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Last Updated: 17 Dec, 2020

Implement strStr()

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Problem statement

You are given two strings A and B. Find the index of the first occurrence of A in B. If A is not present in B, then return -1.

For Example:
A = “bc”, B = “abcddbc”.
String “A” is present at index 1, and 5(0-based index), but we will return 1 as it is the first occurrence of “A” in string “B”.
Follow Up:
Can you solve this in linear time and space complexity?
Input format:
The first line contains an integer 'T' which denotes the number of test cases or queries to be run. Then, the T test cases follow.

The first and only line of each test case contains two strings A and B, separated by a single space.
Output format:
For each test case, print the index of the first occurrence of A in B, if string A is not present in string B then print -1.
You do not need to print anything. It has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
1 <= T <= 100
1 <= |A|, |B| <= 5 * 10^4 

Time limit: 1 second


01 Approach

  • If the length of B is less than the length of A, then we simply return -1.
  • Now let’s denote the length of A as M and the length of B as N.
  • Now, we run a loop from 0 to N - M and for each index i in the range of 0 to N - M, we run another loop from 0 to M. Let’s denote this inner loop counter as j.
  • Then match the characters at (i + j)th index of B with (j)th index of A. If at any point characters mismatch, then we break the inner loop and increment i by 1. If all these characters match, and we are out of the inner loop, then we return i, as it is the index of the first occurrence of A in B.
  • If we reach at the end of the outer loop, then we return -1, as A is not present in B.

02 Approach

In the brute force approach, for each index of the string B, we check for the next M characters, and whenever we find a mismatch, we move one index ahead in string B. By doing this, we may have to check for the same characters again and again and the time complexity increases to O(N * M) in the worst case, where M and N are the lengths of strings A and B respectively.


However, by using the KMP algorithm, we precompute the LPS(Longest Proper Prefix that is also a Suffix) array of length M. So, we already know some of the characters in the next window. In this way, we avoid checking the same matching characters again and again.


  • If the length of B is less than the length of A, then we simply return -1.
  • We first compute the LPS array i.e call the function i.e kmpPreProcess(A, M).
  • Keep two pointers i and j. Initialise both of them to 0.
  • Run a loop while i is less than N and j is less than M, where M and N are the lengths of A and B respectively.
  • If the ith character of B matches with the jth character of A, then increment both i and j.
  • If the ith character of B doesn’t match with the jth character of A, then check the value of j i.e
    • If j > 0, then j redirects to lps[j - 1]. Else, increment i by
  • Finally, when we come out of the loop, then check whether the value of j is equal to M. If j is equal to M, then return i - j, else return -1.


For calculating the lps array:


  • Create an lps array of size M, where M is the length of string A and initialize all elements in the array to 0.
  • Keep two pointers i and j. Initialise i as 1 and j as 0.
  • Run a loop till i < M, and do:
    • If the ith index of A matches with the jth index of A, then store the value j + 1 at lps[i] and increment both i and j.
    • If the ith index of A doesn’t match with the jth index of A, then check whether j > 0. If j > 0, then j redirects to lps[j - 1], else mark lps[i] as 0 and increment i by 1.