An online PSQL compiler is a web-based platform that allows users to write, edit, and execute PSQL code directly in their browser, without needing to install any software. PSQL compilers typically offer an integrated development environment (IDE) that includes features like syntax highlighting, error checking, code completion, and the ability to see the output of the code in real time.

About PSQL 

PSQL, the interactive terminal for PostgreSQL, is a powerful tool for both developers and administrators. It provides a command-line interface for interacting with a PostgreSQL database. Users can submit SQL statements, and scripts, and can even make use of meta-commands that are not part of the SQL language for tasks like formatting query results or connecting to a different database. Also, it is equipped with features like tab completion, syntax highlighting, and the ability to edit queries in a text editor for a smoother, more efficient workflow. Being a feature of PostgreSQL, an open-source and highly scalable relational database system, PSQL inherits its robustness and capabilities, making it an invaluable tool for managing databases. Whether you are a seasoned database manager or a beginner, PSQL offers the functionalities and flexibility to meet a wide range of needs in database management.

Features of Online PSQL Compiler

  • It can be accessed through any web browser
  • Easy to use interface and supports various libraries.
  • The syntax highlighting feature colours the elements of the code to increase readability.
  • The compiler’s Autocompletion feature accelerates coding by predicting already defined variables/functions and completing code.

Syntax Help

If-Else Statement: 

In the context of SQL or PSQL (PostgreSQL), the if-else logic is often used in functions or stored procedures. Here's a basic example in PSQL:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION example_function(integer) RETURNS integer AS $$
    x alias for $1;
    IF x > 0 THEN
        RETURN x;
        RETURN -x;
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Switch Statement: 

Switch statements aren't natively supported in SQL or PSQL (PostgreSQL). However, equivalent functionality can be achieved using a series of IF-THEN-ELSE statements or using a CASE statement. The CASE statement in SQL performs similar operations as a switch statement in other languages by matching conditions and returning a result when the first match is found.

For Loop:

A basic example of a FOR loop in PL/pgSQL is as follows:

DO $$
   FOR i IN 1..5 LOOP
      RAISE NOTICE '%', i;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This loop would output the numbers 1 through 5. The RAISE NOTICE command is similar to print() in Python—it's used to output messages.

While Loop: 

In the context of PSQL (PostgreSQL), loops are generally used in PL/pgSQL, PostgreSQL's procedural language. A basic example of a WHILE loop in PL/pgSQL is as follows

DO $$
   i integer := 0;
   WHILE i < 5 LOOP
      RAISE NOTICE '%', i;
      i := i + 1;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

In this PL/pgSQL script, as long as i is less than 5, the loop will continue to raise a notice with i's value and then increment i by 1. When i is no longer less than 5, the loop will stop.

Do-While Loop: 

PostgreSQL's procedural language, PL/pgSQL, does not support a "do-while" loop natively. You can, however, mimic do-while loop behaviour using a loop and an exit when clause:

DO $$
   i integer := 0;
      RAISE NOTICE '%', i;
      i := i + 1;
      EXIT WHEN NOT i < 5;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

In this PL/pgSQL script, the LOOP-END LOOP structure provides a loop that executes indefinitely, and the EXIT WHEN statement is used to break the loop when i is no longer less than 5. This simulates the behaviour of a do-while loop.

Functions in PSQL

  1. Declare Function 
  2. Call Function

How to Declare Function?

In PostgreSQL (PSQL), you declare a function using the CREATE FUNCTION SQL command. This is often done within the PL/pgSQL procedural language. Here's the basic syntax:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION function_name(parameter datatype, ...)
RETURNS return_datatype AS $$
    -- variable declarations
    -- function body
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

function_name: Name of the function.

parameter datatype: The parameters that the function will accept, along with their data types.

return_datatype: The data type that the function will return.

DECLARE: (Optional) Area where you declare any variables for use in the function.

BEGIN ... END: The body of the function where the actual logic is implemented.

LANGUAGE plpgsql: Specifies that this function is written in the PL/pgSQL language.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_numbers(a integer, b integer)
RETURNS integer AS $$
    RETURN a + b;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This function takes two integers as input and returns their sum. To use this function, you would use a SELECT statement like this:

SELECT add_numbers(5, 10);

This would return 15 as the output.

How to call Function?

To call a function in PostgreSQL (PSQL), you use a SELECT statement, just like querying data from a table.

Here is the general syntax:

SELECT function_name(arguments);


Given the earlier example of a function add_numbers which adds two integers, to call this function you would do:

SELECT add_numbers(5, 10);

If the function does not take any arguments, you would still need to include the parentheses (). For example, if you have a function get_date that returns the current date:

SELECT get_date();

Note that in some contexts, you can also use the function directly in the FROM clause or as part of a larger expression. How exactly you call a function will depend on what it returns and what you want to do with the result.

Working on the Online PSQL compiler (IDE)

The Online Psql Compiler, also known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), is a web-based platform that provides a user-friendly interface for writing, compiling, and executing PostgreSQL (Psql) scripts. Here's a step-by-step look at how it works:

1. Code Writing: Users start by writing PSQL scripts directly in the online editor. The online compiler offers syntax highlighting to increase code readability and auto-completion for faster coding. Users can also choose to import existing SQL scripts.

2. Compilation: After writing the code, users can compile it with a single click. The online PSQL compiler translates the high-level SQL scripts into a format that the database server can understand.

3. Error Detection: If there are syntax errors or logical errors in the code, the compiler highlights them and provides clear and detailed error messages. This feature allows users to debug their code in real-time.

4. Execution: Once the code is compiled successfully, users can run the script. The Online Psql Compiler provides a simulated database environment for executing the scripts. The output is then displayed on the screen, providing instant feedback to the user.

5. Code Sharing: Users can share their scripts with others for collaboration or troubleshooting purposes. This feature is especially useful for teams working remotely or for users seeking help from the online community.

6. Learning Resources: The online Psql compiler also provides learning resources like tutorials, example scripts, and documentation to help users understand and master Psql scripting.

7. Security: The online PSQL compiler operates in a sandboxed environment, ensuring that the execution of user's scripts does not harm the server or impact other users. 

Overall, the Online PSQL Compiler simplifies and streamlines the process of writing, debugging, and executing Psql scripts, making it an essential tool for both beginner and experienced PostgreSQL developers.

How to write and run the PSQL program online

​​Writing and running a Psql (PostgreSQL) program online involves using an online PostgreSQL compiler or interpreter. Here is a simple step-by-step process:

  1. Find an Online PSQL Compiler: Search for an Online PSQL compiler or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that supports PostgreSQL. Some examples include JDoodle, Paiza.IO, and DB-Fiddle.
  2. Write the PSQL Program: Once you've chosen an online compiler, write your PSQL script in the provided text editor. For instance, a simple PSQL program to create a table might look like this:
CREATE TABLE students (
    name VARCHAR(100),
    age INTEGER

3. Compile and Run the Program: After you've written your PSQL script, click the 'Run', 'Execute', or similar buttons to compile and run your script. The online compiler will execute the SQL commands in your script and display any output or error messages.

4. Interpret the Results: If your script includes queries that return data, the online compiler should display this data as output. If there are any errors in your script, the compiler will usually display an error message that can help you debug your script.

5. Iterate as Needed: If your script didn't work as expected, or if you're developing a more complex program, you'll need to iterate on your script: modifying it, running it again, and interpreting the results until it works as expected.

Please note that while online compilers are great for learning and simple projects, they may lack the full features and performance of a local PostgreSQL installation, and they are not typically used for handling sensitive data due to privacy and security concerns. Always be cautious about the data you input into online tools.

Benefits of using Online PSQL compiler

1. Convenience: An online PSQL compiler enables you to write, compile, and run PostgreSQL scripts directly in your web browser without needing to install PostgreSQL or set up a local database.

2. Platform Independence: Since the compiler is web-based, you can use it from any device with an internet connection, whether it's running Windows, MacOS, Linux, or a mobile OS.

3. Real-Time Compilation and Execution: The compiler allows you to execute your scripts instantly, facilitating a fast feedback loop that can speed up development and debugging.

4. Collaboration and Sharing: Many online compilers offer features that facilitate collaboration, like sharing of scripts, which can be particularly useful for remote teams or for seeking help from the online community.

5. Educational Resources: Online compilers often come with tutorials, example scripts, and detailed documentation, making them a great resource for learning SQL and PostgreSQL.

6. Simulated Database Environment: An online PSQL compiler typically provides a simulated database environment for executing your scripts, which can be a helpful learning and testing tool, particularly for those new to PostgreSQL.

Applications of Online PSQL Compiler

1. Learning and Education: The Online PSQL Compiler is a great tool for students and professionals looking to learn and master SQL and PostgreSQL, thanks to the educational resources and immediate feedback it provides.

2. Prototyping and Testing: Developers can use it to quickly prototype and test SQL scripts or functions. The immediate feedback and error reporting can expedite the development and debugging process.

3. Remote Collaboration: The ability to share scripts enables collaboration among team members located in different places. It's also useful for educators to share scripts with students or for community members to share scripts when seeking help online.

4. Database Query Testing: The online compiler provides a simulated database environment, making it a valuable tool for testing database queries, studying their effects, and optimizing them without risk to actual data.

5. Job Interviews: During job interviews for database-related roles, interviewers can use an Online PSQL compiler to have candidates write, explain, and run SQL scripts as part of the assessment process.

6. Teaching and Workshops: Instructors can use the Online PSQL compiler in teaching sessions or workshops to demonstrate SQL concepts, run examples in real-time, and let participants experiment with SQL commands in a safe, controlled environment.


This online PSQL compiler is provided for educational and non-commercial use only. While Code 360 works diligently to make it accurate and user-friendly, we cannot guarantee error-free coding as challenges can occasionally arise with this tool. Code 360 is not responsible for any errors in the outcome based on the input by the user resulting from the use of this compiler.