  Let's look at the syntax to call a function -

function_name(parameter 1, parameter 2, …parameter n);

For example - Let’s consider a function named “add_numbers” that considers two integers, and returns the sum of the two numbers, we can call the function as -

int result add_numbers(1, 2);

This function will now execute the code and return a specified value. 

How to Define Function?

A function in C++ is defined using “return_type" followed by the function name and then the parameter list. The code is then placed within the curly braces. The definition for the code is given below the function. Let's look at the syntax to define a function -

//syntax to define a function
return_type name_function{parameter_list}
//function body

How to write and Compile C++ Program online?

  • To run a C++ program online, a user can write the code in the Code editor.
  • If the C++ program needs any input, provide it in the Custom Input Window (STDIN).
  • Click on the Run Code button.
  • The compiler currently uses the GNU C++ v5.4 compiler to compile your program and convert it to machine code.
  • The output is displayed on the Output Window (STDOUT) if your code has no errors.
  • Otherwise, the Output Window displays the errors encountered.

Advantages of C++ Online compiler

  1. Accessibility: Access and use from any device with an internet connection.
  2. Zero Setup: No need to install or configure any software.
  3. Instant Feedback: Quickly test and debug small code snippets.
  4. Collaboration: Easily share code with others for real-time collaboration.


This online C++ compiler is provided for educational and non-commercial use only. While Code360 works diligently to make it accurate and user-friendly, we cannot guarantee error-free coding as challenges can occasionally arise with this tool. Code360 is not responsible for any errors in the outcome based on the user's input resulting from using this compiler.