The first line of input contains an integer ‘T’ representing the number of test cases.
The first line of each test case contains three integers: ‘N’ denoting the number of coins, integer ‘A’, integer ‘B’ denoting the number of coins each player can take in a turn.
For each test case, return one integer 0 or 1. return 1, if X wins the coin game, or return 0, if Y wins the coin game.
You do not need to print anything. It has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= N <= 10^5
Time limit: 1 sec
The idea is to try every possible option, and see who wins the game. ‘X’ start’s the game and has 3 options, to choose ‘A’ or ‘B’ or 1 coin. Similarly, ‘Y’ makes a move and so on. The player who is not able to move further loses the coin game.
Let’s denote the total coins we have by NO_OF_COINS, and Player X is playing the game, X will always try to reach a point from where Y cannot win. So, we are checking all three options which X can reach, and if we can reach a point from where the other player cannot win we return true otherwise we return false.
The algorithm is as follows :
The idea is to use a dynamic programming paradigm to improve the previous approach and see who wins the game. ‘X’ starts the game and has 3 options, to take ‘A’ coins or ‘B’ coins or 1 coin. Similarly, ‘Y’ makes a move and so on. The player who is not able to move further loses the coin game. After each step, we cache the result. And now we are going to use this cached result to avoid solving the same subproblem more than once.
Let’s say if we have some ‘NO_OF_COINS’, and Player ‘X’ is playing the game, ‘X’ will always try to reach a point from where ‘Y’ cannot win. So, we are checking all three options, we can reach a point from where the other player cannot win we return true otherwise we return false.
The algorithm is as follows :
The idea is to use a dynamic programming paradigm, and see who wins the game. ‘X’ start’s the game and has 3 options, to choose ‘A’ or ‘B’ or 1 coin. Similarly, ‘Y’ makes a move and so on. The player who is not able to move further loses the coin game. We solve in a bottom-up manner from 0 to 'NO_OF_COINS' coins and calculate our ans.
Let’s say if we have some i coins, and Player ‘X’ is playing the game, ‘X’ will always try to reach a point from where ‘Y’ cannot win. So, we are checking all three options, we can reach a point from where the other player cannot win we return true otherwise we return false.
The algorithm is as follows :