Last Updated: 6 Feb, 2021

Segregate Even And Odd Nodes In a Linked List

Asked in companies
OlaPaytm (One97 Communications Limited)Dunzo

Problem statement

You are given the head node of a singly linked list 'head'. Your task is to modify the linked list in such a way that all the even valued nodes appear before the all odd valued node and order of nodes remain the same.

Example :-
The given singly linked list is  6 -> 5 -> 3 -> 4 -> 7 -> 1 -> 2 


The modified linked list should have all even values in starting and odd values in the end.
Input Format :-
The first line contains space-separated integers denoting the values of nodes of the Linked List. The Linked List is terminated with -1. Hence, -1 is never a node value of the Linked List.
Output Format :-
Print space-separated integers denoting the elements of the modified linked list.
Note :-
You do not need to print anything; it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.


01 Approach

The basic idea is to divide the linked list into two parts - odd and even. The even linked list will contain only nodes whose value is even and vice - versa for the odd linked list. Finally, we will attach the odd linked list after the even linked list.




  • Use four pointers ‘evenStart =null’, ‘oddStart =null’, ‘evenLast =null’, ‘oddLast =null’.
  • Copy the ‘head’ of the linked list in ‘current= head’ variable.
  • Iterate the linked list while it’s not null:
    • Let our current node be ‘currVal’. Then ‘currVal= current->val’.
    • If ( currVal %2==0 ), then it is a part of the even values linked list.
      • if( evenStart==null) then it is the first node of the even values linked list.
        • We set the variables ‘evenStart= current’ and ‘evenEnd= evenStart’
      • Else, even values linked list has already some nodes so-
        • Add ‘evenEnd ->next =current’ and ‘evenEnd= evenEnd’
  • Else then it is a part of odd values linked list.
    • if( oddStart==null) then it is the first node of odd values linked list.
      • We set the variables ‘oddStart= current’ and ‘oddEnd= oddStart’
    • Else, odd linked list has already some nodes so-
      • Add ‘oddEnd ->next =current’ and ‘oddEnd= oddEnd’
  • Now we have created two even and odd separate linked list(ll),
  • if(oddStart == null or evenStart == null), it means we don't need to do anything just return the linked list ‘head’.
  • Else concatenate the both even and odd linked list with ‘head’ by-
    • evenEnd ->next = oddStart
    • oddEnd -> next = null
    • head= endStart
  • We finally return ‘head’